Reborn multinational giant

Chapter 769

In recent years, multiple factors such as the European refugee crisis and economic depression have led to a worse and worse security environment in Europe, and many places in Europe have been affected by terrorist attacks.

Many young girls dare not even go out at night.

This is especially true of Paris, a city that just suffered a terrorist attack that shocked the world more than a month ago.

Although the streets are full of patrolling police near Christmas, the streets of Paris at night are still much colder than before Christmas.

At more than 12 o\'clock at night, Jackson appeared on the streets of Paris in a Renault Clio with his girlfriend Lola.

As a YouTube blogger with more than 7 million fans, Jackson has always attracted the audience\'s attention through various bold and exciting live street experiments.

He touched the buttocks of strange female passers-by in the street, dragged the chairs of customers who were eating in open-air restaurants, and even killed the hats of police patrolling by. It was through this kind of temptation on the edge of death that Jackson won the attention of a large number of viewers.

This time, Jackson\'s street experiment goal has become to challenge whether the safety system of fast and safe travel, the newly launched Chinese taxi software, is as safe as advertised in the streets!

If not, well, hehe, he believes that his fans who are hostile to China will not miss the opportunity to make a mockery of it, publicize and hype it on the Internet, and let the Chinese software company go back to China!

Even, he thought of taking this opportunity to pay a lawyer to file a lawsuit against the Chinese software company. When he got a lot of money, he also took the opportunity to hype himself and make himself more famous!

Jackson drove his car and stopped at an intersection. First, he let himself wear coquettish and exposed. A pair of balls in front of his chest made the man\'s drooling girlfriend Lola get out of the car and wait on the roadside.

Then he drove forward and turned around, turned on his mobile phone for live broadcasting and began to broadcast the video.

"Hello, guys, I\'m your bravest street artist Jackson.

Today, our challenge is to test whether a newly launched Chinese taxi software is as safe as it claims in the advertisement!

I think many people have seen this Chinese taxi software called kuaan travel in the streets, shopping malls, buses or subway stations recently! "

Jackson made an introduction, and many people have poured into his studio.

Although it is late at night, there are still many night owls who stay up late to watch the live broadcast. Many fans entering the live broadcast room revel or scold kuaan travel and China in the live broadcast room.

In less than 10 minutes, the number of people watching the live broadcast has exceeded 50000.

Seeing that his popularity was almost the same, Jackson began to introduce today\'s challenge while driving:

"Later, my girlfriend Lola will pretend to be a passenger to place an order. I will use another mobile phone as the driver to answer the order, and then I will imitate a rogue to harass her in the car. Then we will know whether this Chinese software company is as safe as it advertises!"

Listening to Jackson\'s endless challenge, the fans in the live studio not only didn\'t feel wrong and blame, but were excited to constantly swipe the screen or reward.

Even, many netizens said to let Jackson pretend to be real and find a real female passenger to harass.

Jackson directly ignored this message comment. Although he broadcast death challenges live, he was not stupid enough to really send himself to the number.

Jackson chatted with his fans to liven up the atmosphere. On the other hand, Lola, standing on the street, turned on her mobile phone and began to order a taxi.

On the interface, the software prompts her to add contacts and share her itinerary with her family or friends. It is suggested that she sit in the back and turn on the whole journey recording monitoring to ensure safety. Lola directly ignores it.

Destination, Juliet bar 5km away, confirm the call!


"OK, guys, Laura\'s order has been made, and the system has automatically assigned it to me. It seems that I\'m the only quick safety driver around here! Let\'s pick her up!"

Jackson excitedly swiped the screen in a crowd of netizens, drove to Lola and picked her up.

"Why are you so late? I\'m freezing to death outside!" Lola, who just sat in the co pilot, complained.

"Sorry, baby, it took some time to say hello to the fans! Let\'s go now. The destination of your order is Juliet bar. We just went to have a drink!"

While driving, Jackson began to touch his girlfriend\'s thigh dishonestly.

The fans in the studio were excited.

"I said, baby, you are a stranger now, and you can make complaints about it. Don\'t make a look of enjoyment!" Jackson looked at his girlfriend\'s expression.

Laura gave him a white look. If a normal female passenger encountered such a scale of harassment, she would have directly pressed the huge alarm button on Kuai\'an travel and dialed 911. However, in order to cooperate with her boyfriend\'s live broadcast to attract attention, Laura would not do so.

Lola began to pretend to resist, shouted and patted Jackson\'s big hand.

In order to further imitate the hooligans, Jackson began to park his car on the roadside.

The audience in the studio was even more excited.

Jackson leaned over the co pilot\'s Lola and planned to make a more upgraded action. At the same time, he mocked the live camera:

"Look, brothers, my actions have reached this level. Where is the so-called security of this spicy chicken Chinese software?"

Just after Jackson said this, his mobile phone equipped with Kuai\'an Travel software sent a prompt tone: "you have stayed in abnormal road conditions for more than 10 seconds. In order to ensure the safety of passengers, we will send confirmation information to passengers. If you stay for more than 30 seconds, we will turn on the voice monitoring in the car according to the safety regulations."

Jackson smiled sarcastically. It\'s useless to interfere with this boring hint!

While watching Jackson\'s live broadcast excitedly, the audience in the live broadcast room cursed that kuaan travel, a Chinese software, didn\'t live up to its name.

Lola, who is working hard with her boyfriend to perform, can\'t do more security confirmation on her mobile phone.

After 20 seconds, Jackson\'s mobile phone sent out a prompt tone again: "you have stayed in abnormal road conditions for more than 30 seconds, we will turn on the voice monitoring in the car, and our security personnel will also contact the passengers."

Jackson killed the application process of Kuai\'an travel and turned off his mobile phone at the same time!

"Guys, the challenge proves that this is a piece of junk Chinese software. It doesn\'t achieve the security it says! We want to block it and resist it!"

Jackson announced loudly to the audience in the studio.

The excited audience constantly swiped the screen and cursed the Chinese software of kuaan travel!

At the same time, many people and instigators let Jackson continue. The acting is about to play a full set. All kinds of rewards and gifts are brushed on the screen in the live studio!

Seeing that Jackson was so popular, he was thinking of making more efforts to act and bring the audience\'s mood. Suddenly, there was a harsh alarm in his ear. Jackson, who had planned to go further, hurried back to the main driver\'s seat and opened the window to check the situation.

Outside the window, two police cars had surrounded his car in the middle.

Before Jackson could turn off the live broadcast, two policemen were standing outside the car window, one left and one right with guns aimed at his forehead!