Reborn multinational giant

Chapter 526

In the office, Fang zhe talked to Wu Xiaohui in more detail about the development of Shengtian literature. They listened thoughtfully and nodded again and again.

If they have any questions and doubts during the period, Fang zhe will explain them in more detail.

"President Fang, I have a question to ask you and listen to your views and opinions." Wu Xiaohui interrupted after just listening to Fang Zhe\'s detailed explanation of the IP based copyright of the novel.

After receiving Fang Zhe\'s affirmative eyes, Wu Xiaohui said:

"Well, according to what you just said, since we want to do a good job in the IP of novel copyright and make IP more influential, we must improve the popularity of the novel and expand the readership. However, as you know, most readers of online novels are pirated readers, and less than one tenth of the genuine readers.

If we operate according to the idea of expanding IP popularity and influence and expanding reader groups, does that mean that we should default to, or even support, the existence of pirated novels? "

At this time, Liang Xiaodong on one side also had the same doubts in his heart. According to Fang Zhe\'s description, the benefits of doing IP are obviously much greater than combating piracy. If you follow this idea, aren\'t the two things mentioned by Fang zhe self contradictory, or is combating piracy just an empty word to appease the author?

Fang zhe smiled and said, "piracy and free are two different things. Many readers go to see piracy because piracy is free. If the genuine version is free, piracy will have no survival advantage!"

"Free?" now Wu Xiaohui and Liang Xiaodong don\'t understand. You know, since the starting point network took the lead in launching the VIP chapter charging system in the industry many years ago, the income from e-subscription has become an important source of income for the survival and development of websites and novel writers. If the genuine version is also free, the authors and websites can\'t drink the West and north wind?

Fang zhe still looked puzzled at them. It was obvious that years of industry experience had made their thinking a little rigid. He continued to explain:

"In the past, when online literature just started, what websites and authors needed to solve was the problem of survival and food and clothing. As the main source of income for websites and authors, electronic subscription is naturally very important.

But now, with the continuous expansion of the reader group, the source of income of the website and top authors is becoming richer and larger through IP operation means such as game adaptation and animation adaptation.

Whether it is a genuine website or a pirated website, most readers and traffic focus on these works at the top, and the remaining small and medium-sized authors and ordinary works show a long tail effect.

If we try to explore, first free these works at the top, and severely ban piracy, then most readers will slowly focus on the genuine platform. "

Wu Xiaohui\'s face changed slightly. He asked with some uncertainty:

"President Fang, you\'re going to cut from the top authors. If you don\'t do it well, it will lead to the unrest of the whole website."

Wu Xiaohui\'s worry is not unreasonable. A few years ago, several top gods of starting point left, which caused severe turbulence in the whole website. Many readers followed these gods to other platforms. If it were not for starting point to cultivate and select a number of new excellent authors and works through a series of God making operation means, I\'m afraid it would be the starting point today, It has long become a second or even third rate website in the online literature industry.

Fang zhe looked at Wu Xiaohui and said calmly, "Mr. Wu, you can calculate the e-subscription income of a top-level work at will. How much is it?"

Wu Xiaohui was silent for a moment and gave an answer: "if you just count the electronic subscription, the top ones can have a monthly income of more than one million. If they are a little worse, the monthly income is also hundreds of thousands. However, the whole starting point network can reach this income, there are less than 100 people. If you count the whole network industry, there may be less than two or three hundred people."

Fang zhe nodded. Now it\'s only the end of 2012. The overall income level of the online text industry is still much lower than that in a few years. In particular, the concept of copyright IP has not become popular in the Internet industry, and the income of these top gods in copyright is not as much as expected.

Fang zhe said, "Mr. Wu, if I told you to give up the e-subscription income and replace it with other income several times more than it, how many top authors do you think would be willing to agree?"

Wu Xiaohui and Liang Xiaodong looked at each other, and then Wu Xiaohui said, "if this income can be guaranteed, I\'m sure most top authors will be willing, but"

"However, you are worried that this income cannot be guaranteed!" Fang zhe then said Wu Xiaohui.

Wu Xiaohui nodded. The income of e-subscription is dead. Fang zhe said other income, but I don\'t know whether it can be guaranteed.

Fang zhe said: "if a book is really a good work, its copyright value will far exceed the income of electronic subscription. After all, you also said that pirated readers are far more than genuine readers. If it is adapted into games, TV dramas, animation, or movies, the share of these income will far exceed what you and I imagine."

Wu Xiaohui agrees with this. Popular works have a huge fan base and audience. It is almost profitable to expand IP value through adaptation and other means. This can be seen from many novel adaptation games issued by Huizhong in recent years.

However, Wu Xiaohui was worried and said, "what about the works that are not suitable for adaptation?"

You know, the theme and content of online literature are all inclusive. Many excellent works can not be adapted or expand IP value due to the theme or the current technical environment. In other words, although such works are popular, they can only rely on electronic subscriptions to the author to earn income.

Fang zhe stalled: "IP operation is only a way to Rome. For works that are not suitable for IP adaptation and ordinary works with insufficient value, existing charging methods such as electronic subscription should also be retained.

At the same time, you should also explore other profit models, reduce fees or free for those works with high IP value, combat piracy, and let a large number of readers gather on the genuine platform. With the increase of readers, you should also consider various ways to improve the author\'s income, such as reward, information flow advertising, game platform access and so on.

If a large number of readers enter the genuine platform, the small and medium-sized authors of the whole platform will also benefit. In this way, the income of all authors on the platform will be improved, which will further stimulate the author\'s creative enthusiasm, attract more people to create online articles, create more good works and attract more readers, so as to form a better and better positive cycle. "