Reborn multinational giant

Chapter 525

At the end of November, just when everyone thought that the domestic Internet industry with the big news of Youku Tudou merger should have been quiet for some time, another heavy news about Huizhong swept the whole Internet industry.

"Huizhong wholly acquired Shanda literature at the price of 4 billion yuan!"


For a time, the major domestic Internet companies were stunned. What did Huizhong do? Youku Tudou, which just spent 9.6 billion to control the merger, now spent another 4 billion to buy a grand literature. What layout is the farsighted boss Fang planning, or did Huizhong have money to burn?

Although we all know that these more than 10 billion yuan can not be all cash, many of them should be equivalent resources, but it must be that Huizhong has spent billions. What does Huizhong want to do with such a rich and generous move?

Many experts in the Internet industry are very excited about it and enjoy it. It\'s time for them to perform again!

"The reason is very simple. Huizhong will be listed next year. Now it has acquired some external assets in order to expand the basic market for listing valuation!"

This reason has won the recognition of many experts and melon eaters. Many enterprises will spend a lot of money on mergers and acquisitions before listing, in order to get a higher market value after listing, so that investors who do not understand feel that the company is very powerful and throw money into it one after another, waiting to be cut leeks.

Before listing, Alibaba acquired and took shares in dozens of companies such as Xiami, Sina, UC, Gaode and Suning, adjusted and reorganized its business modules, told investors a perfect story, and made everyone believe that Alibaba has a broad and brilliant prospect!

Now Huizhong\'s practice is regarded by experts as such reason. However, even many experts do not understand that Huizhong has successively controlled Youku Tudou and acquired Shanda literature. What\'s the matter?

You know, before the delisting of Youku Tudou two companies, the share price fell slightly, and with the reshuffle of the domestic video website industry, the two companies have been losing money continuously. Even if Huizhong is the wronged big head to take the offer, it is difficult to see the signs of turning losses into wins in a short time.

As for Shanda literature, although the whole Shanda literature occupies more than 70% of the market in the domestic online reading field, it doesn\'t make much money in this field at all.

Last year, the revenue of Shanda literature was only over 1 billion, and the net profit was less than 100 million. This money has not earned much in the monthly net profit of a second-line game under Huizhong. Otherwise, Shanda can\'t sell a profitable pastry.

Therefore, many experts don\'t understand why Huizhong holdings and bought these two companies. Even if it\'s to tell stories to investors, you can choose some rich companies anyway!

Nowadays, few people understand the ecological closed loop of Internet companies, and few people have heard of Pan entertainment. Even the top leaders of Tencent Ma and ARIMA, who stand at the top of the domestic Internet industry, just feel that the recent layout of Huizhong seems to have deep meaning, but they also have their own understanding and speculation about the specific concepts and methods of play!

Is Huizhong stupid? Huizhong is not stupid. Is boss Fang stupid? Boss Fang is not stupid!

No one thinks that Huizhong and boss Fang have a lot of silly money. Everyone thinks that boss Fang must have seen some prospects that ordinary people can\'t see and is making a big game!

In the past few years, Huizhong has been regarded as an investment behavior with more stupid money for many times. Now it has become a more profitable money printing machine!

When peers in the Internet industry are racking their brains to think about the deeper significance of Huizhong\'s acquisition of Shanda literature, they are directly affected by hundreds of thousands of writers and tens of millions of readers active in Shanda\'s starting point network, holding Jinjiang network and other novel websites.

"Shanda literature was bought by Huizhong\'s father. Should the full attendance of our starting point rise after that?"

"Shanda literature was acquired, why did the starting point of full attendance rise?"

"... you\'ve been at the starting point for so long upstairs. Don\'t you know that the starting point is the website of Shanda literature? Thank you for writing 5 books at the starting point!"

"A great God in the Dragon sky broke the news that Huizhong bought Shanda literature because Shanda literature didn\'t sell the copyright of the novel to Huizhong. Boss Fang was angry and bought the whole Shanda literature!"

"Hahaha, boss Fang is too entrenched. Huizhong has many games adapted from novels. Aren\'t those platinum and great God writers going to earn more in the future?"

"Don\'t dream upstairs. You\'ll try to adapt" very pure and ambiguous "into a game. Radio and television have been blocked!"

"If you adapt games, fantasy is still the most popular. Urban science fiction doesn\'t work. I knew I had written fantasy!"

"Xuanhuan Wannian pit, don\'t write Xuanhuan!"

The atmosphere of discussion among writers is relatively harmonious, but readers, especially many readers who have been chasing novels on Baidu Post Bar and pirated novel websites, will have fried the pot!

Because they found that Baidu sealed all the classified post bars of novels for several hours at a time. When they were released again, all the post posts of novel contents that were hit or copied by bar friends or by hand were deleted, and those links to external novel websites were also blocked by Baidu!

At the same time, the bar owners and small bar owners of the major novel post bars have also received the official notice of Baidu Post Bar. In the future, it is prohibited to reprint and publish any detailed novel content or chapters in the post bar. Once found, the bar owners and small bar owners should be deleted immediately, otherwise the official will seal the post bar as a whole!

Lying trough, google how to become so counseling! Across the country, tens of millions of friends gathered in various novel post bars to catch up with pirated bars. At present, there is a lot of scolding. Some who know the reasons and fuse behind them directly scold the starting point, grand literature, Huizhong and Fang zhe!

Dog day Huizhong, I think piracy is for your face. You still seal it!

Whether it is the starting point and a group of senior executives of Shanda literature, or Fang Zhe, are quite satisfied with Baidu\'s rapid action. Huizhong\'s legal department has not even sent a letter to Baidu, but just made a phone call and took direct action there!

Think Baidu and President Li are really big husbands. A large number of novel post bars are not allowed to reprint and publish novel contents and chapters. I\'m afraid these post bars will lose a lot of users and popularity!

Also blocked are pirated novel websites,,, and pirated websites familiar to pirated readers, which have been blocked and shut down!

Fang zhe knows that although piracy cannot be easily eliminated, it is difficult for them to recover to the previous unscrupulous scale in a short time.

Pirated readers are angry. The authors of starting point and many novel websites are cheering and running around to tell each other. In less than half a month after Huizhong purchased Shanda literature, the subscription of many of their works has increased by tens of hundreds. Huizhong father, on behalf of the authors of starting point, I am very happy to join you!