Reborn multinational giant

Chapter 501

Zhang Yong\'s anecdotes attracted the executives present to talk and talk. Everyone is guessing, what medicine does Huizhong Fang sell in the gourd?

Just then, President Ma said:

"Fang zhe can\'t be judged by common sense. His spirit, courage and vision are rare in a hundred years. Such a person, born in troubled times, must be as famous as the founding fathers!

Let\'s not forget that Fang Zhe is only 25 years old this year. Most young people at this age either graduated from school or just started talking about marriage. Not to mention his achievements in career, he has achieved one thousandth of his achievements.

According to Fang Zhe and Huizhong\'s previous regulations, Fang Zhe always focuses on long-term interests and does not stick to the level of winning or losing for a while.

Let\'s say that we are now promoting traffic subsidies and sending red envelopes, which are not all the rest of Huizhong\'s play? Two years ago, Huizhong subsidized tens of billions of dollars globally in order to promote wechat. Who else can have the courage and courage?

Over the past few years, everyone has seen what achievements the startups he invested in before have made, such as Xiaomi, Jumei premium products, JD, Momo, hungry, quick an taxi, WhatsApp, Uber, airbnb, etc.

Huizhong invests in all walks of life and has made great achievements. If these companies are listed in the future, think about what kind of giant company Huizhong will become at that time? "

Don\'t say you don\'t know, I\'m surprised to say that President Ma briefly talked about Huizhong\'s achievements in recent years. Ali\'s executives suddenly found that Huizhong, a startup company that used to be a younger generation and rising star a few years ago, has grown into the existence of domestic top Internet companies such as Ali, Baidu and Tencent!

When the executives were worried, President Ma said: "Huizhong is no longer a company we can easily defeat and compete with. Maybe I was lucky in the past, but this time we went online to promote contacts, burned so much money and took so many detours, I found how powerful wechat and Huizhong are.

Even if we lay down Huizhong\'s wechat, the collection of so many companies invested by Huizhong alone is enough to support it to become one of the best multinational companies in the world! "

When Mr. Ma said this, the executives unanimously thought of Yahoo, which was repurchased by Alibaba some time ago. Although Yahoo is declining, it still has a market value and investment value of tens of billions of dollars. The reason is very simple, because Yahoo still holds 20% of Alibaba\'s shares, and the investors who buy Yahoo\'s shares are not optimistic about Yahoo, But watch Alibaba!

"If we take the initiative to talk about cooperation with Huizhong, do you think Fang zhe will agree to cooperate with us and how much sincerity will he show to cooperate with us?"

When Mr. Ma asked this, the executives present were stunned. Although everyone admitted that Huizhong was indeed Diao, it was still difficult to accept this reality. As one of the four major Internet companies of hbat, Alibaba sought to cooperate with Huizhong, which is "as famous as" is a little too low!

No one spoke. The last one to speak was Zhang Yong, who first put forward cooperation suggestions:

"From the perspective of Huizhong, in the long run, the advantages of cooperation with us outweigh the disadvantages, because Huizhong needs the support of companies with similar size like us in its current comprehensive internationalization journey. Whether it is e-commerce platforms such as JD or Jumei premium products, it is not a climate yet, and it can compete with us in the domestic market at most.

In the overseas market, only we have the strength to help Huizhong, but Jingdong enterprises do not have this strength

Despite the electricity business, our Ali cloud and Alipay have strong competition with the Huizhong\'s public cloud and payment, but this does not hinder our cooperation in the electricity business. "

"Even I think that even if one day, Ali cloud merge with Huizhong cloud, Alipay and payment can be merged. It\'s not an impossible thing." in the last sentence, Zhang Yong did not dare to speak out so many senior executives, but only by judging and predicting his two businesses now, maybe there will be a day in the future.

Since Ma and Zhang Yong, the two main leaders of Ali, have an intention to cooperate, Ali\'s executives also began to discuss the possibility of cooperation between the two companies.

Finally, President Ma decided that Zhang Yong would be solely responsible for the cooperation between the two companies, including further investigating and analyzing the possibility of cooperation between the two companies, studying the conditions required for cooperation between the two sides, and weighing the cooperative relationship with Tencent.

When necessary, it may not be impossible to give up the cooperation with Tencent and cooperate with Huizhong instead, because in addition to the social e-commerce foundation of both sides, Alibaba, which has dominated the domestic market, hopes to get an international window and opportunity to become the world\'s top e-commerce giant!

As for the exchange items, although no clear discussion results were reached at the meeting, the answer in the minds of the executives was not clear, that is, let the exchange survive for the time being. If Ali can\'t reach cooperation with Huizhong, there may be a chance for the exchange to come back from the dead. If cooperation can be reached, the death of the exchange may be the condition and basis for bilateral cooperation.

More than a month later, after struggling for a period of time, the real data still did not improve greatly, and President Ma gradually became frustrated. After quietly stopping the double billion loss subsidy activity, the communication was like a flash in the pan, becoming another failure case of Alibaba\'s exploration of social direction.

Over the past month, the heat of communication has gradually cooled down. With the passage of time, from Internet experts to the general public, they have gradually found and understood that, compared with the colorful and hodgepodge communication, the clean wechat with user experience as the core is the mobile social software we most need and rely on.

In the past two months, some wechat users may have registered and logged in, but they have never left wechat or the circle of friends rooted in wechat!

Also during this period, Fang zhe received an expected guest in the Huizhong VIP reception room, President Liu, the founder and CEO of JD!