Reborn multinational giant

Chapter 499

Silence, silence like the sound of the needle falling!

After Jing Xiandong opened his mouth, the executives who had been warmly discussed shut their mouths!

"Give up contact?" even if many executives present have this idea, no one dares to speak directly.

What is it? This year, Alibaba is positioned as the core strategic level project of the group. It is the most concerned and valued project of President Ma. It is also a project carefully incubated by the whole company for two years, from R & D to promotion.

Even some time ago, Ma Zong and many Alibaba executives were overwhelmed by the "real" data, and even the two main project leaders Li Wei and Zou mengrui were "dismissed", no senior executive dared to give up the project in front of Ma Zong!

The more you pay, the more unwilling you will be. This is the mentality of Ma and many Ali executives in dealing with contacts!

However, at this time, the person who proposed to "give up contact" was Jing Xiandong, who was personally appointed by President Ma as the invisible person in charge of the contact project team some time ago. He was President Ma\'s confidant. With his current position and identity, many executives were wondering whether this was president Ma\'s meaning?

In the silence, Mr. Ma broke the silence:

"Xiandong, you just took over the project. You may not know enough about the project. It\'s normal to have pressure. I hope you can give me a satisfactory answer when you fully understand it!"

As soon as President Ma said this, many executives wondered and wondered. Isn\'t this what President Ma meant? So this is really Jing Xiandong\'s own idea!

Even Jing Xiandong, the head of the communication project team, has the idea of giving up communication. The executives here really can\'t imagine what communication will look like in the hands of Jing Xiandong!

Well Xiandong has some words of suffering in his heart. He doesn\'t know enough. The more he knows, the more he feels that the projects are full of loopholes. If he wants to revive and turn the world around, he might as well start a new project!

He was about to open his mouth and continue to defend. Zhang Yong, sitting next to President Ma, winked at him. Suddenly, he shut his mouth and stopped talking.

If we continue to argue, it will only embarrass President Ma. The reason why the current project can have such a high position in many projects of Alibaba has something to do with President Ma\'s support. If we cut down the current project team now, it will have a great impact on President Ma\'s face and prestige!

Alibaba, like Tencent, has a complex equity structure. Although Ma and other Alibaba founders firmly control the power of the company with the help of vie structure and partnership system, this does not mean that Alibaba shareholders such as Softbank and Yahoo support Ma from beginning to end.

Whether it was the shareholder trust crisis triggered by Alipay\'s split two years ago, or before Alibaba bought $20% from YAHOO for $7 billion 100 million, the major shareholders of Ali were active and had a lot of influence.

The reason why shareholders have always supported President Ma is that President Ma has incomparable influence and control over Ali. Many of his decisions in the past also seem quite correct and far sighted.

After giving Jing Xiandong a wink, Zhang Yong pulled the topic back to the discussion on the cooperation between wechat and JD.

"Is it possible that tmall will replace JD and cooperate with wechat!"

As soon as Zhang Yong said this, the executives present were no longer willing to think about their contacts. Instead, they were attracted by the views in Zhang Yong\'s words.

"How could it be? How could Huizhong not cooperate with Jingdong, which is invested by itself, and cooperate with tmall!"

"We have signed a cooperation agreement with Tencent. I\'m afraid it\'s impossible to cooperate with wechat here!"

"Huizhong has invested in so many vertical e-commerce platforms and then cooperated with tmall. Isn\'t that left-handed and right-handed?"

Amid the arguments of senior executives, Zhang Yong slowly explained his reasons:

"First of all, I hope you will not consider whether we can reach cooperation, but first consider the advantages and disadvantages of our cooperation between tmall and wechat and the advantages and disadvantages of Jingdong\'s cooperation with wechat!

I\'ll start first!

As we all know, wechat is the first Internet product in China\'s Internet industry to truly open the foreign market and have the international market over the years. In addition to it and the congregation that created it, the achievements and market share of the other three bat companies abroad are hardly worth mentioning.

In other words, if we cooperate with wechat, even if we just rub a secondary entrance, we also have the opportunity of internationalization! "

"However, I heard that wechat only adds a secondary entrance to the domestic version to cooperate with JD?" an executive interrupted.

Other executives looked at the interrupted executive discontentedly. Zhang Yong was not angry. He explained:

"Indeed, the news released by wechat now only adds secondary portals to cooperate with JD in the domestic version, but this cannot be ruled out that wechat will not add secondary portals to cooperate with JD abroad in the future.

Now wechat only adds secondary entrance to the domestic version. I think on the one hand, it may be because JD\'s current strength is limited to the first and second tier cities in China, and it hasn\'t fully gained a foothold in China, let alone abroad.

In addition, there are e-commerce giants such as Amazon and eBay overseas. Wechat also has to consider their ideas and resistance and rashly send foreign secondary entrances to JD, which will not only encourage JD, but also make wechat and Huizhong face many enemies and pressure.

So I don\'t think wechat will continue to open the secondary shopping entrance overseas in a short time. Instead, we should first do experiments in China, look at the reactions of all parties and explore ways to deal with them! "

Executives agreed and nodded. According to Zhang Yong\'s ideas, wechat took a steady step backward.

Then Zhang Yong continued:

"Although the opportunity of internationalization is only an opportunity, once it can be won, it will be an opportunity for tmall and Alibaba to take off quickly!

More recently, wechat is the most popular, promising and potential mobile social software in China and even the world. Its users in China alone have been close to 300 million, and more than 80% of them are active users.

Although Tencent has taken many means and defense measures, users of QQ and other Tencent products are still losing to wechat, and there is no way. In this regard, we have to admit that wechat does have its unique skill. There is no way to take it, whether it is copied or blocked by others!

The huge number of users and potential user growth potential on wechat are enough to think that tmall and the whole Alibaba platform will bring a large number of new users and consumers. Our cooperation with wechat to carry out social e-commerce is far more beneficial than our cooperation with QQ!

These are the advantages and disadvantages. If tmall cooperates with wechat, we must lose a lot of interests. As for the losses, we will discuss them in detail later.

If JD cooperates with wechat, first of all, JD will certainly enter a period of rapid growth and take-off, and we are bound to lose a lot of e-commerce market share in China.

Further, if JD gets the international opportunity to cooperate with wechat to go to sea, it will go ahead of us first. Whether we go to sea in the future or go public overseas in the future, it will be greatly affected! "