Reborn multinational giant

Chapter 753

Hearing what President Ma said, Tao Ran seemed encouraged. She said frankly:

"I think Alibaba should invest in or acquire several media and master and control its own media channels or news windows."

As soon as Tao Ran said this, the meeting room was silent.

When can the public relations department make decisions for the leadership?

However, many colleagues and employees of the public relations department deeply agree with Tao Ran\'s proposal. If Ali had his own media voice channel, how could he break up with the South China Morning Post first? Why should their public relations department go into battle with bare arms?

Of course, some people worry that Tao Ran\'s proposal will make Ma Zong and other Ali executives feel that the public relations department is incompetent and can\'t do well. They complain that they don\'t have their own media channels. Do other domestic Internet enterprises have their own media channels?

Mr. Ma closed his hands, crossed his fingers, held it up in front of his mouth and fell into meditation.

After a while, he put down his hands and said to Tao Ran:

"What you said is reasonable. The news media window in Alibaba is too weak, so we have to fight in person every time there is bad public opinion about us on the Internet. We should buy some news media. I think the most important thing to buy is the South China Morning Post!"

Should I buy the South China Morning Post?

Everyone in the conference room was stunned for a moment. There were wood and mistakes. The South China Morning Post was scolding us. As a result, we bought it. What kind of operation is this?

However, some smart people turned around and thought that President Ma was really clever.

At present, the South China Morning Post is in the hands of the Malaysian Chinese Guo Henian family. Guo Henian bought the South China Morning Post because he valued it as one of the most profitable newspapers in Hong Kong. However, with the advent of the Internet age, the profitability of the South China Morning Post and many traditional newspapers has long been much lower than before, and its only value remains, That is, the influence of the media industry in China, especially in Hong Kong.

However, for a Malaysian Chinese like Guo Henian, his influence in the media industry in Hong Kong is far from real gold and silver.

As long as Alibaba is willing to pay, it is not difficult to buy the South China Morning Post.

The employees of the South China Morning Post couldn\'t help laughing when they thought of the expression when they knew that their owner had become Alibaba in the future.

Can you, as a private news media, figure out the means of capitalists?

President Ma\'s proposal to acquire the South China Morning Post made the burden on the employees of Ali\'s public relations department disappear instantly, and the atmosphere of the whole conference room became relaxed.

Tao Ran, director of the public relations department, who was excited, also continued to propose while the iron was hot:

"I think we should also take this opportunity to announce the strategic cooperation reached with Suning in advance and seal the mouths of those people!"

As soon as she said this, some low-level employees of the public relations department were stunned and announced the strategic cooperation with Suning? We Ali and Suning have new cooperation? What? When did it happen?

Compared with the confusion of low-level employees, both Wang Shuai and Ma Zong and other executives of Ali have a calm and thoughtful face.

Alibaba is indeed negotiating a cooperation agreement with Suning recently. Ali\'s senior executives know that only two days ago, the two sides signed a preliminary letter of intent for cooperation. The formal cooperation agreement and some details have not been signed and negotiated.

When the low-level employees are guessing the cooperation content between Ali and Suning, President Ma has made a direct decision and said:

"Yes, let the news out first. In addition, hurry to urge Suning to sign a formal agreement. At the same time, let Suning keep a high profile and cooperate with us to make good publicity and suppress the negative public opinion of this unhealthy trend!"

Seeing that Mr. Ma, who was still angry before, has returned to his former calm appearance, Ali\'s employees seem to have regained their backbone and are confident and indifferent to the public opinion crisis.

In the afternoon, Alibaba public relations department issued a statement of "all colors" through micro-blog, WeChat official account and Ali official website.

The statement mentioned that due to the recent malicious guidance of some bad media in Hong Kong and Mainland China, the public questioned and had a bad impression on Alibaba\'s normal business operation and investment behavior.

Alibaba has always been a law-abiding Chinese Internet company. Some media and we media maliciously spread rumors that Alibaba is a traitor enterprise controlled by foreign capital and transporting interests abroad, which has seriously tarnished and damaged Alibaba\'s corporate image.

Alibaba\'s legal department will officially initiate legal proceedings to relevant media and we media, requiring them to publicly apologize to Alibaba and the public, and compensate Alibaba for the loss of its corporate image.

One belt, one road, one belt, one road by grandpa, is being challenged by Alibaba. Overseas companies in Southeast Asia or other countries and regions are actively responding to the strategic call of "one belt and one road". Alibaba can allow all doubt and discredit.

Alibaba will unite with relevant government departments to severely punish the rumor mongers and smear mongers of this public opinion! "

Alibaba\'s statement is righteous and frank.

Not long after the statement was issued, it was praised and commented by many celebrities and netizens who supported Alibaba.

"I always think Alibaba and Huizhong are the two pride of China\'s Internet industry. Alibaba is the pride of China\'s e-commerce industry. When Taobao was born, foreign eBay has occupied and dominated the domestic e-commerce industry. Taobao drove eBay abroad by relying on the strategy of opening stores free of charge, which is the first in the global e-commerce industry.

Alibaba has supported China\'s e-commerce industry, supported the e-economy, and provided its own strength for China\'s economic development, transformation and upgrading.

Alibaba has supported hundreds of thousands of small and medium-sized enterprises in Jiangsu, Zhejiang, Shanghai and coastal areas, and provided tens of millions of jobs throughout the country. Alibaba and e-commerce online shopping have deeply changed your and my life.

In my opinion, this online hype and discredit of Zanda, which Alibaba invested US $1 billion in Southeast Asia for less than three years, is a strong evidence for Alibaba and many Chinese enterprises to go global.

As for a company founded less than three years ago, why is it so expensive and needs to invest $1 billion,

This is because now, the world has known the potential of the e-commerce industry. The population of Southeast Asia is over 600 million, which determines that it must be an e-commerce market with infinite potential. The unicorns cultivated in such a market are naturally not cheap!

If we say that the establishment time is short, Huizhong has achieved a valuation of $40.5 billion in three years. In contrast, there are many people in the circle who come to Zanda. Even if the public does not understand it, there is no need to make a fuss.

Having said so much, I just hope everyone can understand, polish their eyes, see clearly, and think about what kind of company Alibaba is! "

Li Kaifu, a well-known leader and opinion leader in the domestic Internet industry, wrote such a paragraph on the Internet for the recent rumors and public opinion that discredited Alibaba.