Reborn multinational giant

Chapter 587

What kind of technology is the technology that profoundly changes and subverts the times?

From the steam engine, electricity and computer that promoted the progress of human civilization in modern times and triggered three industrial revolutions, to the dazzling great inventions in the history of human civilization, compass, paper, gunpowder, light bulb, aircraft, rocket, Internet and mobile phone.

The emergence of every invention has greatly changed people\'s way of life. Such technology can be called a technology that profoundly changes and subverts the times!

However, such technology, like diamonds in the history of human civilization, is extremely precious and difficult to be born. In ancient times, it may have been born for hundreds of years.

After entering modern times, the history of human civilization has entered an unprecedented outbreak period. All kinds of technologies are changing with each passing day. For hundreds of years, no ancients can imagine today\'s life.

Similarly, in the next few hundred years, what will life be like in the future? Today\'s "ancients" can only peep into the leopard and think about it.

"Every time I imagine my future life, my heart will be full of expectations. If I can be given a chance to live three hundred years later, I will not hesitate to exchange all the wealth I have now!" Fang Zhe\'s opening remarks aroused the laughter and boos of many developers.

Many developers think Fang Zhe is joking. Few people believe that Fang Zhe is really willing to exchange hundreds of billions of dollars for an opportunity to live in 300 years.

Only Fang zhe knew in his heart that if he had a chance, he was really willing to change. When his wealth reached a certain level, it was only a string of numbers, and the opportunity to live in the future was probably the same as his rebirth.

In short, after taking the on-site developers to review the great inventions in human history over the past thousands of years, Fang zhe began to slowly lead the topic to several things that Huizhong needs to do and intends to do today, now and in the future, AI (Artificial Intelligence), virtual reality, 5g and the Internet of things.

When these huge words appeared on the big screen behind Fang Zhe, the on-site developers held their breath, or were silent!

If wechat applet is a practical technology for developers on the big screen, it may cause cheers and comments from many developers, but now the four words full of a sense of future and technology on the big screen make them feel a little distant and empty.

AI, the word artificial intelligence is not new today. From movies to the general public, everyone can say a few words about artificial intelligence.

There is no doubt that the world has been looking forward to artificial intelligence for a long time, but the reality is that artificial intelligence is like an insurmountable monument in the field of science and technology. Although it has developed for decades, it has made slow progress. Even the so-called artificial intelligence developed in the top scientific laboratory can\'t compare with the IQ of a 5-year-old child.

How dare such intelligence be called artificial intelligence? Even many scientists assert that human beings can never create real artificial intelligence, because human beings still don\'t know themselves!

What do humans use to create artificial intelligence and what methods do they use to create artificial intelligence? In addition to the bottleneck in technology and direction, artificial intelligence is too broad and complex, involving a large number of disciplines, which also makes many people feel unable to start. Many large companies have invested a lot of money for decades, and many scientists have worked hard all their lives without any harvest and achievements.

Now Huizhong coldly announces that it has really found a feasible way to enter the field of artificial intelligence, or does it burn more money? There is too much money to be melted in the listing, so I don\'t know where to spend it?

90% of the developers on site think it is the latter, because they all think that Huizhong\'s investment in these fields will only be wasted like other large companies!

"This is the quietest moment for the audience since the opening!" Fang zhe joked.

"I know that many viewers may be thinking that AI, virtual reality, 5g, the Internet of things, and even 4G networks are not commercially available in China. You talked to us about 5g. Is it a little too far? These tall terms sound scary, but what does it have to do with us and most ordinary developers?" Fang zhe asked himself, Speak the voice of many developers on the scene.

However, since Fang zhe dared to ask, he had already prepared the answer.

"For a long time, many ordinary developers regard AI as a scourge. They think that they are not doctoral students of scientists or graduates of famous universities. They don\'t dare to think that they can learn and study AI technology.

But what I want to tell you now is that AI is not as tall as you think. In fact, the whole AI technology system can be regarded as a huge pyramid. At the top of the pyramid, scientists all over the world have been working hard to overcome the advanced artificial intelligence with human emotion, intelligence and even smarter than human beings.

At the bottom of the pyramid is what we see today, an increasingly intelligent and intelligent life.

The AI in our imagination is not achieved overnight, but accumulated by countless tiny intelligence. The qualitative change caused by quantitative change is like every great invention in the past, standing on the shoulders of giants!

You came home from work one day and found a way closer than usual. From then on, you began to take a shortcut. This is AI. Today, you reconstruct the code you wrote before and implement it with a simpler and more efficient algorithm. This is also AI.

AI is not just the tall things in science fiction films, but a more efficient, simpler and faster solution that actually happens around us. It is a better way to optimize and utilize social resources! "

Fang Zhe\'s opinions on AI have aroused the thinking of many audiences on the spot and watching the live broadcast. At the same time, it has also refreshed their understanding and concept of AI. For a long time, influenced by science fiction films and many scientific fantasies, the public has always believed that only computers or robots as smart as people in movies can be regarded as real AI.

In fact, that is the performance of AI in its mature stage. Before that, speech recognition, image recognition and even human psychology were the research fields of AI. Therefore, in previous generations, major well-known Internet companies were competing for their speech recognition accuracy. Google was teaching its own robot people to play go and know cats. These behaviors were strange and sneered at by the general public, They are all contributing to the technical system of AI and the overall maturity of AI technology.

Fang zhe took the opportunity of the developer conference to say this. On the one hand, he conveyed Huizhong\'s future strategy. On the other hand, he also hoped that through this opportunity, he would convey his attitude and views on AI to developers and even many ordinary people, so that everyone could have a new understanding of AI, abandon the old-fashioned idea that only scientists can study AI technology, and let more people study AI, Accelerate the development and progress of AI technology.

Similarly, virtual reality, 5g and the Internet of things are the same. These technologies are not just tall and distant holes. Each of them is developed by giants based on the present and the huge technical system in the past, and their promotion also needs the support and participation of more people.

Therefore, when Fang zhe mentally baptized the live developers and the audience watching the live broadcast, he gently pressed the remote control in his hand, and the large screen behind him switched to the next ppt.

100 billion!

On the big screen, there are only four numbers and one hundred million words. Diplomacy is a big exclamation point!

The on-site developers exclaimed again, my God, this is not the money Huizhong plans to invest in these fields! Ten thousand, and there\'s a hundred million behind!

"In the next three years, Huizhong will invest 100 billion yuan in these four fields!" Fang zhe smiled and said in a flat tone.