Reborn multinational giant

Chapter 761

That afternoon, President Arima, who was inviting Fang Zhe to dinner and thanked Fang zhe for his help, received a message from his subordinates:

The Indian investment team has re signed an investment agreement with flipkart. It is estimated that they can\'t finish their meal here. It should be done there!

Hearing the news, Mr. Ma was very happy. He admired Fang zhe more from the bottom of his heart, and the other zhe praised him at the dinner table.

Meanwhile, in Seattle, the United States, Amazon CEO Bezos, who was having a dream, was awakened by the late night phone.

He answered the phone impatiently and was about to scold who called him in the middle of the night. The man at the other end of the phone told him bad news: "Alibaba and flipkart signed a contract!"

Bezos was sleepless for a moment.

He lifted the quilt, glanced at Lauren Sanchez, his lover who was talking in his sleep, quietly walked out of the bedroom, went to the small bar in the living room and poured a glass of red wine.

"Didn\'t I tell you to try to stop them from signing? What do you eat and can\'t even do such a small thing?" Bezos said angrily.

The men on the phone found all kinds of reasons and excuses to shirk, which made Bezos more angry. He grabbed the glass in his hand and was trying to fall to the ground, but glanced at the bedroom door and put the glass heavily on the bar.

The red wine in the glass was scattered everywhere because of his action.

Bezos hung up the phone, resumed the red wine, and sat alone at the bar drinking muggy wine.

A few months ago, Fang Zhe\'s satire on him at the luncheon of the Eighth China US internet forum was still vivid. Since then, Bezos has always hated Fang Zhe and ARIMA, who sits next to Fang Zhe.

The Indian market, as a market with future potential comparable to that of China, Bezos and Amazon, which have failed in the Chinese market, will not give up anyway.

Coupled with his personal grudges with Fang Zhe and ARIMA, Bezos and Amazon have enough reasons to stop Alibaba\'s expansion in India.

Now, although Amazon India is the No. 1 e-commerce company in the Indian market, flipkart, the No. 2 company, is clinging to it. Bezos and Amazon executives both intend to take the e-commerce company founded by former Amazon employees under their command through mergers and acquisitions.

But unexpectedly, Bezos and Amazon\'s board of directors are still arguing about the overvalued value of $7.5 billion of flipkart, and Alibaba has taken advantage of it and launched investment negotiations with flipkart according to this valuation.

Although Bezos let his men try to stop, delay or even destroy the cooperation of Alibaba\'s investment in flipkart, he failed!

Bezos sat quietly at the bar until dawn.

When the East became white, the news that Alibaba invested $1.5 billion in flipkart has spread all over China and the U.S. Internet industry from India, and Bezos also decided to inject another $2 billion into Amazon India!

Early in the morning, in Bangalore, known as India\'s Silicon Valley, code farmers living in all corners of the city rushed to the company by subway, bus, tricycle and other means of transportation, brushing wechat or Google News.

"Alibaba invested US $1.5 billion in flippart and obtained 20% of the shares of flippart!"

Indian code farmers who see this news are not calm!

"Is there any mistake? How can flippart, a traitorous company, accept the investment of Chinese companies?"

"After that, another Internet giant in Bangalore has been occupied by the Chinese. After Huizhong took a stake in paytm to steal our financial privacy, alibaba will also steal our online shopping data!"

"The Chinese are both cunning and lying. We won in 62 years, and they still don\'t admit it!"

"I think it\'s OK. Alibaba only accounts for 20% of the shares, and we Indians still control flippart!"

"Are you out of your mind upstairs? Flippart is a traitor. How can it sell its shares to a Chinese company?"

"Wake up! Indian people! India is a greater country than China. We have the most populous school-age labor force in the world. Our GDP will surpass China in 2020 and we will land on the moon in 2025.

Now, we must drive Chinese Internet companies out of India and establish our own Internet companies.

Please pay attention to my tiktok account, great India. I will lead my fans to make efforts to resist Chinese Internet companies! "

"Mordy * *, please stop Chinese companies, made in India! Come on! India will win!" this comment was released by Hongmi Note2 mobile phone.

Because of history and jealousy, many Indian netizens have always been hostile to China. The news of Alibaba\'s investment in flippart has attracted a lot of criticism and abuse from Indian netizens.

Before long, when they saw the news that Amazon had injected $2 billion into Amazon India again, the comment area was another painting style.

"Wow! The hero finally appeared! The great Amazon finally fought against the evil Alibaba and China!"

"Welcome Amazon to support the construction of India! I will use Amazon more than flipkart in the future."

"Amazon India is a purely foreign-funded enterprise. I think we should still support flipkart. After all, most of the equity of flipkart is still in the hands of us Indians!"

"Bah! You traitor upstairs! Amazon is our friend in India. We should support him, not the traitor flipkart!"

"Wake up! Indian people! Amazon CEO Bezos donates 500000 US dollars to poor children in India every year!

What about Chinese companies like Xiaomi? There are factories everywhere in India. They also pollute the environment when squeezing the Indian people. These Chinese companies have been responsible for the serious haze in India in recent years! "

There is a public opinion supporting Amazon and resisting flippart on the Indian Internet.

On Sina Weibo, a good blogger translated the comment screenshots of relevant news to Chinese netizens, which attracted a burst of ridicule from Chinese netizens.

"The brain circuit of Indians is really strange! Flippart is a traitor because it sells 20% of its equity to Alibaba, and Amazon is a good friend because it is a purely foreign-funded company..."

"Xiaomi really shouldn\'t support made in India and create jobs for them. Wouldn\'t it be easier to donate 500000 million to poor children in India every year?"

"Indian IQ..."

"Look forward to India landing on the moon in 2025!!!"

"It\'s still on the moon. India\'s serial human spaceflight has not been successful. What\'s the moon landing, mouth gun?"

"I remember that in 2005, the scientific discovery newspaper published that India\'s goal is to launch the first unmanned spacecraft to the moon in 2008. It has been seven years. Is that spacecraft still waxing?"

"Professional maintenance of nuclear submarines and reactors, refurbishment, polishing and waxing of nuclear warheads, recycling of second-hand aircraft carriers, cleaning of aircraft carrier oil tanks, maintenance and replacement of three filters for spacecraft, wholesale F15, F35, J-10, j-20..."

The news of Huizhong and Alibaba\'s investment in India gradually decreased in the mouth and ridicule of netizens in China and India. With the arrival of mid December, the annual World Internet Conference was held again in Wuzhen, a small water town in Zhejiang Province.