Reborn multinational giant

Chapter 755

"Welcome to the press conference jointly held by Alibaba and Suning."

Zhang Yong, CEO of Alibaba, began to preside over the press conference.

Behind Zhang Yong is a huge display screen. On the screen, the orange logo representing Ali and a huge fire red ball, as well as the blue logo representing Suning and a huge water blue ball are close together.

"In this strategic cooperation, alibaba will invest about 28.3 billion yuan to participate in the non-public offering of shares of Suning cloud merchants, accounting for 20% of the total share capital after the issuance, and become the second largest shareholder of Suning cloud merchants. At the same time, Suning will also subscribe for no more than 28.7 million new shares of Alibaba with 14 billion yuan."

Alibaba invested 28.3 billion!

Suning invested 14 billion!

It\'s all big!

At the same time, the media reporters at the scene also picked up the brush and remembered it.

"Suning is a leading enterprise of offline 3C household appliances, with more than 1000 stores across the country. This cooperation, the two sides will work together to integrate advantageous resources and innovate o2o mode by using multiple means such as big data, Internet of things and intelligent distribution..."

After a long speech, Zhang Yong invited ARIMA and Suning to the stage.

Ma Zong, dressed in a white shirt and black suit pants, and Zhang Zong, dressed in a dark blue suit, stepped on the stage from left to right, walked to the middle of the stage and shook hands with a smile.

On the electronic screen behind them, the fire red ball and the water blue ball become more shiny and dazzling.

The experienced photographers under the stage hurriedly pressed the shutter to capture this precious scene.

After Ma and Zhang shook hands, Zhang stayed on the stage and gave a short speech.

Then, when President Ma returned to the stage, he opened the conversation:

"Some time ago, there were some bad comments and misunderstandings about Alibaba on the Internet, saying that Alibaba only wanted to invest in foreign enterprises, regardless of the life and death of domestic enterprises.

I was blinded when I heard this. I think even if you say that any enterprise ignores the life and death of domestic enterprises, you can\'t say we Alibaba!

What do we do in Alibaba? We do e-commerce! Millions of small and medium-sized enterprises across the country depend on Alibaba. How can we say that Alibaba ignores the life and death of domestic enterprises?

Later, I figured out that they were talking about large enterprises. They said that Alibaba did not invest in large enterprises.

Then I quickly contacted a circle of friends and asked if there was anyone who wanted to cooperate with Alibaba. Then I found Zhang Zong and Suning! "

President Ma\'s humorous remarks made the media reporters laugh.

"Suning is a big enterprise, the top 50 Chinese enterprises and the top 5 private enterprises. Is this enterprise big enough!

So we decided to cooperate with Suning. We will invest some money to help them engage in e-commerce. They will invest some money to buy us some shares. It will be a win-win situation! "

"Now many people say that it\'s difficult for offline traditional enterprises. It\'s Alibaba or e-commerce. I want to say that we don\'t want to carry this pot and can\'t afford it.

Throughout the history of human development in modern times, major technological changes will occur every few decades, and every change, some new industries will be born, some old industries will be eliminated, and some industries can keep pace with the times and keep up with the development of the times.

E-commerce is not the first initiative of Alibaba. Even without Alibaba, there will be eBay, Amazon or alixi to promote the change of business model.

If traditional enterprises want to survive, what they should do is to embrace and adapt to change, rather than ignore or even resist it. No enterprise can resist the general trend of the times!

Suning is a company that embraces change. Early in the day, Suning entered the field of electricity business. Now, in the era of closer integration of O2O and Internet plus Internet and traditional economy, Suning launched Su Ningyun business, which will change.

And innovate the retail model of domestic 3C household appliances. Alibaba will also do its best to contribute to China\'s economy and Chinese business community together with Suning. "

President Ma\'s speech was also brief. After he finished, President Suning and president Zhang returned to the stage. They will jointly accept the questions of the on-site media.

"OK! Let\'s go to the media question session!" said Zhang Yong, who presided over the press conference.

"The woman reporter in sea blue in the middle of the second row." Zhang Yong casually ordered one.

"Hello, Mr. Ma, Hello, Mr. Zhang. I\'m Dong Xiaoyu, a reporter from southern weekend. I\'d like to ask whether this cooperation between the two sides will affect their independence. What considerations did you and Suning choose to subscribe for Alibaba shares?"

President Ma extended his hand to president Zhang, who raised the microphone and replied:

"This cooperation between us respects each other\'s independence and professionalism. In the future, Suning cloud merchants, whether stores or websites, will maintain independent operation. The key content of our cooperation is to open up offline logistics, big data and other contents to improve their service efficiency.

As for Suning\'s subscription for Alibaba\'s shares, on the one hand, it is out of consideration of strengthening bilateral relations, on the other hand, it is purely optimistic about Alibaba\'s growth potential in the future. We believe that Alibaba\'s shares are of great investment value! "

After President Zhang answered, Zhang Yong ordered another reporter.

For a moment, the male reporter who was called was nervous, and a cold sweat broke out on his forehead.

There was no him because he was a reporter for the South China Morning Post.

Chen Xiaochun felt very unlucky recently. He was sent by his boss to face Alibaba, a new owner who had a gap with the South China Morning Post. There were dozens of reporters and media at the scene. Why did he pick him!

Chen Xiaochun was very confused. He didn\'t know what questions to ask, because he didn\'t listen carefully from the beginning of the press conference. He thought he was just trying to make up for the number!

Remembering the painful experience of the former colleague who asked Mr. Ma about the last question, Chen Xiaochun slowly stood up and procrastinated while telling himself not to talk, and gradually had inspiration in his head.

"Hello, Mr. Ma, Hello, Mr. Zhang. I\'m Chen Xiaochun, a reporter from the South China Morning Post."

Chen Xiaochun just said here, the eyes of all media reporters at the scene gathered on him. Many photographers with a keen sense of news quickly turned the lens to the reporter.

President Ma, president Zhang and Zhang Yong, who presided over the press conference, all looked at him.

Chen Xiaochun feels more pressure!

He asked nervously:

"I would like to ask Mr. Ma, do you think the historic cooperation between Alibaba and Suning marks a major change in China\'s e-commerce industry and traditional retail industry.

The cooperation case between Alibaba and Suning will become a model for many domestic e-commerce enterprises and even foreign e-commerce enterprises to cooperate with traditional retailers? "

Media reporter:

This is a historic, significant change and model. The South China Morning Post has just been acquired by Alibaba. Is that all the flattering efforts of the reporters of the South China Morning Post?