Reborn multinational giant

Chapter 772

The terrible results on the first day of the public beta of the glory of the king shocked peers and netizens in the industry.

The data of the next three-day holiday on New Year\'s Day shocked and numbed peers and netizens to the glory of the king.

On the first day of new year\'s day, many office workers on holiday finally had time to play the glory of the king. On that day, more than 8 million registered users were added to the glory of the king, most of them were reserved players who failed to play the glory of the king at the first time.

At 20:32 that night, the highest number of people online at the same time in "glory of the king" broke another record, reaching 6.43 million, with more than 20 million active players and 860 million daily water!

On the second day of new year\'s day, more than 4.3 million new registered users were added, and the active players on that day remained more than 20 million, with a daily flow of 650 million!

On the third day of new year\'s day, more than 3 million registered users were added, with more than 15 million active players and 420 million daily water!

From the first day of the public beta of the glory of the king to the end of the three-day holiday on New Year\'s day, more accurately, in the three days and 12 hours, the glory of the king has accumulated more than 33 million registered users and 2.95 billion running water!

In less than 4 days, the running water is about 3 billion!

This terrible data has directly refreshed the cognition of many game peers and laymen on the ability of making money!

"Now, copy it for me according to the glory of the king. What do you do with it? Then change the skin and replace the hero and world background with Greek mythology and two-dimensional element. If you don\'t imitate some marvelous heroes like iron man, you will certainly make money!" the boss of a game company in Yanjing gave a scolding lecture to his subordinates.

"Look, boss Wang, our game is the same as the glory of the king just launched by Huizhong these two days.

Have you heard of the glory of the king?

On this new year\'s day, it made 3 billion yuan. If you want to invest in such a game, you must not make crazy! "In the rich office building of a coal mine group in Xishan Province, two producers claiming to be from a game factory in Yanjing flickered to a fat, big bellied middle-aged man in front of them.

After new year\'s day, on the first working day in the United States, shortly after the opening of the New York stock market, Huizhong\'s share price jumped by more than 5 percentage points. Huizhong\'s intraday maximum market value was close to $600 billion, less than $10 billion from Apple\'s market value of $608.3 billion!

Many securities funds and investment banks have raised Huizhong\'s target share price again.

According to the analysis, it is conservatively estimated that the game "glory of the king" alone is enough to increase Huizhong\'s annual profit by more than 5 percentage points!

Since the new year\'s day of 2016, the game "glory of the king" has become the representative of Huizhong at the peak of the mobile game industry, and has also become a benchmark and monument to be worshipped by the mobile game industry in China and even the world!

After new year\'s day, a new year has come. It is only more than a month away from the traditional Chinese New Year and Spring Festival.

While many players were fighting on the battlefield of the glory of the king, the alpha team in Huizhong future research institute also sent a team to Europe and France by special plane with many equipment and equipment, ready to start an alternative fight and contest!

Piriac, a French coastal city adjacent to the Atlantic Ocean, is one of the French favorite holiday cities.

It is also the headquarters of the French Go Association.

Go, an ancient board game originated in China, is known as the most difficult and complex board game in the world. After thousands of years of development, dissemination and diffusion, it has taken root all over the world and accumulated many lovers.

In France, there are more than 10000 chess players who can play go, of which more than 2000 are members of the French Go Association.

The French Go Association also holds go competitions every year to attract go lovers from France and Europe.

In addition, the French go team, mainly composed of members of the French Go Association, has also maintained the throne of the champions of the European go League for many years!

Fan Hui, a Frenchman of Chinese origin, is a professional second stage go player. At the same time, he is also the head coach of the French go team. The alpha team of Huizhong came to France this time, just following him.

On the afternoon of January 12, European time, at the gate of the headquarters of the French Go Association, Dominic, President of the French Go Association, fan Hui, head coach and several main principals of the association were waiting for the arrival of the Huizhong team.

Before long, a black SUV led a beige minibus to stop in front of several people.

Several Chinese people with European faces and seven or eight Asian faces got out of the two cars, four or five of them carrying bags or all kinds of equipment.

Several people hurried to meet him.

"Mr. Liu, Mr. Andre, welcome to the French Go Association!" Dominic said first.

"Excuse me, Ms. Dominic!" the middle-aged man called Mr. Liu said politely in fluent French. He is a technical backbone of Huizhong alpha team and the main person in charge of the trip.

After a burst of courtesy, the two sides entered the headquarters of the Go Association.

The headquarters of the French Go Association is simple and simple, with only two floors. The lower floor is open and empty, with some tables, checkerboards, water dispensers, etc. it is usually used for chess players to play games and hold competitions, and there are several simple offices and utility rooms on the upper floor.

Although the French Go Association is simple, it does not prevent chess players who love go from gathering here to play chess with each other.

At this moment, there are two or three groups of chess players playing on the chessboard in the hall, and several people are also playing go with their laptops on.

In addition, there were more than a dozen people watching or waiting in the hall. They all heard that head coach fan Hui was going to compete with robots today and specially came to watch the excitement.

Today is the Internet age. No matter go or other chess or traditional game items, they can basically play online conveniently. Many chess players who are too lazy to go out or find their opponents will choose to match their opponents online.

It was supposed that Huizhong alpha team could also arrange the battle between alpha and fan Hui online.

However, in order to avoid any accidents and pay attention to the game, the alpha team chose to come all the way to France to face fan Hui.

Soon, the alpha team set up relevant equipment in the hall on the first floor. The equipment was directly connected to the alpha brain in Yanjing, China through an encrypted satellite wireless network.

After fan Hui took his seat, Mr. Liu also sent a young member of the alpha team to act as alpha\'s "arm" and play a game with fan Hui.

"OK, the equipment has been debugged and can start!"

Under the gaze of the crowd around, an alpha team member looked up and reported to Mr. Liu after checking the parameters on his laptop.

"OK, ready to start!"