Reborn multinational giant

Chapter 762

Wuzhen, as the permanent site of the world Internet Conference, ushered in the convening of the second world Internet Conference.

Compared with the first Internet Conference last year, although this year\'s conference was about a month late, the number of participants nearly doubled to more than 2000.

In addition, the number of dignitaries and leaders of various countries attending this year is also higher than last year, including major leaders at home and from several friendly countries abroad.

The huge media lineup of more than 100 media and more than 700 journalists from 14 countries and regions has attracted the attention of China and the world!

Late at night on December 15, Fang Zhe\'s private plane arrived at Hangzhou Xiaoshan International Airport, which is more than 60 kilometers away from Wuzhen.

As a guest invited to the meeting, Fang Zhe is one of the latest domestic Internet giants.

Fang zhe came so late, not busy with business, but at home with his wife Feng Xue, who is seven months pregnant.

Looking at his wife\'s belly getting bigger day by day, while looking forward to the arrival of a little life, Fang Zhe\'s love and care for his wife has reached an unprecedented level. Whenever he has time, he will stay at home with her.

When Fang Zhe\'s motorcade arrived in Wuzhen from Xiaoshan International Airport, it was already more than 1 a.m. Fang zhe thought he was the latest one. Who once wanted to enter the Shengting pavilion where he stayed, saw several people coming out of a villa together.

"Lei Zong?" Fang Zhe, who just got off the bus, greeted the familiar person in front.

"Fang zhe!" seeing Fang Zhe\'s general Lei\'s happy face, he walked up with several people around him.

"President Xiaomi Lei, President 360 Zhou, Shun is the head of capital, Xu Dalai, CEO of meituan Wang Xiaoxing, CEO of Kuai\'an Cheng Xiaodong, and 58 city Yao Jinbo."

"Oh! They are all acquaintances!"

Fang Zhe, who saw the identity of Chu people, said hello to them. When they saw that it was Fang Zhe, they were also happy. They didn\'t expect to see Fang zhe so late.

"We\'re going to have evening Lamb Soup. Would you like to go together?" Mr. Lei said.

"Go! I have to go. On this day, I feel warm after drinking a bowl of mutton soup!"

Fang zhe walked out with several people.

Although it was late at night, there were still many guests and staff on the streets of Wuzhen because of the world Internet Conference.

There are not a few shops on the roadside that haven\'t closed yet.

Mr. Lei took the lead and led several people into a Yangji mutton soup restaurant.

The boss and the waiter in the shop looked familiar and rushed forward to greet them warmly.

After ordering mutton soup and side dishes, they sat around and chatted together.

Before long, the boss personally served mutton soup and side dishes and drank mutton soup. Everyone was warm and chatted more warmly.

"This year, China has been shouting for a year that winter is coming. Now winter is coming. Drink some mutton soup, and your stomach is warm and comfortable!" 360 Zhou said with a pun.

"Isn\'t it? As soon as president Fang\'s horn blew, everyone tightened their belts for the winter. Those who can hold a group for warmth will hold a group for warmth. We have held three groups this year alone." 58 Yao Jinbo said in the same city.

"I think winter is very good. Without this cold winter, we don\'t know how long we have to fight with our family. Now cut the mess quickly. We can all develop well and focus on business and going out of the sea!"

Cheng Xiaodong interface road.

"I heard Uber is preparing to enter the markets of India, Japan, South Korea, Hong Kong and other places. Are you ready?" Xu Da asked Cheng Xiaodong.

"The soldiers will block the water and cover the earth. Our two families have consolidated their respective markets. Now the best way to expand rapidly is to attack each other\'s territory. We also plan to advance into the European market at Christmas. Now all aspects are ready."

Cheng Xiaodong\'s answer surprised everyone. Calculate the time, it will be less than ten days.

"Ah Zhe, I remember that you seem to have voted for Uber. This battle" Lei always looks at Fang Zhe.

Fang zhe shrugged: "if they all rely on their abilities and gather people to intervene, EU regulators will certainly toss us in the name of unfair competition.

After all, Kuai\'an is the ancestor of taxi software. I believe Xiaodong is well prepared! "

Fang zhe said, looking at Cheng Xiaodong, Cheng Xiaodong nodded. Now Kuai\'an travel is one of the top small giants in the world. Even if Huizhong doesn\'t do it, Cheng Xiaodong is confident that he can fight Uber for 300 rounds.

In addition, although Fang zhe can\'t say it on the surface, Fang zhe talked with him privately about the product improvement of kuaan travel long before kuaan plans to enter the European and American market. Cheng Xiaodong still remembers that the biggest improvement point Fang zhe put forward to him is safety!

In the past few years since the establishment of Kuai\'an travel, despite repeated attention to safety issues, safety incidents still occur from time to time. Taking advantage of this entry into the European and American market, Kuai\'an has invested a lot of human, material and financial resources to study tens of thousands of ride safety incidents around the world, combined with the laws and policies of European and American countries and regions, and cooperated with the relevant security departments of European and American countries, The safety protection system of kuaan has been greatly optimized and upgraded again.

Although Kuai\'an has not yet entered the European and American market, but

The number of office staff responsible for the European and American markets has exceeded 5000, including thousands of personnel responsible for the security system!

The crowd looked at Cheng Xiaodong\'s calm and confident appearance. They admired him and cheered for him at the same time.

Every kind of China has one belt, one road number, and the other 58 cities are also being opened to the sea. With the five years to ten years, we can see the services provided by various China Internet Corporation.

It was very late. After drinking mutton soup, they didn\'t talk for too long, so they hurried back to bed, so that they wouldn\'t be able to get up tomorrow, no, this morning to attend the opening ceremony of the Internet Conference.

In the early morning, the bright sunshine added a trace of warmth to the streets and alleys of Wuzhen. Fang Zhe, who had slept for less than 6 hours, didn\'t sleep in. He got up early and made a video phone call with Feng Xue. Now, although Fang Zhe is attending the conference in Wuzhen, half of his mind is on Feng Xue at home.

At 10:30 a.m., the opening ceremony of the second world Internet Conference officially began. After the leaders presiding over the opening ceremony made a simple opening speech, the handsome leaders stepped onto the rostrum with vigorous steps and delivered a keynote speech.

"The Internet has turned the world into a global village where the voices of chickens and dogs are heard, and people thousands of miles apart are no longer" old and dead "

China is implementing the "broadband China" strategy. It is expected that by 2020, China\'s broadband network will basically cover all rural areas, open up the "last kilometer" of network infrastructure and let more people use the Internet.

China is implementing the "Internet plus" action plan to promote the construction of "Digital China".

When the leader said the "Internet plus" party was a two (proposed) Bill at the beginning of last year, Fang Zhe, who was on the stage, smiled.