Reborn multinational giant

Chapter 757

Niu Dajun\'s explanation made Fang Jinsong suddenly understand.

"OK, you do well!" Fang Jinsong nodded. "Tell me if you have any difficulties."

Niu Dajun thought for a moment and said:

"There\'s no difficulty at the moment, but I have something to report to you first.

Our marketing department is making marketing plans for the group\'s newly developed high-end products such as ecological pork and ecological ham.

We plan to name a variety show "yearning for life" jointly produced by Youku Tudou and mango satellite TV. This variety show focuses on leaving the bustle of the busy city and returning to the countryside to experience life.

The program will invite all kinds of stars as guests to stay for two days to experience rural life. At the same time, there will be many scenes of cooking and eating in the program. I feel that in terms of theme and intention, it is especially suitable for our ecological pork and other products. "

Fang Jinsong fell into a deep thought and called the variety show advertising. Fangxing ecological group has never done it, and he has never heard of pork advertising in variety shows.

Seeing Fang Jinsong hesitant, Niu Dajun took out a case and persuaded him:

"Milk, beverages and other fast-selling products have always had the tradition of advertising. In the past, we sold ordinary pork as long as we controlled the quality and had a good relationship with channels and dealers.

However, Fangxing ecological pork is different. After all, this series is a high-end meat product launched by us. The price is much more expensive than ordinary pork. If you want to dispel consumers\' concerns and get consumers\' recognition, you must establish enough brand impression in consumers\' hearts.

And naming variety shows is a good way.

This year\'s big fire variety show "run brothers", its title merchant an Mushi, because the sales volume of this program has soared, we can also use this way to make Fangxing ecological series meat products establish a good brand impression of high-end meat in the hearts of consumers as soon as they are listed. "

Fang Jinsong was moved by what he said. The program "run brothers" is chasing even people over the age of 50. It can be imagined how hot this program is. He also knows the brand of anmushi through this program. It can be seen that the advertising effect of naming this kind of variety show is still very good.

Today, Fangxing ecological group is also a well-known large enterprise in the national agricultural field. Although it is not comparable to the old industrial leaders such as Shuanghui, new hope and golden gong, its development trend and speed have been comparable.

If we can name a hot variety show and publicize it well, it will be of great benefit to Fangxing\'s brand image.

"How much did amuxi spend on naming" run brothers? "Fang Jinsong asked.

"It is said that the second season running man named by anmushi broadcast this summer cost 216 million. In the third season just launched a few days ago, the naming merchant became Meili, and the naming fee also rose to 338 million."

Niu Dajun broke out two figures that let Fang Jinsong suck some air-conditioning. Although he himself is an enterprise boss worth billions, and his son is the richest man in the world with too much money to spend, after all, he lived only the life of ordinary people in the first half of his life and was very sensitive to the number of money.

Niu Dajun looked at the surprised expression on the chairman\'s face and thought he would oppose the marketing plan.

Who wants Fang Jinsong to make a direct decision: "OK, as long as the high-end brand image of Fangxing ecological meat products can be erected, even if it costs hundreds of millions of advertising fees!"

Niu Dajun gave a thumbs up to the chairman\'s courage from the bottom of his heart.

In fact, in Niu Dajun\'s heart, he also thought of a cost-effective and effective plan, that is, to invite President Xiao Fang, the world\'s richest son of the chairman, to speak and advertise Fangxing ecological meat products.

Unfortunately, Niu Dajun didn\'t dare to say this plan. As the world\'s richest man, Xiao Fang\'s overall personal image is much more important than one or two pork products. Even if Xiao Fang is always willing to agree, I\'m afraid the chairman\'s wife who protects the calf may not agree.

Father Fang Jinsong is here with his men to study selling pork with the new retail blessing, while Fang zhe has studied making Rockets!

Yes, what Fang zhe studies is serious rocket building!

At the end of last year, the domestic aerospace policy was loosened and private enterprises were allowed to enter the aerospace field.

Then this year, dozens of hundreds of private aerospace enterprises emerged in the country.

Of course, so many private aerospace enterprises rely on PPT to shout slogans to cheat financing. Only a few have the strength of real R & D and rocket manufacturing.

Compared with SpaceX in the United States, blue origin and other old private aerospace enterprises that have developed for more than ten years, and now the domestic private aerospace enterprises that have just started can be said to be as weak as seedlings.

In addition to starting late, domestic aerospace experts and talents are almost concentrated in state-owned and government units, which is also a major problem for domestic private aerospace enterprises to develop and grow.

Nevertheless, as soon as the domestic aerospace policy is loosened, there are still many entrepreneurs and venture capital funds entering this field.

The reason, naturally, is the huge potential of the private aerospace market.

So far, of the more than 200 countries and regions in the world, only 13 have the ability to launch rockets into orbit, while thousands of satellites are waiting and potential to launch into orbit on the ground.

So many satellites have not been launched. The reason is very simple. The traditional rocket launch mode dominated by government scientific research departments is too expensive and inefficient!

Taking last year and 2014 as an example, there were only more than 200 satellites launched worldwide, of which China launched more than 20. On average, there were only two or three satellites launched every month.

Therefore, commercial aerospace companies that reduce rocket launch costs and improve rocket launch efficiency have broad market prospects.

At present, among these private aerospace enterprises just born in China, the more well-known ones are blue arrow aerospace, zero one space, Lingke aerospace, etc.

However, under Fang Zhe\'s foresight of reborn personnel and the current vision pattern, he is not optimistic about private aerospace enterprises such as blue arrow aerospace, zero one space and Lingke aerospace.

Whether it is blue arrow aerospace or zero one space, the founders of gaine are from the financial industry. In Fang Zhe\'s view, such founders lack the spirit and courage to lead private aerospace enterprises to make achievements.

Lingke aerospace is famous because it is the earliest registered private aerospace enterprise in China, but its founder is just an amateur Aerospace enthusiast born in 1993. The nature of playing tickets makes Fang zhe lazy to look at it.

Most of the other private aerospace enterprises are the same as the three private industry enterprises. They are either unprofessional or ticket playing. The intention of financing to defraud money is greater than that of being down-to-earth and sincerely doing a good job in private aerospace.

Fang Zhe is really optimistic about a private aerospace company called interstellar glory in his previous life, but at this time, the private aerospace company established in October 2016 in his previous life has not yet been born.

In Fang Zhe\'s heart, he had the idea of giving birth to it in advance!