Reborn multinational giant

Chapter 754

Li Kaifu\'s comments received praise from many people.

Many netizens who support and support Alibaba have also begun to speak for Alibaba.

"I don\'t understand why Alibaba was suddenly hacked. Is it because the recent double 11 is approaching again?"

"Good guy, it\'s a crime not to invest in domestic enterprises. It\'s really difficult to be a big company!"

"Alibaba is a traitor of foreign-funded enterprises. Please take a look at the ownership structure of Huizhong, Baidu and Tencent. Which has few foreign shareholders? More than a decade ago, domestic Internet enterprises had difficulties in survival. Without the support of foreign capital, how could they develop so big today?"

"One belt, one road is fucking great. The double eleven war this year is really getting worse and worse."

Online, the voice of public opinion supporting Alibaba is getting higher and higher.

On the evening of Alibaba\'s statement, the official microblog of the people\'s Daily published an article.

"One belt, one road is our grand strategy based on long-term development. It is related to the national plan, and we must not blacken it and question it."

"One belt, one road, one belt, one road, and some overseas investment in the past few years have even been a direct attack on the purpose and purpose of our strategy for making the one belt and the other way".

Once published, this article of the people\'s daily completely reversed the public opinion situation of Alibaba.

Even the state-owned media came out to speak. Many netizens and we media who had followed the trend and stepped on Alibaba immediately stopped, and did not dare to make any more comments to discredit Alibaba. Even many people turned out the previously published circles of friends and microblogs and quietly deleted them.

Netizens thought that the storm of Alibaba\'s public opinion was over. Who would have thought that Alibaba would release a heavy news in two days:

"Alibaba will spend US $266 million to buy the South China Morning Post and all media companies under its South China group!"


"There are some mistakes. Alibaba was sprayed by the whole network this time. Isn\'t that the rhythm brought by the South China Morning Post? Why did Alibaba buy the South China Morning Post instead?"

"I don\'t understand. What is the dog blood story of falling in love and killing each other?"

"I bought you because you scolded me?"

"Cow force, Mr. Ma bought the whole company directly in order to fire people!"

"I\'m curious about the mood of the employees of the South China Morning Post, especially the employee who published an article to discredit Ali."

At this moment, at the headquarters of the South China Morning Post in Hong Kong, Chen Wen sat in her office in a trance and was at a loss. Just now, a male colleague told her a shocking news that Alibaba was going to buy the South China Morning Post!

Hearing the news, Chen Wen almost collapsed on the ground for a moment.

Fortunately, the male colleague quickly held her waist and didn\'t make too much of a fool of her.

Chen Wen\'s heart was like a bolt from the blue. Her colleagues looked at her with a trace of strangeness and schadenfreude.

Chen Wen glanced at the position of the man who wrote the manuscript before. The man was not there. Even the water cup and other personal items on his station disappeared without a trace.

Soon, Chen Wen was called to the office by the chief editor.

"Sorry, Lina, for some reasons, you can\'t work here. This is your salary and resignation letter!" the editor in chief pushed the two things to her expressionless.

Chen Wen opened her mouth to explain something, but when she saw the editor in chief\'s indifferent eyes, she swallowed her words back.

Chen Wen picked up the envelope containing the salary and the resignation letter and reluctantly left the editor in chief\'s office. Within a few minutes, she returned with a trace of anger.

"Editor in chief, there seems to be something wrong with my salary. Except for the bonus and performance last month, I have worked in the company for 5 years and should have at least a dismissal compensation."

"Did I hear you right, Lina? Do you still want compensation? Do you have any idea why you were dismissed? The company didn\'t investigate your losses. It\'s all benevolence and righteousness!" the editor in chief looked at her with a fool\'s eyes and said impatiently.

"But I do everything for the company and the sale of newspapers."

"Enough, Lina"

The chief editor interrupted, "everyone in the company works for the company. The company doesn\'t owe you a salary. It\'s the chairman\'s decision to dismiss you. You\'d better take the money and leave without causing trouble for yourself!"

Chen Wen leaves the editor in chief\'s office disheartened.

The unemployed Chen Wen began to look for new job opportunities in the next two days.

She contacted another newspaper that had intended to dig her past. She didn\'t want to hang up as soon as she called her name.

She contacted her friends in the circle to help push, the other party only said to help her see the opportunity, and then there was no news.

She contacted the headhunter, who only said that there was no suitable job for her for the time being, and suggested that she wait.

She posted many resumes on the recruitment website, each of which fell into the sea.

Chen Wen had a bad feeling in her heart.

She didn\'t know until she contacted a former colleague who had a good relationship to understand the situation. She was blocked by the Hong Kong media circle!

Chen Wen is confused! If she knew she would be blocked for a report, she would never do such a stupid thing. What is it for the sales of the South China Morning Post? Bah, it\'s none of her business!

When Chen Wen lost her job, Alibaba made a new move.

On November 8, three days before the double 11, Alibaba held a press conference with Suning.

The public relations departments of Alibaba and Suning went all out to invite journalists from various media, including mainland media such as economic observer, China business daily, first finance, and Huizhong news, as well as Hong Kong media such as Ming Pao, Ta Kung Pao and Wen Wei Po.

The most eye-catching is the South China Morning Post, which is also invited!

Although I saw the news that Alibaba was purchasing the South China Morning Post two days ago, netizens still felt some magic when they saw that Alibaba invited the South China Morning Post to participate in the press conference.

Therefore, whether it is other media colleagues or all kinds of melon eating netizens, they are all concerned about this news conference. Alibaba has also launched a news conference live broadcast on the public platform, such as official website, micro-blog, WeChat official account, etc.

For a while, countless melon eating netizens rushed into the live studio, waiting to eat melons and watch a good play.

At 10 a.m., ARIMA and President Suning and president Zhang, surrounded by the executives of the two companies, walked into the press conference site together. In an instant, the lights in the whole hall flickered, full of all kinds of shutter sound and camera sound.

President Ma glanced. There were hundreds of media reporters on the scene, which was much more grand than many press conferences held by Alibaba in the past.