Reborn multinational giant

Chapter 586

"Wechat applet will revolutionize the app store!"

Many developers on site agree with this view.

You should know that nowadays, whether Android phones or apple phones, the applications downloaded and installed by users basically come from the built-in app store of the mobile phone, so basically all developers should act according to the face of the app store.

On the relatively open Android phones, Huizhong\'s 91 assistants, Google\'s Google store and the application stores of major mobile phone manufacturers lead the way.

On the relatively closed Apple mobile phone, Apple\'s own app store covers the sky. No third-party company can build its own app store on Apple mobile phone. Even the wechat built-in application distribution platform across Android and apple mobile phone platforms, users will only jump to the corresponding app store application interface when clicking download!

In the past few years, this traditional application distribution model has basically matured. No matter how much money the application makes, a certain proportion must be given to the corresponding app store. Apple\'s app store takes 30%, 91 assistant and Google store also take 30%, while like other app stores, it varies from 30% to 50%, and even some app stores with black conscience, Make more money than application developers.

Therefore, the slogan that the channel is king in the mobile Internet era has been circulating in the industry. Whoever has mastered the application distribution channel can lie down and make money!

As a reborn master of the general trend of the times, Fang zhe early pocketed 91 assistant, and with step-by-step "foresight", built 91 assistant into the largest app store on the global Android platform. I\'m afraid the first thing to change is the life of 91 assistant!

Huizhong\'s self revolutionary courage has moved many developers. However, some developers believe that the life of the wechat applet 91 assistant is not that Huizhong\'s own left hand hits the right hand, but that Huizhong\'s left pocket goes out and the right pocket comes in. I\'m afraid the life of other app stores is the real change of the wechat applet!

The discussion of on-site developers has been overshadowed by waves. Many developers believe that wechat applets will trigger a revolution in the global software industry. However, many conservative and rational developers believe that wechat applets developed based on simple web technology are unlikely to make particularly complex functions, let alone achieve the use experience of native applications.

Sure enough, Fang zhe on the stage also poured some cold water on the developers in time, so that the greater the expectation, the greater the disappointment.

"Just now we mentioned that wechat applets are developed through simple web technology and can be used without downloading and installing, clicking or scanning codes. These are the two advantages of wechat applets compared with traditional applications.

However, since there is a small character in the name of wechat applet, it shows that wechat applet is not as good as native application in some aspects. I think you will experience a lot when contacting wechat applet in the future. Wechat applet is only suitable for some simple application scenarios, such as simple e-commerce pages, news information, restaurant ordering, and various o2o Application scenarios, and some small games with simple logic and low performance requirements! "

Although Fang zhe said it simply, many developers under the stage have been breathing hard, because every word and field mentioned by Fang zhe may become a new venture outlet and opportunity in the future.

Is the wechat applet simple? It\'s not simple. Fang Zhe\'s next words make the developers on site and watching the live broadcast understand with excitement where the real potential of wechat applet is.

"So, does our applet sound like it has only this ability? It\'s easy to develop, no need to download and install, and the entrance is flat. If it\'s just this ability, why should we plug it into wechat?"

"What is the biggest potential of wechat applet? It is the huge user group and traffic of wechat, and it is wechat that opens the gap between Android and apple. A wechat applet can be used by both Android and apple!"

WOW! The developers at the scene burst into a burst of warm cheers!

It\'s not developers. They simply don\'t understand their love hate entanglement between Android and Apple\'s two mobile operating systems. They produce two application installation packages, which are compatible and have to be adjusted twice. The program produces a bug. There is a bug, there is no bug, there is no bug, there is a bug, both have bugs, and they are not the same bug. In a word, developers have broken ideas about Android and apple, It can be said that there is a long-standing resentment.

Fortunately, now that wechat applet comes out, even if it can\'t compare with the native application in some aspects, its advantages are unmatched by the native application. What\'s more, with the huge user traffic support of wechat across Android and apple mobile platforms, which application distribution channel can be as powerful as wechat?

Therefore, the on-site developers directly use the warmest cheers to express their warm celebration of the birth of wechat applet!

Next, Fang zhe briefly introduced the development standards and operation rules of wechat applet to the developers.

In the next six months, wechat applets will still be in the internal testing stage. Only a few invited developers and developers selected for internal testing can upload their own wechat applets on the wechat applet platform. However, during this period, any developer can start learning and downloading relevant development packages to develop their own wechat applets, After the official public beta of wechat applet, you can upload your own wechat applet.

The news that the wechat applet still needs to be tested for half a year cools down the enthusiasm of developers. However, more developers are ready to use this half a year to study and develop their own wechat applet. After the wechat applet is officially tested, it will become popular!

Few developers question the bright future of wechat applets. If wechat under Tencent launched wechat applets in the previous life and dormant for nearly two years, it has now become the focus of the world\'s second Internet company by market value. It is difficult to think about the small programs built in wechat with nearly 1.4 billion users around the world!

When Fang zhe stepped down, the on-site developers were still crazy about wechat applets. Later, Huang Zheng, who is in charge of the game business, Li Wenbin, who is in charge of the cloud computing business, and other department heads successively took the stage to introduce various heavyweight projects or applications to the developers.

Unity and fantasy, two mainstream game engines, have been acquired and integrated by Huizhong. In addition to their own upgrading to better support mobile 2D and 3D game development, these two engines and Huizhong\'s open source engine cocos2d also begin to support the convenient development of wechat applets, and have launched corresponding working platforms and related plug-ins.

In terms of cloud computing, Huizhong cloud will give full support to wechat applet developers around the world and launch various solutions and preferential packages.

A small accident occurred during the period, that is, Li Wenbin accidentally slipped his tongue and revealed to developers that Huizhong will open source a large number of projects in the future, from games to cloud computing, as well as the top technical solutions behind global large-scale applications such as wechat and 91 assistant.

In addition, Huizhong is about to integrate open source... Li Wenbin said that he was shocked to learn that the news of Huizhong\'s acquisition of the open source platform GitHub is still classified as confidential. His bald mouth will always punish him for doing ten push ups in front of Huizhong executives. This is one of the confidentiality rules set by their senior management. Doing push ups is small, losing face is big!

One heavy function pushed the Huizhong global developer conference to the end. On the spot, many developers wondered whether it was difficult. When there was no final project at the conference, or the final project was the wechat applet introduced at the beginning, Fang Zhe, who stayed in the background for more than two hours, returned to the stage again.

"Next, I want to introduce to you the final content of our conference today.

The progress of the times is inseparable from the progress of technology. Without the birth of mobile Internet, I and all of you here today may live a different life.

So today\'s last content, we will return to the essence of technology and explore how the technologies that can change and subvert an era come into being! "