Reborn multinational giant

Chapter 766

President Li of Baidu has been studying driverless technology on a whim since he saw the establishment press conference of Weilai last year.

Since Baidu and BMW reached cooperation more than half a year ago, the driverless experimental vehicle jointly developed by the two sides has been able to "drive automatically" in a relatively simple flat environment.

But when it comes to road testing

"Darling, with the complexity of normal road conditions, even if President Li dares to play like this, his people don\'t have this confidence!"

So up to now, Baidu has no plan to experiment on the road.

However, when asked face-to-face by big leaders, President Li naturally can\'t lose face and say there is no plan.

After thinking for a while, he said: "we plan to coordinate with relevant departments first next year and strive to conduct preliminary tests on the road with good road conditions and simple environment.

In the future, we plan to commercialize driverless technology within three years and achieve mass production within five years! "

It\'s three years of commercialization and five years of mass production. Mr. Li finally believed himself!

The leader nodded with a smile and didn\'t make any evaluation.

After leaving the google booth, the big leader went to the 360 booth again. According to the old practice, the 360 week general manager still explained with the set of "global network attack real-time monitoring and early warning system".

Over the past few years, almost 360 people who attend any conference can take this set of things. President Zhou spoke with great interest. The big leader listened to him with a smile, encouraged him a few words, and went to the next booth.

Behind 360 is the Internet upstart who stirred the domestic Internet industry at the beginning of this year. Go fast!

The originator of sharing economy in China in the past two years is not ofo, such as moBay, but the predecessor of Kuai\'an travel. Kuai\'an takes a taxi!

Kuai\'an taxi makes rational use of private car resources. Isn\'t this the most typical sharing economy?

Therefore, in the past two years, both the industry and kuaan travel have regarded kuaan as the representative of the sharing economy!

"At present, we are the first taxi software in Japan, South Korea, Southeast Asia, India, Central Asia and other regions. This Christmas, we will officially enter the European market!"

After Cheng Xiaodong finished, the big leader took the lead and clapped for him.

As one of the emerging Internet entrepreneurial leaders in recent years, Cheng Xiaodong and Kuai\'an travel have made obvious achievements in going to sea and internationalization!

After clapping, the leader commented:

"As a representative of the sharing economy, kuaan travel should be a model for enterprises in the sharing economy.

The sharing economy should be reasonable, maximize the use of social resources and improve the efficiency of social operation, rather than engage in chartering and landlord business.

Recently, I have also seen many shared bicycles in the streets and alleys. These bicycles really facilitate the travel of many people.

But at the same time, there are not a few damaged and damaged bicycles.

There are also many cities that share bicycles, throw them in wantonly, and occupy public spaces such as sidewalks and bus stops excessively. As enterprises of sharing economy, you should think hard and find solutions and solutions. Relevant government departments should also do a good job in coordination, management and supervision! "

Cheng Xiaodong clapped his hands and knew that the big leader was warning other domestic sharing economy enterprises by visiting the booth of Kuai\'an travel.

After leaving the booth of Kuai\'an travel, the leader went to the last booth of the Expo, Xiaomi\'s booth!

As the leader of the domestic mobile phone industry, Xiaomi has a great impact and drive on the supply chain and upstream and downstream manufacturing of the whole domestic mobile phone industry.

Because of the emergence of Xiaomi, the domestic mobile phone market has reversed the embarrassing situation of being controlled by foreign brands for many years.

Not only that, the sea performance of Xiaomi and other domestic mobile phones is also very excellent.

So far, Xiaomi has become the first mobile phone brand in sales in China, Southeast Asia, India, Russia, Central Asia and other countries and regions.

Among the top five mobile phone brands in the world, except Samsung and apple, the remaining three are domestic mobile phone brands!

The key to all these achievements is attributed to the founding of Xiaomi six years ago!

At present, there are many voices in the industry and in the system who hope and support President Xiaomi Lei to assume the position of vice chairman of the all China Federation of industry and commerce. It can be seen that everyone recognizes president Xiaomi and President Xiaomi Lei!

Looking at Mr. Lei\'s simple and shy smile, the big leader also appreciates him from the bottom of his heart. He can start a business again after becoming famous at the age of 40. Mr. Lei can be called "old" and "Yizhuang".

Next, President Lei introduced the current situation and development of Xiaomi, Xiaomi mobile phone, Xiaomi TV, Xiaomi PaD2 and other Xiaomi products to the big leaders.

When the leader followed Mr. Lei to a balanced bicycle, Mr. Lei introduced:

"This is the Xiaomi No. 9 balance car developed by an ecological chain enterprise invested by Xiaomi. It weighs less than 13kg and can reach 16kmh per hour, about four times the walking speed of ordinary adults. It is the best means of transportation for short-distance travel!

Big leader, would you like to experience it? "

As soon as president Lei finished asking the last sentence, he suddenly regretted that with the age and identity of a big leader, he could not casually experience the balance car.

Although it is easy to get started with the balance car, it is still dangerous for a person who has not been in contact with it.

Mr. Lei wanted to take back what he said just now. He didn\'t want the big leader to mind. Instead, he tried to stand on the balance car with a smile.

Lei Zong and the entourage next to the big leader rushed forward to help the big leader stabilize his focus.

Under the guidance of the staff beside Lei Zong, the leader tried to lean forward slightly, and the balance car began to move forward slowly.

Looking at his successful operation of the balance car, the big leader\'s face was full of a happy smile.

The leader stepped out of the balance car and praised:

"Yes, Xiaomi has become a benchmark in this industry from making mobile phones to TV, flat panel, balance car, etc.

Xiaomi\'s pursuit and control of quality deserve the learning and praise of the whole industry! "

Hearing the high evaluation and praise made by the big leaders, President Lei showed a modest and happy smile on his face.

After a while, a group of entourage surrounded the leaders to leave the exhibition hall, and the leaders and executives of various Internet enterprises also left the exhibition hall one after another.

Those business leaders and executives who were not lucky enough to be personally visited by the big leaders had more or less lost faces.

From tomorrow on, the exhibition hall will be open to the general public. The subsequent explanation or interpretation will also be completed by the ordinary staff of each booth. Even the booths of many enterprises have no viewing platform at all, let alone interpretation!

The three-day Second World Internet conference ended on the afternoon of the 18th. At the closing ceremony, Fang Zhe, as an entrepreneur representative, took the stage to make a brief summary for the world Internet Conference and give a message on the development of the world Internet industry in the future.

Fang zhe said:

"This world Internet Conference is successful, wonderful and historic, which not only lies in the scale of guests and media, but also in the number and level of dignitaries and leaders attending this conference. China and the world have become accustomed to paying attention to the world Internet Conference, and because of the convening of the conference, it has great impact on China and the global Internet industry We have a better understanding of the development situation.

Mutual understanding can dispel differences and misunderstandings and make the development of the global Internet industry more harmonious and harmonious.

I believe that in the future, as the world Internet Conference is held one after another, it will make unparalleled great contributions to the healthy and robust development of the Internet industry in China and the world! "

The conference ended with the applause of Fang zhe!

Four days later, Fang Zhe, who returned to Yanjing, saw a news that stirred his mind to become a private aerospace company again:

SpaceX successfully recovered the first stage rocket for the first time!