Reborn multinational giant

Chapter 76

At the regular meeting on Monday morning, Fang zhe made work arrangements in the company for the next period of time:

First, Shen Liang and his team completed the update of the Halloween version of the fruit games as soon as possible;

Second, the braised eggplant group completed the updated work plan and arrangement of flappybird as soon as possible. Such a big game, Fang zhe was about to doubt the working ability of braised eggplant after delaying so many days;

Third, after the update of the new version of the fruit games, Li Mengwei, the planner of Shen Liang group, and Liu Taotao, the newcomer of the client program, were transferred to the newly established three groups to serve as the producer and the client master.

Fang zhe said hello to Shen Liang at the weekend, but he didn\'t have any objection. After all, Huizhong has just started, and there is a shortage of people everywhere. If you meet someone who can work, you can\'t use it first in the most important place.

At noon, Fang Zhe and Zheng Siwen went to pick up Li Yifei who came to work today. The three of them first had a light meal in a restaurant near the company. In the afternoon, they returned to the company to discuss the next work arrangement.

During the national day, Fang Zhe\'s house made a simple implementation plan for the development of the page tour platform at home, mainly including three parts: one is to build the platform, one is to find projects, and the other is to set up an operation team.

Among the three, the first platform is technical and the simplest. At present, the technical talents recruited by the company have started the R & D work of building the platform. The person in charge of the technology department has also had experience in building similar platforms before. This part takes only two or three months at the slowest.

Second, find projects. The platform is easy to build and can develop. The key point is whether the platform can find good page tour projects. As a reborn person, Fang zhe can only touch gold with his eyes closed.

Third, set up an operation team, which is the main responsibility of Li Yifei after he joined the post. He has been responsible for SP business in Sina for several years. It is not difficult to set up an operation team, and how to do a good job in operation is also what they want to talk about now.

Fang zhe simply threw out his plan for the three modules and waited for Li Yifei\'s point of view. This part belongs to the specific business of the company, and Zheng Siwen is not responsible. Therefore, he is only a listener, and he can at most mention reference opinions.

Li Yifei patiently listened to Fang Zhe, remained silent for a moment, and said, "president Fang, President Zheng, during this time, I have been considering how to develop our company\'s page tour platform in the future. At the same time, I have studied many peers in the market and figured out something."

"Oh? President Zheng and I are all ears!" Fang Zhe and Zheng Siwen looked at each other and said.

Li Yifei sat up straight and said: "From the perspective of the current page tour platforms on the market, I simply divide them into two types. One is the page tour platform with many small games hanging like 4399. This platform has no large page tour projects, but are small games with simple playing methods. In terms of profit model, it is also realized by accumulating users and advertising. This is the first one."

Li Yifei saw that Fang Zhe and Zheng Siwen didn\'t speak, so he continued: "the second is the heavy game page tour platform that is rising rapidly. Of course, compared with the small games on 4399, it can\'t be compared with the end tour. At present, 51wan, 91wan and so on are more famous in the market.

The profit model of such platforms is mainly through the operation of games on the platform and the recharge of players in the game to generate income. However, at present, most page tour platforms on the market adopt the mode of intermodal transportation, that is, joint agent operation. Maybe more than a dozen platforms are promoting a game at the same time, and few platforms develop or exclusively represent a game. "

"These two types of page tour platforms, the first is the old way of stacking. I don\'t think our company will consider it. I believe president Fang and President Zheng also mean that." when Li Yifei spoke, he looked at Fang Zhe and Zheng Siwen.

Fang zhe nodded and agreed with him. It took so many years for 4399 to accumulate so many small games and users. If you stick here, you can\'t get up any waves. Don\'t say, it\'s not easy at all.

"The second is to build a heavy web game platform. In the short term, like other platforms, we do intermodal transportation. As long as there is cheap traffic that can lead to users, we don\'t have to worry about making money. But" Li Yifei, but Fang Zhe is depressed. This guy always likes turning.

"However, in the long run, with the development and rise of the page game industry, there will be more and more R & D teams and operation platforms, and the channels and traffic on the network are so large, which will inevitably lead to the higher and higher cost of acquiring users. Now the acquisition cost of a user on the market is only 3-50 cents. The Arup value of casually making a game is the output of each user The average income of students can exceed this figure. In the future, the user acquisition cost will rise to one, two, or even five or ten. I\'m afraid a large number of people will die, whether it\'s the page game R & D team or the operation platform. "

Li Yifei\'s analysis is very clear, and Fang zhe agrees with him. At the time of Fang Zhe\'s rebirth, the acquisition cost of each user was more than 20 yuan, whether it was a page game or a mobile game. In other words, if a game operator wants to get a registered user, it needs to invest at least 20 yuan in costs, advertising and other expenses. If the user comes in, it won\'t cost a dime If the average user income, that is, the Arup value, exceeds this number, the operator will earn.

"Therefore, I think if our Huizhong page tour platform wants to survive this death screening in the future and develop and grow well, it must find another way and formulate a long-term development direction and plan from the beginning!" Li Yifei said this sentence and watched Fang zhe stop talking.

Fang zhe understood that he was waiting for his position and questions, so he directly opened his mouth: "it seems that President Li has done enough homework. Talk about it!"

After Li Yifei entered the company, Fang zhe negotiated with Zheng Siwen and left him a deputy general manager position. After all, the page tour platform is one of the two cores of the company, and Li Yifei is the direct person in charge of the platform. A deputy general manager position is also appropriate.

Li Yifei used to be the director of sina\'s wireless center. He also brought a word "general manager". Usually his subordinates directly call him Feige or general manager Li. Therefore, when Fang zhe heard that he called him, he didn\'t have any other ideas except that this general manager Li is not the other general Manager Li.

He continued: "You are welcome to say that most of the current page tour platforms take the road of death. Intermodal transport seems to be easy to make money, but it is difficult for the platform side to retain users. More than a dozen platforms intermodal transport together, and finally users gather in the hands of R & D providers. It\'s only enough to meet ordinary R & D providers. If ambitious R & D providers want to operate independently, they should raise them You\'ve lost your R & D business and killed yourself. "