Reborn multinational giant

Chapter 767

Since rockets were used in the aerospace industry, mankind has never successfully recovered the first stage rockets.

The cost of rocket launch remains high, because the rocket is a one-time consumable. If it goes into space, it will never come back!

Recycling rockets and making them reusable space weapons has always been an ideal pursued by the space systems of various countries.

Unfortunately, because the space systems of various countries have limited funds and undertake various space exploration tasks that can not be lost, the research and development progress of rocket recovery in various countries has been slow all the time!

The emergence of SpaceX and various commercial aerospace companies has changed this situation!

The pursuit of profit maximization is one of the core objectives of all commercial aerospace companies.

Rocket recovery, a technology that can greatly reduce rocket launch costs and improve the profits of commercial aerospace companies, has become one of the goals pursued by global commercial aerospace companies led by SpaceX.

Since SpaceX was founded, every success of SpaceX has been piled up with failures.

This time is no exception. Since the beginning of the year, SpaceX has failed and destroyed three expensive rockets in order to test and verify the rocket recovery technology. Even Falcon 9, which SpaceX transported goods for NASA to the international space station in the middle of the year, disintegrated at high altitude because of an accident, and the whole fire and arrow, together with the goods, were destroyed.

Facts have proved that SpaceX, as the leader of the global commercial aerospace company, also has the spirit of not falling down and falling to death, and the more frustrated, the more brave.

Finally, today, Falcon 9 after go around surprised the whole world with a perfect recovery action!

"This is a moment of great historical significance in the history of human aerospace development. From now on, commercial aerospace will no longer be just a follower of traditional aerospace. It will become an explorer keeping pace with traditional aerospace and make a unique contribution to the development of human aerospace!" NASA officials commented on SpaceX\'s successful recovery of rockets.

"The history of global commercial aerospace will open the curtain of rapid development from today!" Reuters.

"The recovery of SpaceX commercial rockets has greatly reduced the launch cost of rockets, and human large-scale space travel is no longer far away!" AP.

Major media around the world praised SpaceX\'s successful recovery of rockets.

At the same time, Huang Siyi, head of Huizhong investment department, personally entertained Peng Xiaobo, director of the overall office of the overall design department of Yanjing first Aerospace Institute.

Sure enough, in the past two months, from the public data of domestic aerospace professionals combed by Huizhong investment department and Zhongying capital, Peng Xiaobo, whom president Fang specially mentioned, is the most promising and capable of taking the lead in becoming a reliable private aerospace company.

In the past two months, the supervision group of private aerospace companies jointly established by Huizhong investment department and Zhongying capital has contacted Peng Xiaobo and many well-known experts, technical backbones and department leaders in the national aerospace system.

Nowadays, under the background of military civilian integration and loose domestic commercial aerospace policies, many leaders and talents in the aerospace system have the thoughts and ideas to set up commercial aerospace companies and show their skills.

Peng Xiaobo sitting opposite Huang Siyi is such a person.

However, although Peng Xiaobo had such a mind, reason told him that it was unreliable.

Not to mention where the huge amount of money he needs to engage in commercial aerospace comes from, just the talents he needs to engage in commercial aerospace is enough to give him a headache.

To be a rocket is not to play in the mud. The talents needed are the backbone and backbone of the space system. If he wants to recruit such talents, he has to dig the corner of the space system?

Therefore, even if Huizhong\'s supervision team had contacted and discussed with him for many times, while he was excited, he did not rashly promise them to go out to the sea for commercial aerospace.

Today, Huang Siyi, one of the core executives of Huizhong, is said to be the head of Huizhong investment department. Peng Xiaobo thanked the other party for paying attention to him, but his worries and bottom line are still not loose.

"Brother, actually, I came here in person this time just to drink and eat with you!

My childhood dream was to be an astronaut. Although this dream has not been realized, it does not hinder my longing and pride in our national aerospace industry. "

Huang Siyi and Peng Xiaobo get closer. "From Dongfanghong to Shenzhou V, to the current Chang\'e project, Tiangong and Changwu, our country\'s aerospace strength is becoming more and more powerful step by step!

In ten or twenty years, we Chinese will be able to land on the moon like Armstrong! "

Peng Xiaobo smiled at the speech and said:

"According to the plan, our Chang\'e phase III project will be completed around the end of 2020. If we land on the moon, it will be around 2030!"

Huang Siyi stretched out a thumb: "I admire your astronauts for this. With a time span of more than ten years, the plan is step by step and does not fall at all. I\'m afraid we Chinese astronauts are the only one to be harsh!"

Peng Xiaobo smiled and didn\'t speak.

Huang Siyi took out his mobile phone and clicked the headlines of Huizhong news technology to show Peng Xiaobo:

"You must have seen this news. Just last night, SpaceX successfully recovered the first stage rocket of Falcon 9.

There is a big gap between us and the United States in commercial aerospace.

In the field of domestic commercial aerospace, there is an urgent need for a leader to provoke a private aerospace company to lead China\'s commercial aerospace and shorten and catch up with SpaceX and other foreign commercial aerospace companies. "

Huang Siyi is nagging in his ear, but Peng Xiaobo is staring at the news on Huang Siyi\'s mobile phone in a daze.

Peng Xiaobo is struggling in his heart. Come out and do it. He has all kinds of concerns. If he doesn\'t come out, there is a growing gap between domestic commercial aerospace and foreign countries.

With the current situation of heavy tasks and tight time in the domestic space system, the lunar landings around 2030 are lined up. There is no time and effort to study the technology of rocket recovery.

If you want to study rocket recovery technology and other technologies to reduce rocket launch costs, the best environment is private aerospace companies oriented by commercial profits.

Two hours later, Huang Siyi reluctantly sent Peng Xiaobo away. Although he said good or bad, Peng Xiaobo still didn\'t promise to go to the sea.

"Alas! It seems that we can only go back and talk to president Fang and change a target!" Huang Siyi has begun to give up taking Peng Xiaobo as the first target candidate. Although this is the person recommended by president Fang, practice has proved that president Fang only sees his ability, but does not see this person\'s stubbornness.

The next morning, in the office of the director of the overall office of the overall design department of the first Aerospace Institute, Peng Xiaobo was taking his mind and carefully looking at the work materials. Suddenly, he received a phone call from the president himself.