Reborn multinational giant

Chapter 760

Mobile payment has always been one of the important businesses promoted by Huizhong and wechat around the world.

Although wechat has covered more than 2 billion users worldwide, the wechat services used by users around the world are different.

For example, wechat payment, although the wechat payment used by global wechat users looks similar in wechat, the companies that really provide payment and transaction services at the bottom of it are different.

In China, the real payment transaction service provider is PayPal in the United States and some parts of the world, WorldPay in Europe, and paytm in India.

In short, wechat payment is a shell wrapped outside and facing wechat users, and its inside is filled by these various payment companies around the world.

The reason why wechat does this is naturally to overcome the stringent regulatory policies of various countries in the financial field while popularizing wechat payment.

So far, there are more than dozens of third-party payers cooperating with wechat around the world. Even so, there are hundreds of countries and regions in the world that have not opened wechat payment services.

These countries and regions that have not opened wechat payment are either policy issues or financial infrastructure issues. In a word, wechat has a long way to go to promote the popularization of wechat payment all over the world!

Paytm, an online payment company born in India, was founded in October 2009. More than two years ago, after the number of wechat users exceeded 50 million in India, wechat reached a cooperation with paytm, and wechat payment was connected to paytm. At the same time, Huizhong also spent US $240 million to win 24% of the shares of paytm.

After Huizhong invested in paytm, it helped it make great transformation and improvement in system architecture, risk control system, technical capability, service quality and other aspects.

After more than two years of development, the total number of wechat users in India is about to exceed 300 million, and the total number of paytm users is also more than 120 million. Paytm has occupied more than 80% of India\'s online payment market share and become a real national payment software in India.

This time, Huizhong once again invested US $1.5 billion to win 25% equity of paytm, which is intended to strengthen the control and voice of paytm and deepen the cooperation between the two companies.

According to this round of financing valuation, paytm\'s valuation has reached US $6 billion, which is one of the top unicorns in the Indian market.

The news of Huizhong\'s capital increase in paytm has attracted a lot of attention in the Internet industry in China and India. What Fang zhe didn\'t expect is that President Arima, who has just made a big show because of the record breaking of double 11, came to the door after learning the news.

"Fang Zhe, only you can help me with this!" Mr. Arima, who had just sat down in Fang Zhe\'s office for a few minutes, directly began to complain about his pain.

"What\'s wrong with your horse?" Fang Zhe, who was making tea, asked curiously.

Arima took the teacup from Fang Zhe, didn\'t drink it, put it directly on the tea table and said:

"I see the news that you Huizhong have increased the capital of paytm, an Indian payment company. I think your philosophy has a strong relationship in India. Those who divide three into five will soon control the Indian payment company!"

Fang zhe waved his hand and denied:

"Don\'t mention that 49% is 49%. It\'s impossible to talk about holding. For this reason, I specially called Mordy. Otherwise, it would be so easy for Indian regulators to let go!"

Arima always looked at Fang zhe with a look at the Versailles master and said angrily:

"Don\'t be a cheap and obedient tone. You have taken half of the equity of India\'s largest payment company. It\'s hard for Ali to take any equity of an Indian e-commerce company!"

"Which company?"

"Flipkart, you should know! India is the second largest e-commerce company after Amazon and the largest local e-commerce company in India."

Fang Zhe of "flipkart" is lost in thought. He has heard of this Indian e-commerce company for a long time. However, Huizhong has nothing to do with this company in India. The layout of Huizhong in the Indian e-commerce industry is mainly realized through paytmmall extended by paytm.

Paytm set foot in the field of e-commerce more than two years ago. Although it has only developed for more than two years, its monthly active users have exceeded 30 million. Now it has the momentum to become the third largest e-commerce company in India after flipkart.

"What\'s your problem?" Fang zhe asked directly. I think that\'s why President Ma came to him.

"I don\'t know the specific reason. We had a good talk. We all planned to win 20% of the shares and sign the contract according to the valuation of US $7.5 billion and US $1.5 billion. As a result, we don\'t know why flipkart suddenly suspended the cooperation plan.

Our investment team in India did not find out the specific reasons through various investigations. "

President Ma finished and added:

"When I came to you this time, I just saw the news that you have increased your capital in paytm. Then I thought that you have gathered people to enter the Indian market for several years and have accumulated certain networks and resources in India.

I just want you to help me understand why flipkart suddenly terminated cooperation. We can also formulate coping strategies. If we can\'t talk about it, we\'ll choose our investment goals again. "

"I\'ll make a phone call. You wait for me here for a while." Fang zhe got up and left the reception area after learning some details from President Ma.

A few minutes later, Fang zhe came back and said to President Ma with a smile, "OK, it is estimated that someone will inform you that the Indian investment team will continue to sign the contract in the afternoon."


General Ma was stunned and shocked. What the hell? It took him and Alibaba a long time to figure it out. Fang zhe called for a few minutes and finished it?

"Who did you call? It can\'t be mordee?" Mr. Ma asked tongue tied.

"How could it be? As Mordy, I dare not bother him all the time. I got on the phone with Ratan Tata, the head of Tata Group, and he promised to help with it."

Fang zhe explained.

"Tata group?" Ma always thought of India, the largest capital group, and became silent.

With the energy of Tata Group, it can be easily done. Think about the joints, and Ma always looks relaxed.

"The relationship between Huizhong and Tata Group is so deep. I think he will be willing to help if you call." Mr. Ma asked curiously.

"Of course, Ratan Tata has a nephew who is the president of the Indian investment department of our company. In recent years, we have gathered many projects invested jointly with Tata Group, which has made Tata Group fat. He is naturally willing to help this little favor."

President Ma admired Fang Zhe\'s explanation. Huizhong has been bound with various interest groups in India for several years, which not only escorts Huizhong\'s local development, but also makes Huizhong\'s local influence deeply rooted.