Reborn multinational giant

Chapter 768

"Xiaobo, I heard that recently, some private enterprises outside are contacting you and want you to take the lead in setting up private aerospace companies?"

In the office of the president of the first Academy of Astronautics, President Wang asked a straightforward question, which made Peng Xiaobo uneasy.

"Yes... Yes, but Dean, I didn\'t promise them! I\'ve always regarded the hospital as my home. You\'re my parent. I\'ll never take the initiative to leave our hospital without your permission."

Peng Xiaobo showed his loyalty to President Wang. He was afraid that there was a misunderstanding in President Wang\'s heart.

President Wang smiled and said:

"I understand your feelings for the hospital, and the hospital has always regarded you as a family member.

However, in addition to your family, you are also a Chinese astronaut.

As a Chinese astronaut, no matter where and where he is, he should always think about making contributions to China\'s aerospace industry. "

Looking at Peng Xiaobo\'s puzzled eyes, President Wang continued:

"Last year, the state relaxed the restrictions on private aerospace. This year, it promoted military civilian integration to the national strategy.

The newly born private aerospace industry is like a just sown seedling, which urgently needs to be cultivated by all our astronauts!

Now that you encounter this opportunity, why don\'t you dare to take the lead in setting up private aerospace companies?

Are you greedy for stability in the system? "

"No, I\'m not greedy for stability in the system!" Peng Xiaobo waved his hand to deny it, and then said his confusion:

"I just think that both our academy and other departments of the aerospace system have heavy tasks, and the key talents in each post are very valuable. If I go out to engage in private aerospace, I will certainly dig the corner of our academy and other brother units,

So... "

"Hahaha, hahaha..." President Wang laughed. Peng Xiaobo is really a bit naive as a technical backbone.

After laughing, President Wang said:

"Xiaobo, Xiaobo, think about it. What is the purpose of the state to liberalize the threshold of private aerospace and put forward the strategy of military civilian integration?

Obviously, it is to cultivate private aerospace enterprises and private Aerospace economy.

Nowadays, with the development of society, there is a huge demand for commercial aerospace both at home and all over the world, and our traditional model of policy and system driven aerospace system development is difficult to meet many commercial aerospace needs.

Therefore, the country began to gradually reform and steadily advance in the aerospace field.

More than 90% of the aerospace talents in our country are concentrated in the system. You say you don\'t want to dig the corner of our hospital and brother units. Do you say that the private aerospace industry needs to develop?

And you think that our country\'s space system is so fragile that if you dig casually, the rocket will not hit it? Chang\'e will not be able to land on the moon? "

After being scolded by President Wang, Peng Xiaobo suddenly woke up:

"Yes, I\'m too naive. Private enterprises have just started. Even if they dig, it\'s impossible to dig away the key talents of the aerospace system. Since the launch of the first satellite Dongfanghong, China has accumulated a large number of aerospace talents and established a perfect Aerospace talent training system. Relying on one or two private enterprises to dig corners, which is so easy to hurt the muscles and bones of the aerospace system?

On the contrary, due to the low salary in the system, the prevalence of bureaucracy in some departments of the aerospace system and the rigidity of the system, many talents who can not be reused are lost to change careers, wasting the country\'s training of aerospace talents for many years.

Rather than this, it is better to guide the interests according to the situation, let these talents flow to the private aerospace industry, let the private aerospace enterprises act as a reservoir and store these talents. "

Looking at Peng Xiaobo, if he realized something, President Wang ordered:

"The night before yesterday, SpaceX of the United States successfully recovered the first stage rocket. The gap between us and the United States has widened not only in the private aerospace field, but also in the national aerospace system.

Therefore, don\'t always think that letting you go out to engage in private aerospace companies is to dig the corner of the system, but leave the restrictions of the system. A commercialized aerospace company can also make a great contribution to the country\'s aerospace strength! "

Half an hour later, Peng Xiaobo, who had thought clearly and thoroughly, left the president\'s office.

On the way back, he couldn\'t wait to call Huang Siyi, head of Huizhong investment department, who met with him yesterday.

"President Fang, I don\'t think we need to find another person!" Huang Siyi, who put down his mobile phone in Huizhong president\'s office, said the other zhe with a happy face.

Just before he picked up Peng Xiaobo\'s phone, he was discussing with president Fang whether to give up Peng Xiaobo and change to an aerospace leader for support. He didn\'t want to discuss the result, but Peng Xiaobo changed his mind.

"Oh?" Fang zhe was surprised. Originally, he really thought he was going to miscalculate this time. Unexpectedly, Peng Xiaobo changed his mind at the last minute.

After Huang Siyi simply explained the whole story, Fang Zhe\'s surprise turned into a faint smile. Unexpectedly, President Wang finally pushed his fate. I don\'t know whether it was coincidence or luck!

"OK, you will cooperate with Peng Xiaobo to push forward this matter and try to set up the company within half a year." Fang zhe ordered.

Huang Siyi nodded when he heard the speech. With Peng Xiaobo willing to go to the sea as the leader of the private aerospace company mainly engaged in the research and development of small liquid rockets preferred by president Fang, I believe that the technical team of the company will be set up soon.

Fang Zhe\'s rocket building is progressing smoothly, and as far as Europe, Kuai\'an travel officially began to operate in Britain, France, Germany, Italy and other European countries before Christmas.

Today\'s Kuai\'an travel is far from the start-up company that was short of food and ammunition.

Before the merger of Kuai\'an taxi and Kuai at the beginning of the year, both sides had just completed a new round of financing. After the merger, Kuai\'an\'s capital reserves exceeded US $5 billion. After Kuai\'an\'s competitor became its own, Kuai\'an did not need to fight a price war to subsidize users. Therefore, Kuai\'an still has more than US $4 billion in capital reserves since the merger.

In order to avoid being sanctioned by EU laws, Kuai\'an travel, which entered the European market this time, can\'t fight a price war, but it spent a lot of money to put a lot of advertisements on subways, buses, shopping malls and billboards at intersections in cities such as Paris, London and Berlin.

In the current European market has been ruled by Uber, in order to open up the situation, kuaan travel focuses on two words from product design to advertising: safety!