Reborn multinational giant

Chapter 588


The audience took a breath.

100 billion! This pen is too big!

So far, I haven\'t heard of any Internet company that dares to invest 100 billion in a project at one time, not to mention the emerging fields such as artificial intelligence and the Internet of things, which are agreed by many industry insiders and experts that the business model is fuzzy and difficult to realize. Even Google x Laboratory, which has been blown up by the outside world, has far less R & D funds.

"I heard that Huizhong was rich and willful before and felt a little exaggerated. Now I understand that Huizhong is not only rich and willful, but also willful n-th power!" sighed an audience at the scene.

General listed companies, limited by performance pressure and financial reporting pressure after listing, are afraid to invest. For example, some projects that can\'t see profits in five, ten or even three years dare not invest at all.

However, when we come to Huizhong, there is no performance pressure, and the stock price doesn\'t matter. Anyway, Fang zhe has an absolute controlling right in Huizhong. Fang Zhe\'s wealth is more than the sum of the last few on the rich list. Do you like to buy stocks or not? Don\'t you buy them? I don\'t know how many people are waiting in line to buy them all over the world!

The developers at the scene sighed. Sure enough, although Huizhong was listed, Huizhong was still the Huizhong, the willful Huizhong, and the Huizhong whose employees and shareholders had absolute trust in Zhe, the helmsman.

Amid the comments of the audience, Fang zhe began to explain the specific use arrangements of the 100 billion yuan.

First, Huizhong will establish four of the world\'s top future research institutes in four cities, including Silicon Valley in the United States, Tokyo in Japan, Yanjing in China and London in the United Kingdom, so as to attract top scientific and technological talents in several fields such as global AI and virtual reality.

For a long time, because of its short founding time, Huizhong still has a big gap with the old world giants such as Google, Microsoft and IBM in terms of technology accumulation and technical heritage.

Many people say that Huizhong\'s success is a standard Chinese success. This success is only based on the application of technology, not the root technological breakthrough or leap.

Americans invented the Internet, Microsoft founded and popularized the computer operating system, Google invented the search engine and Android, Apple launched the iPhone and created the era of smart phones. The success of Chinese Internet companies and mobile phone companies is nothing more than copytochina.

Google to Baidu, eBay to Taobao, ICQ to QQ, apple to every Chinese smartphone, and even in the early years, many Chinese entrepreneurs so-called looking for opportunities is to keep an eye on the United States and Silicon Valley and "move" their inventions to China.

On the surface, Huizhong\'s wechat, games and other businesses have unlimited scenery. It has more than 1 billion users around the world. Even in the winner take all situation, it can\'t even find competitors on the table.

However, if Huizhong falls down tomorrow, I\'m afraid there will be tens of thousands of "wechat" all over the world overnight, because from a technical point of view, wechat is just an ordinary communication application. Any programmer who has studied software development for several years can make a difference in the next effort.

The success and competitive barrier of wechat are based on the first mover advantage of Fang zhe prophet\'s foresight and the rich business advantage of continuous iteration in the later stage. In other words, wechat can achieve the core advantage of taking all the world and not falling down because it has rooted countless small branches into all fields around the world like a big tree.

The official account of WeChat is related to millions of media and self media in the world. The wallet that WeChat pays has hundreds of millions of people in the world. WeChat\'s daily news and communications are related to the online life and entertainment communication of about one billion people all over the world.

Be prepared for danger in times of peace. Although wechat and Huizhong are at the height of the sun, it does not mean that there is no potential development crisis. Fang zhe can\'t forget his previous life. Because of the sweater war between China and the United States, companies from Huawei, ZTE and Dajiang in China to apple, Google, FedEx and micron in the United States are sandwiched in the middle and affected to varying degrees.

Although multinational corporations are powerful, they are still not enough to see in front of the national machine of large countries. Only by constantly expanding themselves and accumulating their own technical heritage and strength can they better face and overcome all kinds of potential crises.

If the four future research institutes distributed all over the world are to attract the world\'s top scientific and technological talents and absorb them to overcome the problems at the top of the technology pyramid, the second point announced by Fang Zhe is related to many ordinary developers on site and the complex and huge technologies at the bottom of the pyramid.

"Second, we will establish an AI open platform and database open to all developers around the world, and gradually establish a set of standard AI learning system and technology system.

Nowadays, many Internet companies, scientific research institutions, universities and various organizations around the world are studying AI and other technologies. Each has its own research direction and research focus, which can be said to be complex and chaotic. In most cases, these companies only publish simple product application solutions or open source directly, and some of the research has been successful.

I don\'t deny that these behaviors have made certain contributions to the development of the whole AI industry, but in my opinion, there is still a big gap between these things and technical achievements and many ordinary developers, and these gaps are also that AI has been staying in the scientific research laboratory and has not spread to millions of ordinary developers around the world like programming languages and other things One of the reasons.

What are these barriers? It is a set of standard learning system and technical system. If an ordinary person wants to become a programming developer, he can learn computer principles and basic programming language knowledge in the University, so as to gradually become a programming developer. Even out of society, various programming learning websites and training courses can help him quickly master and learn programming technology.

But what about an AI developer? Not to mention ordinary people, even many of our developers here feel like they have no way to learn and can\'t find ways and means.

The biggest advantage of the Internet is that it saves all kinds of information and provides us with a huge data and knowledge base. The biggest disadvantage of the Internet is that its information is too complex and chaotic. If you ask Baidu or Google how to learn AI, they will give you thousands of answers, but they will not give you a standard answer.

Baidu tells you to read this introductory book and Google tells you to read that introductory book. After reading the introductory book, you are at a loss about how to improve it next. In this way, our whole learning process becomes fragmented and patchwork, which not only wastes a lot of energy, but also wears off our learning enthusiasm.

Therefore, the AI open platform we want to build now is not like other companies and institutions, throwing away a pile of product SDKs or open source achievements, but building a learning system and technical system starting from 0. Any ordinary developer can locate himself on this platform and find his own learning direction and learning route, Constantly improve yourself and make contributions.

The reason why each of us can master language and basic literary and mathematical knowledge is that educators have formulated a unified set of learning standards for us from primary school to university.

Before the emergence of Baidu Encyclopedia and Wikipedia, there were thousands of answers to a word or a person\'s information profile on the Internet, and they formulated the standard of this information, so that we can quickly understand this information. Therefore, the formulation of the standard is very important.

In the future, we will work with dozens of IT companies and hundreds of top universities, experts and people from all walks of life to gradually build a set of standard knowledge system and learning system from AI technology to it technology, as well as basic disciplines such as language, mathematics and chemistry, and various fields of all walks of life.

In our imagination, the construction of this system will build a set of standards for the knowledge system of the whole human civilization. Anyone can quickly and clearly locate himself in this set of standards and find a way to improve and learn himself. He can also learn knowledge from daily necessities to spaceships.

We estimate that the establishment of this set of standards will increase the development speed of the whole human civilization by more than several times!

If a "person" can learn the whole set of knowledge system, it will master the whole human civilization! "