Reborn multinational giant

Chapter 527

Fang Zhe\'s explanation simply impressed Wu Xiaohui and Liang Xiaodong.

If we continue to follow Fang Zhe\'s ideas, the piracy problem in the industry will not only be greatly curbed, but also the revenue of various novel websites in the whole industry will increase significantly.

You know, in the more than ten years since the birth of the Internet, there is a most classic saying: "free is the most expensive."

As long as a large number of users can be attracted to the website, to the genuine platform, and then realized through advertising, games and other ways, the revenue scale of the online literature industry is unimaginable.

"Well, what other questions do you have now?" Fang zhe asked.

Wu Xiaohui and Liang Xiaodong thought for a moment and looked at each other. Then at the same time, zhe shook his head.

"There is no big problem, but I think to be safe, we should first find some top authors who are willing to cooperate, try it first, and then promote the whole station and the whole group if we can." Wu Xiaohui said cautiously.

Fang zhe nodded and said affirmatively, "it should be so. The first priority of your reorganization and reform is to ensure the stability of your existing business without affecting the normal creation of writers and the normal reading of readers, including the switching of account system and payment channels to Huizhong platform, and to achieve seamless connection."

More than half an hour later, Fang zhe was the host. In a nearby hotel, he invited a group of core executives of Shengtian literature to have a meal and pulled in the relationship between them. That night, Fang zhe directly returned to Yanjing by plane.

Huizhong first controlled Youku Tudou and then acquired Shengtian literature, which attracted a lot of discussion from experts in the domestic Internet industry. Many experts believe that Huizhong\'s two great achievements in succession should be the layout of Huizhong in order to seek listing and obtain better valuation next year.

However, various experts have different opinions on what kind of bureau this bureau is and to what extent it is now deployed. They have their own opinions and reasons.

Some experts believe that Huizhong should not have a big deal in a short time. After all, the new year is approaching, and major companies have begun to sort out the business of the past year. Huizhong has invested in valve, Youku Tudou and acquired Shengtian literature this year. The business of these companies alone is enough for Huizhong to digest for a while.

Some experts believe that Huizhong is only one year away from listing. At this juncture, the sooner Huizhong completes the layout, the better it can tell investors a story when it is listed.

As for the layout of Huizhong, many experts have guessed and thought, first online video websites, and then online reading. If there is no accident, the layout direction of Huizhong is actually an old story in the Internet industry, online entertainment!

Online entertainment was Tencent\'s corporate purpose and core development concept many years ago. According to this concept, Tencent has successively set foot in many internet entertainment fields such as games, music, animation, reading, film and television around the core QQ social industry.

It is also because of Tencent\'s corporate philosophy of trying to do everything by itself, which led to Tencent almost becoming the public enemy of the whole people in the domestic Internet industry, and then triggered the 3Q war shaking the industry. Tencent has converged from the closure of working alone in the past to the opening of cooperation and win-win.

Many experts and practitioners in the Internet industry feel that Huizhong\'s current layout is the same.

"Hum, Huizhong united with 360 to overthrow Tencent, and now it has done so by itself. Sure enough, the bigger the company, the darker the heart. Our company has not done much, just because our heart is not black enough!" the bosses of many small and medium-sized Internet companies have more or less such ideas.

Companies such as Tencent and Baidu, especially Tencent, Huizhong\'s old enemy, seize this opportunity to attack and accuse Huizhong of undermining reasonable competition in the industry and engaging in monopoly practices!

Although the noise of public opinion is hot and noisy, Huizhong today is not Huizhong a few years ago. Whether it is Huizhong\'s own strong public opinion and public relations ability or the help of a Huizhong enterprise, it ensures that Huizhong stands on the side of "justice" in public opinion.

"Tiandi conscience, I am a former employee of Tudou. First of all, I declare that I have nothing to do with the current Youku Tudou.

The reason why I send this microblog is just to avenge Huizhong and boss Fang.

Anyone who has a little understanding of the online video industry should know how the industry is now. Tudou\'s share price has not stopped falling since it was listed in U.S. stocks last year. Now the whole industry is making money at a loss, and no website makes money.

When I was in the company, I heard our boss say that the company originally planned to lay off staff. Later, the boss met with the senior management of Youku. Both companies felt that they were losing too much money and planned to merge and keep warm. I left my job at that time to start a business.

Huizhong spent 9.6 billion to control Youku Tudou, which is equivalent to saving Youku Tudou\'s life and giving Youku Tudou a large amount of food for the winter.

The reason why Tencent and Baidu\'s public relations soft Wen black Huizhong is simply because Youku Tudou has a competitive relationship with Tencent video and iqiyi supported by their two companies.

Right and wrong are free in the hearts of the people. I believe everyone can see whether Huizhong is promoting the development of the industry or bullying the small with the big! "

On Sina Weibo, a blogger\'s free and easy microblog was forwarded by a large number of Huizhong iron powder and supporters.

Subsequently, some insiders broke the news about the independence of Shengtian literature because of the internal contradictions of Shengtian literature, and some executives sought the support of Huizhong because Shengtian literature has not been listed and wants to be independent.

Amid the uproar of public opinion, on December 12, a comedy film "Thai embarrassment", directed by well-known domestic actor Xu Shanzheng, was released vigorously under the huge publicity momentum!

"Thai embarrassment" is the first film directed by actor Xu Shanzheng. With the accumulation of good reputation of the previous similar embarrassing work "people in the embarrassing way", Thai embarrassment continues to play the leading role. Once released, it has aroused a hot and warm praise in the domestic film market and audience!

Many careful viewers found that in the logo presentation and company name of the production company before the start of the Thai embarrassing film, there was another company called Huizhong culture!

Just looking at the name, it is not difficult for the audience to guess that this company, nine times out of ten, is a subsidiary of Huizhong. It was discovered only after some interested people understood it in detail. Indeed!

Huizhong culture, founded in the middle of this year, is a company specially established by Huizhong to invest in and distribute TV dramas, films and other film and television dramas after Huizhong established the interactive entertainment business department at the beginning of this year.

Catch up earlier. The establishment of Huizhong culture can originate from the Zhongle culture company that Fang Zhe and Feng Xue planned to establish after watching the film Avatar a few years ago.

However, at that time, wechat was just launched, and Fang Zhe and Huizhong focused on wechat. The Zhongle culture company that Fang zhe originally planned to establish remained on paper. Until this year, Fang Zhe and Huizhong planned to carry out the overall layout of Pan entertainment, they began to establish Huizhong culture company.

The film "Thai embarrassment" is not only the first film invested by Huizhong culture after its establishment, but also the first film released by Huizhong culture using huge Huizhong resources. Its achievements, whether it is the top level of Huizhong culture or many peers who know the inside story, will wait and see!