Reborn multinational giant

Chapter 77

"Moreover, there are more and more page tour platforms on the market, and the competition is becoming more and more fierce. The user acquisition cost of each platform is increasing. If we do the same with them, the operation cost will be higher and higher until one day we can\'t make ends meet." Li Yifei didn\'t go on. Going on is nothing more than a result, and the platform died.

"Therefore, I think our platform must start from these two points if it wants to strengthen its viability and competitiveness.

First, that is, players. We must ensure that players can stay on our platform. As long as players can stay and accumulate, there will be a number of potential players no matter what kind of games we operate.

Over time, players rely on our platform rather than a certain game. As long as we can provide players with fun games, it is difficult for them to lose or have a high probability of staying.

The second is the player acquisition cost. I have checked the advertising of some companies that used to do SP business after they transformed into a page game platform. Basically, they are mainly delivered through various online advertising alliances, whether it is various video websites, novel websites, news websites or some individual websites. Personally, I think this advertising mode is still too scattered , the efficiency is too low. If we can study this area well, I think the cost should be reduced a lot. "

Li Yifei said these two points, picked up the water cup on the tea table, drank two mouthfuls, and stopped talking. He was very confident in what he had just said. I believe these two points are enough to prove his personal ability to Fang Zhe.

Fang zhe smiled and praised, "that\'s right! I agree with you on these two points."

Fang zhe agrees with Li Yifei\'s two points. The first is to accumulate users, which is basically the key for every Internet company to become bigger. The second is to reduce costs. From his words, Fang zhe has heard two popular concepts in the future Internet industry, big data mining and precision marketing.

Li Yifei is worthy of being the boss of a listed company in his previous life. Even if he hasn\'t started a business yet, his vision has exceeded that of many people.

"I don\'t know if President Li has a more specific implementation plan here?" Fang zhe asked. The two points Li Yifei said seemed very good, but in fact, there was only direction and no strategy, which was very empty.

"These two points have just been figured out by me during this period of time. We have to study how to implement them together." Li Yifei was really honest and directly said that he had no specific implementation plan at present.

Fang zhe nodded. You don\'t have a plan. I just started performing. I don\'t have any ink in my belly when I\'m the boss. How can I convince my men?

"All right, then I\'ll go on along with President Li\'s two points. If there\'s anything wrong, we can discuss and correct it."

Zheng Siwen and Li Yifei both focused their attention on Fang Zhe. Zheng Siwen trusted Fang zhe very much. As early as he was still in school, he could talk about the development of the mobile phone industry with himself. He had also analyzed the mobile Internet industry in his business plan before. Now they want to do page games themselves. How could Fang zhe not have studied it.

Li Yifei, for the first time, directly listened to Fang Zhe\'s analysis of strategic issues such as industry trends and development planning. He also wanted to see if his boss\'s vision and strategy were worth his best to follow.

"President Li just said two points, one is to accumulate users and the other is to reduce the cost of obtaining users." Fang zhe made a summary first, and Li Yifei nodded after listening.

Fang zhe added:

"The first point is to accumulate users. From the current situation in the industry, one of the reasons why the platform can\'t retain users is that everyone is engaged in intermodal transportation, and more than a dozen platforms push one game. In this way, if the player thinks the platform is bad, he can change a platform and then play the game.

Moreover, only a small part of the total game users are platform users. The larger platform developers can also open a single group of servers for operation, and the smaller ones can only share a group of servers. Whether it\'s a large platform or a small platform, it\'s very troublesome to open a game activity or make an update according to the player\'s feedback. The developers need to unify more than a dozen platforms Opinion reference, small platforms may not even have a voice. "

Fang zhe paused and said:

"" second, the current platforms all want to make fast money and guide a group of users to share a wave of money. Few consider long-term operation. Basically, we are tired of playing this game, and then change a game to continue advertising and guide users.

This kind of operation is simple. Just talk to the R & D business about the agent, set up the server, and then advertise everywhere, waiting for the money. But now the advertising cost has gone up, and the user acquisition cost has gone up. The profit space is getting smaller and smaller. Over time, it will fall into a vicious circle. "

Zheng Siwen and Li Yifei nodded, but they didn\'t speak. Fang zhe said two points, which were nothing more than going deeper on the basis of Li Yifei.

Fang zhe drank a cup of tea, moistened his throat and continued:

"Therefore, we also formulate strategies and plans for these two points.

First, they are all engaged in intermodal transportation, so we will engage in sole generation and exclusive agent operation. A game is only available on our platform. If players want to play this game, they can only come to our platform, so it will be easy for us to retain players and have a great voice over developers.

Second, the purpose of long-term operation is to keep players on our platform rather than games. For example, we can launch a rich user system with players\' personal information, game information, recharge information, etc.

We can charge a rebate by recharging, I will give 50 to players who charge 100, and VIP service. If some local tyrant players have any problems in the game, we can solve them online through VIP channel 24 hours. Even if players need it, we can also launch high-end accompany Services and so on.

Anyway, the purpose is to make the player dependent on our platform. He wants to change to another platform. Well, the game can\'t be found on other platforms, or after he goes, he charges 100 yuan and doesn\'t give him a dime on the platform. Do you think the player is willing to go?

Of course, the two I mentioned can only be regarded as superficial methods to investigate the source. We can think of these two points. Can\'t other platforms think of them? Not necessarily, but there are still many platforms engaged in intermodal transportation, and few are unique. Why?

One is games. These platforms can\'t find good game resources, so they can only find games from other platforms for intermodal transportation. The other is users. Although the page tour industry has begun to break out in the past two years, and more and more people like to play page tour, on the whole, there are still many fewer users than the end tour. Maybe one platform is pushed down, and the number of users is not so large. In this case, I How can we be the only generation? "