Reborn multinational giant

Chapter 765

"Don\'t forget your original heart and remember your mission!"

The short speech and eight word wonderful summary of the big leader encouraged everyone on the scene, including Fang Zhe.

The higher the status, the greater the ability, the deeper the feeling of this sentence.

Fang zhe remembered that since he started his business, he has changed from an ordinary college student to the president of a world-class multinational giant, from a three noes youth who needs money from his family to buy a mobile phone to the world\'s richest man with hundreds of millions of dollars.

During this period, Fang zhe faced difficulties and temptations far beyond the imagination of ordinary people.

What Fang zhe can do is to ask himself, what his original heart is and what his mission is every time he faces difficulties and temptations, as the big leader said.

When Fang zhe was distracted, Zhou Bin\'s explanation was over.

Fang Zhe, who came back, wanted to take the big leader to the booth of Huizhong game. A middle-aged man accompanying the big leader suddenly winked at Fang Zhe.

Fang zhe suddenly realized that the time of big leaders is precious. There are so many booths of large Internet companies behind them. Big leaders always have to "touch rain and dew"!

Fang zhe was going to say a few concluding remarks and send the big leader to continue to visit later. Who wants the big leader to suddenly say:

"When I came, I saw that the game booth on your right was very lively. Now I\'m just going to have a look."

When the big leader spoke, the middle-aged man naturally dared not say anything. Fang zhe was glad that the big leader took care of them and happily led the big leader to the Huizhong game booth.

When the leaders visited the exquisite game pictures on mobile phones or TV screens, Huang Zheng, the person in charge of Huizhong game business, stepped forward with a steady mind.

"Hello, leader, I\'m Huang Zheng, the person in charge of Huizhong game. Let me briefly introduce you first..."

While introducing Huizhong game, Huang Zheng conveniently picked up a mobile phone in front of him and demonstrated it to the big leaders.

On this mobile phone, the demonstration is the peak work of Huizhong mobile game, the glory of the king, which will indulge Fang Zhe\'s four people.

Looking at the beautiful game picture and character modeling of the game, the leader said:

"It is said that games are the ninth art, and our country encourages and supports the healthy development of this art.

However, playing with things and losing ambition is also a lesson learned by our ancestors from thousands of years of historical development.

"Shang women don\'t know the hatred of subjugation. They still sing backyard flowers across the river."

Although Li Yu, the late leader of the Southern Tang Dynasty, has made great achievements in art and culture, he is a failed monarch. All of us should take this as a warning.

An adult can\'t strengthen his will and don\'t indulge in playthings and pleasure, not to mention teenagers and even children whose values and ideas are still gradually forming.

Preventing minors from indulging in games or other entertainment projects and helping them establish healthy and correct values are what every game company and culture and art enterprise must and resolutely do! "


Fang zhe took the lead and assured the leaders that:

"Big leader, you can rest assured that Huizhong will resolutely implement your instructions and strive and adhere to the relevant systems to prevent minors from indulging in games or other entertainment items.

At the same time, we will continue to strengthen the review of the values and ideological orientation of various entertainment contents, so as to create a healthy and positive game entertainment environment for the majority of Huizhong players! "

After listening to Fang Zhe\'s guarantee, the big leader nodded. Then, the big leader and his entourage went to visit other booths together. The Huizhong booth, which was originally a vast black area, was relaxed a lot at once!

Fang Zhe and his three backbones, who sent off the big leaders and others, were relieved. The most important task of attending the mutual World Internet Conference this time, was completed.

Fang zhe here relaxed, but President Ma outside Alibaba\'s booth raised his mind!

"Hello, big leader!" Mr. Ma smiled to welcome big leaders and others.

"At present, there are more than 8.5 million active sellers on our Alibaba platform serving 420 million consumers around the world. Alibaba has created 10 million direct jobs and 3.52 million indirect jobs.

Alibaba is expected to have a turnover of more than 3 trillion at the beginning of next year, surpassing Wal Mart\'s global turnover every year.


The big leaders kept nodding. Alibaba\'s e-commerce business rooted in China has had an increasing impact on China\'s economy, employment and people\'s livelihood. While helping China\'s economic transformation towards science, technology and modernization, it has also squeezed or even destroyed the traditional economy and traditional industries. How to make good use of and supervise this high-speed train, It is a knowledge that the current government and relevant departments must master.

After staying at Alibaba\'s booth for seven or eight minutes, the leader continued to visit the next booth, Baidu\'s booth.

Compared with various electronic screen graphic booths of Huizhong and Alibaba, Baidu\'s booth is much more arrogant!

Because Baidu\'s booth has several BMW cars!

If someone who doesn\'t know passed by here, he must have mistaken that he came to the BMW booth, but looking at the google logo decorated around the whole booth, this is indeed Baidu booth.

"Big leader, what I want to explain and show you is the driverless technology that Baidu is trying to develop!"

Baidu president Li surprised everyone as soon as he spoke!

"Driverless technology! Is Baidu so awesome!"

Looking at the surprised expression of the people, President Li raised his mouth slightly and was a little proud.

"These cars are driverless cars developed by us in cooperation with BMW, and the driverless technology is developed and provided by Baidu.

Limited to the environment of the exhibition hall, it is not convenient for us to demonstrate driverless technology on site.

Our technical team recorded a driverless technical video specially outdoors. I\'d like to invite you to have a look with us. "

Seeing the leader nodding, President Li pressed the remote control in his hand and began to broadcast the video recorded by Baidu driverless team outdoors on the background board behind the booth.

Baidu employees sitting in the driver\'s seat did not operate after starting the car. The car started and walked forward by itself, bypassing several obstacles and turning several corners.

During the whole driving process, google employees acting as drivers did not move much. Whether they were avoiding obstacles or turning, they were operating the steering wheel by themselves.

Seeing this scene, the big leaders and everyone on the scene applauded!

President Li looked happy and happy.

Years! Baidu has been ridiculed by its peers in the industry for several years. Now it is finally proud!

When President Li was secretly proud of his wise decision, the leader looked at him with a smile and asked:

"When do you plan to test your driverless technology on the road?"

President Li\'s face suddenly twisted up.