Reborn multinational giant

Chapter 756

Chen Xiaochun\'s flattering questions made the reporters at the scene despise abdominal Fei. What about integrity? What about the integrity of media people?

On the stage, Mr. Ma smiled on his face. Under the power of money, the reporter of South China Morning Post finally got on the road!

Mr. Ma was happy and replied with a smile:

"I don\'t know whether it will become a model of cooperation between other e-commerce companies and traditional retailers, but if you say it is a sign of important changes in the whole industry, it really counts.

Within Alibaba, we also have a new term for this change, called "new retail".

Where is the new retail? The new is using the Internet and scientific and technological means to empower the retail industry!

In the traditional retail model, there are many problems of opacity and low degree of informatization in many links, such as commodity production, circulation and sales.

Under the new retail mode, all kinds of goods can be traced back to the source. Whether it is combating fake goods, selling or warehouse replenishment, it will become more efficient and transparent.

For example, under the new retail model, when consumers buy a piece of pork in the supermarket, they can know when the pork is put on the shelf, when it is slaughtered, where it is produced, through which channels it is transported, and even what feed the pig ate before it was born, whether it has been vaccinated, sick and so on. In short , we can learn about the life of pigs through this QR code!

"Pig\'s life..." the media reporters on the stage couldn\'t help laughing. The concept of "new retail" mentioned by President Ma is really vivid!

Reporters have written down the key words of new retail and pig\'s life in their notebooks. If they want to issue a press release at the right time, they will attract many readers.

President Ma\'s humorous answer resolved Chen Xiaochun\'s empty and embarrassing questions. Chen Xiaochun sat down again with grateful eyes, and Zhang Yong also began to draw questions from other reporters.

The press conference didn\'t end until it was near noon and it was almost time for dinner.

Alibaba prepared a sumptuous lunch and fares for the reporters present.

While enjoying a delicious lunch, many journalists picked up their notebooks and directly worked on the spot to release the written press releases.

At noon, the news of Alibaba\'s stake in Suning has spread all over the network. Some media who know how to create hot spots also specially released the question interactive video between the reporter of South China Morning Post and President Ma.

Then netizens, it\'s lively!

"Bull force! Alibaba spent 28.3 billion to buy shares in Suning in order to refute public opinion!"

"Suning is a good deal. 14 billion for 28.3 billion!"

"I don\'t understand the significance of their cooperation. Do you get through online and offline?"

"The reporter of South China Morning Post knelt and licked his questions, refreshing my impression of media reporters!"

"Before scolding dad, now call dad, ma Dad or your dad!"

"It is said that after Alibaba acquired the South China Morning Post, the employees who previously reported that Alibaba had been discredited have been dismissed, and have been banned by the media industry in Hong Kong. The power of capitalists is really terrible!"

"This video once again tells us that money is omnipotent. It can make people who despise and ridicule you kneel and lick you!"

"New retail, it seems that President Ma has learned to play with Fang zhe!"

"It\'s funny. I\'ll give back the pig\'s life! I\'ll buy a piece of pork and understand the pig\'s life. Then I can bear to talk?"

"Pig, your life is simple. You eat, sleep and eat until you grow up and are slaughtered into my stomach!"

Netizens watching these news online are nothing more than eating melons and having fun. What\'s wonderful is that Fang Zhe\'s father, Fang Jinsong, saw this news in his heart as far as the chairman\'s office of Fangxing ecological group in Qingxu (county), Anyang (city), Anhe province.

"New retail? Pig\'s life?"

Fang Jinsong had an idea in his head. He dialed the landline on his desk to call the Secretary and asked him to call Niu Dajun, director of marketing department.

Niu Dajun is a native of Anyang and a top student in 92 circles of Huaqing University. He once served as an executive of domestic agricultural leading enterprises such as Shuanghui and new hope.

Three years ago, Niu Dajun was heavily dug into Fangxing ecological group, which made a great contribution to Fangxing from a local private enterprise to the whole country.

Niu Dajun walks into the office. Fang Jinsong gets up and greets him with a smile. They go to the nearby reception area together.

"Dajun, sit down!" Fang Jinsong said politely.

"Chairman, what can I do for you?" Niu Dajun asked after sitting down.

Fang Jinsong organized the following language and said:

"Today, I watched a video of Alibaba and Suning signing a contract. Arima always mentioned a concept called" new retail ". He gave an example, saying that as long as a QR code is pasted on the pork package sold, customers can scan the QR code to understand the origin of pork and even the life of pigs.

Do you think what he said is of any use or help to us? "

Niu Dajun smiled. Although the chairman of the board is not highly educated and is over 50, he is very studious. In addition to those knowledgeable people who often "teach" him, he often learns and asks for advice through online news, video or consulting experts and teachers in the industry.

Fangxing ecological group can change from a small pig factory to a well-known enterprise in China in just a few years, which is inseparable from the hard study and research of Fang Jinsong, the leader.

"The new retail business mentioned by Chairman and Ali Ma is actually related to the Internet plus concept mentioned by Xiaofang general last year, and their essence is to transform and empower traditional industries with the Internet and technology.

It\'s just that new retail refers to the transformation and empowerment of the traditional retail industry by the Internet. Alibaba is an e-commerce, and President Ma\'s concept is reasonable.

When it comes to help, it\'s naturally helpful.

Our group is developing and improving Fangxing ecological pork, Fangxing ecological ham and other high-end meat products, which have extremely strict requirements and checks on the products from pig feeding at the source to later production, processing, transportation and the whole sales link.

However, some executives and employees within our group, as well as many dealers and partners in the whole industrial chain, doubt us and think we are too picky. Even the drivers transporting pigs have a cold, illness and health certificate, which require information input, and many people are too troublesome to cooperate.

Now President Ma\'s new retail and scanning QR code to know the life of pigs have indeed given us some inspiration. We can add similar QR code to our products, so that consumers can know the whole birth process of pork or other products they eat by scanning the code with their mobile phone.

In addition, after the new retail concept of President Ma is put forward, it will inevitably bring reflection and inspiration to many large retailers and suppliers. We can also save a lot of effort in doing all aspects of work and promoting products later! "