Reborn multinational giant

Chapter 500

After a little thought, all the executives here deeply agree with Zhang Yong\'s point of view. If tmall can really cooperate with wechat, the benefits will naturally be very huge!

However, can we reach cooperation?

Over the past many years, Tencent has monopolized the domestic social industry, and Ali wants to cooperate with Tencent, but Tencent has engaged in a lot of e-commerce businesses to compete with ALI with zero sum thinking, from Yixun to Tencent shooting. Until now, after the two companies have the same enemy, there is no foundation and sign of cooperation.

Besides Huizhong, there are several vertical e-commerce enterprises invested by Huizhong alone, all of which are direct competitors of Alibaba, not to mention the competition of other businesses such as Alipay and Huizhong cloud.

If Tencent is the enemy of Huizhong, then Ali is the only Internet company in the domestic Internet industry that can compete with Huizhong!

In this context, as the third leader of Ali and the direct person in charge of tmall, Zhang Yong put forward the view of cooperation between tmall and wechat, which is really a little strange!

"President Zhang, we all agree with what you said. Indeed, we also believe that the cooperation between tmall and wechat is of great benefit to us. But then again, why do we think wechat and Huizhong are willing to cooperate with us? How many interests do we have to sacrifice to achieve these cooperation?"

"Yes, Mr. Zhang, there are several e-commerce enterprises invested by Huizhong. In addition to Jingdong, Jumei premium products, vipshop and honey bud, I heard some time ago that Fang Zhe\'s girlfriend also built an e-commerce platform for vertical beauty makeup.

Fang zhe can\'t choose us instead of choosing and supporting so many legitimate e-commerce platforms. It\'s bold to think from the perspective of Huizhong. With the current business competition situation of our two companies, it\'s really a bit like raising tigers! "

"Fang Zhe\'s girlfriend also set up an e-commerce platform? Good guy, it\'s really against us!"

"It\'s understandable that a young man chases a girl, but if he continues to chase like this, the business classification on Taobao and tmall will have to be nibbled away by them!"

"Let me say, we don\'t need to ask for cooperation with wechat for this matter. Even if wechat and JD join hands, what can we do? We\'ve been playing the e-commerce business for more than ten years. Can\'t we still play with them? In the past, we used to play with JD, but now we play with wechat together. He is strong, the breeze blows the hills, he is horizontal, and the moon shines on the river!"

Amid the chaotic discussion among the executives, President Ma sat there quietly without speaking. He remembered that he invited Fang Zhe to visit Alibaba headquarters in Hangzhou last double 11. The scene and content of their meeting at that time came to his mind one after another.

"There are only two future development directions for domestic Internet companies to achieve our level, one is to look overseas, the other is to look to the future

The general pattern of the domestic e-commerce industry has basically taken shape, that is, take the full range of e-commerce platforms such as Taobao C2C and Taobao Mall B2C under Alibaba as the main body of the industry, and Jingdong, Dangdang, Miya, Jumei premium products and other vertical e-commerce platforms as the vice body of the industry... "

Looking back now, President Ma feels that what Fang zhe said at that time has a profound meaning. Reasonably speaking, Fang zhe doesn\'t need to tell himself these words, let alone disclose his views and layout ideas on the e-commerce industry to President Ma. However, Fang zhe did so at that time, and a somewhat absurd guess emerged in President Ma\'s heart. Isn\'t it, As early as that time, Fang zhe had the idea of cooperating with Alibaba?

After thinking for a long time, Mr. Ma didn\'t fully understand. Fortunately, he spoke directly and explained his thoughts and doubts to the executives present:

"If I remember correctly, in the past, according to the investment habits of Fang Zhe and Huizhong, most of them settled things first, and then announced the news to the public. But this time, don\'t you think the news is strange?

Or to put it bluntly, is there a possibility that this news is a smoke bomb deliberately released by Huizhong, which may be to force us to give up our core e-commerce business, or to destroy our cooperative relationship with Tencent and let us fall into this choice and contradiction? There is also a possibility that Huizhong deliberately leaves time and hopes to be able to What about working with us? "

Mr. Ma\'s three possibilities have made the executives present meditate. Indeed, Mr. Ma\'s remarks are reasonable, but most executives only agree with the first two points Mr. Ma said, not the last one.

"I think the possibility of the first two cases is not low, but take precautions. No matter whether wechat really wants to cooperate with JD or not, we have to be vigilant and prepared to avoid being caught off guard!"

"Mr. Ma, why do you think Huizhong also wants to cooperate with us?" an executive asked his doubts for many executives present.

Before Mr. Ma answered, Zhang Yong interrupted: "I think my ideas with Mr. Ma may coincide with each other on this point.

Last year, Mr. Fang zhe came to our company as a guest. I was accompanied and participated in the whole process. I told you something that made Mr. Ma and I feel incredible. As early as that time, Mr. Fang made an amazing remark and suggested that Mr. Ma consider delisting our B2B business company listed in Hong Kong! "

WOW! The anecdote revealed by Zhang Yong made the executives present in an uproar. Their first reaction was the same as that of Ma Zong and Zhang Yong at that time. They suspected that Fang zhe had buried an insider in the top management of Alibaba. It was not until Zhang Yong explained that everyone understood that this matter was completely out of Fang Zhe\'s speculation and expectation!

magical! It\'s amazing!

Ali executives can only think so. Later facts have proved everything. Alibaba announced the delisting from the Hong Kong Stock Exchange in February at the beginning of this year!

At this time, some executives are confused. Is it the delisting time of Alibaba decided by Ma and Alibaba executives themselves, or the delisting time set by Ma under the influence of Fang Zhe\'s remarks?

However, since the matter is a foregone conclusion, it\'s inconvenient for executives to say anything. It\'s just that executives have a new understanding of the overall iron mouth divine calculation of huizhongfang, which is rumored outside. Does such a person\'s every move contain deep meaning?

Zhang Yong briefly explained the scene and conversation with Fang zhe at that time, especially Fang Zhe\'s remarks and predictions about the e-commerce industry at that time.

When senior executives heard that Fang zhe said that after the enterprise became bigger, they looked overseas and into the future. He said that the domestic e-commerce industry took Alibaba\'s Taobao C2C, Taobao Mall B2C and other full category e-commerce platforms as the main body of the industry, Jingdong.. and other vertical e-commerce industries as the vice body of the industry... And even specifically pointed out the development direction of Alibaba\'s transformation to the mobile Internet industry, Many people have the same feeling as Ma and Zhang Yong, that is, Fang zhe seems to be very optimistic about Alibaba in his words, and also seems to show signs of wanting to cooperate with Alibaba. Otherwise, who will have enough to do and tell their enemies how to become stronger?