Reborn multinational giant

Chapter 770

Jackson and his girlfriend Laura both entered the police station.

Meanwhile, the Paris police and Kuai\'an Travel Europe Branch will also launch different lawsuits against them because they are suspected of multiple crimes such as crimes against public security and fraud.

Jackson\'s YouTube has been blocked, but the live video of his death was saved by the audience who watched the live broadcast at that time, edited into various versions and spread everywhere on the Internet.

At first, the netizens who didn\'t know what was inside were filled with righteous indignation and indignation when they saw the clip of the driver invading the female passenger in the video.

Later, some netizens revealed that the driver used the just launched Chinese taxi software kuaan travel, and the spearhead of netizens began to turn to kuaan travel.

Later, the driver was arrested on the spot by the police. The driver Jackson was an anchor and the passenger was his girlfriend Lola. After the truth of their acting was revealed, the netizens pointed at Jackson and his girlfriend.

"This anchor is really shameless. He even came up with such an unlimited move in order to attract attention. His girlfriend is also stupid. He even cooperates with her in this kind of thing!"

"YouTube has allowed such anchors to exist, and has not fulfilled its regulatory responsibility at all!"

"Fortunately, YouTube has blocked him now! And he has been arrested in the police station!"

"Praise the Paris police. The last two policemen pointed guns at Jackson\'s head. It\'s so handsome!"

"I think we should also praise the taxi software of Kuai\'an travel. It took less than 5 minutes from Jackson stopping the car to the police. The response of the platform to passenger safety was too timely!"

"Yes, I specially downloaded and registered Kuai\'an travel today. In fact, it has various security measures such as adding contact methods, sharing itinerary to family and friends, an extra large 911 alarm button and so on, if not in the video

Lola is acting with her boyfriend. Any ordinary person would have called the police long ago, and the platform will certainly respond faster! "

"Tonight is Christmas Eve. I didn\'t dare to go out to play, but I was suddenly relieved to see the reaction speed of the Paris police and the considerate taxi software!"

"Kuai\'an travel has strict screening and review of drivers. Those with criminal records and bad habits are not allowed to be Kuai\'an drivers. It is certain that even if Jackson comes out of prison in the future, he will have no chance to make money and fool around by being a Kuai\'an driver!"

"Such scum should be locked up in prison for a lifetime!"

Netizens praised the Paris police and Kuai\'an travel for a while.

Just one Christmas, Kuai\'an travel has more than 2 million registered users and more than 50000 registered drivers throughout Europe!

"Shit, these clowns also sent 100000 US dollars to the Paris police as a reward to the police on that day. This is obviously a bribe!"

Tibote Simpal, general manager of Uber French market, Uber French branch, angrily threw the newspaper on the table.

As the world\'s two largest taxi software companies, Uber and kuaan travel have always regarded each other as their biggest enemies and thorns.

Seeing that Uber\'s plan to enter the Asian market is ready, kuaan travel is one step ahead to enter the European market.

It\'s just a matter of marching. As soon as I came in, there was such a live event that caused a sensation in France and even half of Europe. The timely response of Paris police and Kuai\'an travel made users praise them constantly.

These days, many YouTube bloggers who follow the trend and rub hot spots want to test whether Uber is as safe as Kuai\'an travel.

The result is very unsatisfactory.

"There is no alarm button on Uber."

"Uber has always been an artificial customer service with intellectual disabilities. If you want to call artificial customer service, you can\'t get through!"

"Take a taxi with Uber. Even if the driver gets off to have a meal, Uber doesn\'t care. It will only charge you continuously!"

"My God, Uber\'s driver took me around half of Paris, and Uber officials didn\'t respond!"

"I\'m sitting in Uber. The driver has been staring at me from the rearview mirror. Would you like me to call the police now? I\'m so scared! Woo woo!"

Make complaints about Uber\'s various Tucao, Parr is irritable. Before rush to travel to Europe, Uber is the boss and ruler of the European market. Passengers and drivers can not feel the difference without comparison.

Now, in contrast, Uber\'s lack of success in security has been exposed all at once.

Even if users give bad comments, the main problem now is that many Uber users and drivers begin to transfer and go to Kuai\'an travel.

This changes, at least half of the 2 million new users and 50000 drivers of Kuai\'an travel are lost by Uber!

Upset Simpal can only report the problems and current situation faced by Paris, France and even the whole Europe to Uber\'s US headquarters. Qi hopes that the US headquarters can come up with coping strategies and plans as soon as possible. The most basic thing is to update uberapp and add some security measures first!

To tell the truth, after seeing so many comparisons between Uber and Kuai\'an travel on the Internet, even Simpal himself dared not let her daughter call Uber again and preferred Kuai\'an travel.

If playing Kuai\'an travel is a heavily armed Knight who protects passengers all the time, playing Uber is equivalent to exposing passengers to strange drivers.

Because of an unexpected live broadcast event, Kuai\'an\'s first step into Europe was steady and smooth. In order to publicize that Paris has escaped from the shadow of terrorist attack and become a safe and romantic city again, the Paris police mentioned their excellent cases of timely response on many occasions.


The time has come to the end of 2015. The noise in Paris and Europe is only an occasional news for Chinese netizens.

Just after seeing that Kuai\'an travel, a Chinese software, has made great achievements in Europe this time, netizens with a trace of pride point a praise or leave a message to make fun of it.

"Uber has provided taxi service in Europe for so long that it doesn\'t even have basic safety protection measures. It\'s really urgent for the safety of European passengers. Kuai\'an can\'t be proud. There are still incidents of harassing female passengers every summer. Kuai\'an has to work harder!"

"Kuai\'an has finally entered the European market, and the pace of globalization of Chinese companies is becoming more and more powerful!"

"I heard that Uber was going to enter the Chinese market at the beginning of next year and wanted to experience it. Now after reading this news, I suddenly feel that I\'d better go out with Kuai\'an! I\'m so good-looking, but I don\'t trust you smelly men at all!"

Cross the news.

On December 31, millions of Chinese netizens, especially those who love playing games and those who made an appointment in advance for the public beta of the glory of the king, focused on one thing:

"Glory of the king" beta!