Reborn multinational giant

Chapter 453

Sitting opposite Fang Zhe, Ma Zong, Zhang Yong and other Ali high-level officials listened to this, and their hearts beat faster.

The horse with twitching eyes always looked at Zhang Yong sitting next to him. It happened that Zhang Yong also looked at it tacitly. They looked at each other and saw an unprecedented shock from each other\'s eyes!

Alibaba plans to delist the B2B business companies listed in Hong Kong, and then seek the packaged listing of the whole group company. This is a discussion plan just adopted at the core executive meeting within Alibaba group more than a month ago. However, now, President Ma has heard the news from Fang Zhe, an outsider.

A mole? No, it\'s unlikely. Not to mention that the core management of Alibaba participated in the meeting before. Their interests are both prosperous and lossy with Alibaba.

Even if an executive really wants to make money in the stock market through insider trading, he has no reason to tell Fang zhe the news, and Fang zhe has no reason to say it in front of him.

Therefore, Mr. Ma can only think that Fang Zhe\'s words stem from his own speculation and judgment.

When President Ma\'s mind was active, Fang Zhe\'s words further revealed his doubts:

"Although you Alibaba started from B2B business, now Alibaba\'s core businesses are C2C and B2C. The growth of B2B business has gradually slowed down. In the market, Alibaba\'s share price in Hong Kong shares has fallen below the issue price, and neither investors nor major investment banks are optimistic.

Alibaba\'s B2B business subsidiary was listed in 2007. At that time, Taobao had just been established for four years and had not made a profit. Mr. Ma, you have stripped off the profitable B2B business and listed it alone. The confidence of investors has been given and the money has been melted. Since Taobao Mall became independent at the end of last year, it must be that Mr. Ma and Alibaba have seen the considerable interest gap behind it Room.

So now, the B2B business subsidiary in Hong Kong stocks will not give the whole Alibaba group any help, but will limit the layout and development of the whole Alibaba group due to the relevant regulations of listed companies. Therefore, I think it\'s time for you, Mr. Ma, to promote Alibaba\'s delisting in Hong Kong stocks.

As for the packaged listing of the whole Alibaba group, I think this is not only the expectation of President Ma and Alibaba executives, but also the expectation of Alibaba shareholders and investors.

Of course, I think only the listing of the whole Alibaba group can make the market and the public realize the real value of Alibaba and e-commerce, make overseas investors recognize and support Alibaba, and greatly speed up Alibaba\'s internationalization process! "

If, if not, Mr. Ma secretly pinched his thigh and confirmed that this was the reality, Mr. Ma must think that Fang zhe had eavesdropped and even personally participated in the Alibaba core executive meeting more than a month ago.

Mr. Ma never thought that the Alibaba development strategy painstakingly formulated by him and Alibaba executives could be guessed by Fang zhe so easily.

Through, through and through, President Ma even felt that Fang Zhe\'s words not only touched Alibaba all over, but also what Alibaba will look like in the future and how to develop. Fang Zhe is more familiar and far sighted than he, the helmsman and leader of Alibaba.

It is widely said in the industry that boss Fang of Huizhong has foresight and eyes. Now Mr. Ma has a personal experience. Fortunately, he and Huizhong have not directly involved in the e-commerce industry. If he wants to do it, Alibaba dare not say that there is no way to live. At least he has met an unprecedented powerful opponent!

Mr. Ma was worried for a long time. He went out on the pretext of going to the bathroom to stabilize his state of mind. When he came back, he recovered his previous calm.

For Fang Zhe\'s suggestion that Alibaba Hong Kong stock company be delisted and then the whole group company be packaged and listed, President Ma can only casually avoid this problem. On this issue, he can\'t give Fang zhe a clear or even implied answer. Otherwise, Fang Zhe, an outsider, can\'t really grasp Alibaba\'s future?

Now Ma always doesn\'t give Fang zhe the answer. Fang zhe can only guess even if he has a guess.

Fang zhe doesn\'t mind Mr. Ma\'s careless attitude. If he were Mr. Ma, he can\'t clearly tell others what Huizhong plans to do in the future. Unfortunately, who makes him Fang zhe a reborn? Even if Mr. Ma said that Alibaba subsidiary in Hong Kong doesn\'t consider delisting in recent years and doesn\'t consider listing the whole Alibaba Group in recent years, Fang zhe just watched him act with a smile!

Less than half a minute later, Fang zhe interrupted President Ma\'s performance and said, "President Ma, it\'s up to you whether you want Alibaba to be delisted or not. As an outsider, I just want to make a suggestion. Today you invited me to visit Alibaba. Double 11 is the highlight.

In my opinion, double 11 is a very good marketing Festival. In the future, it will become a dazzling symbol and symbol for the domestic e-commerce industry and even the world e-commerce industry!

You, Mr. Zhang and all Ali people may think that 3 billion is a great turnover today, a great number, but I believe that if the double 11 can continue, the turnover of the whole double 11 will exceed 100 billion in less than five years! "

"I thought I could boast, but I didn\'t think this guy could boast more than me!" President Ma smiled at Fang Zhe\'s words. It\'s hard for him or Zhang Yong to believe that the turnover of double 11 will exceed 100 billion in five years. However, this cow is good. Maybe he can use it in tomorrow\'s news interview!

Fang zhe looked at the smiling expression in President Ma\'s eyes and knew that he didn\'t believe it. It\'s rare. President Ma, you are the godfather of boasting. Fang zhe suddenly remembered the gambling agreement between President Ma and President Wanda Wang in his previous life, and couldn\'t help but say:

"Mr. Ma, if you don\'t believe it, we can make a bet. If the turnover of the double 11 activities of your whole Alibaba group does not exceed 100 billion by the double 11 in 2016, I personally donate 100 million to your Alibaba public welfare foundation. If so, you donate 100 million to our Huizhong public welfare foundation. What do you think?"

Mr. Ma\'s eyes showed surprise. Zhang Yong, who was sitting with him, was even more surprised. This Huizhong general manager really deserves to spend as much as it is said. Even making a bet, he started with 100 million!

After thinking for a few seconds, Ma always nodded with a smile and said, "yes."

Although reason told President Ma that Fang zhe donated 100 million, emotionally, President Ma would prefer to lose, because that means that the turnover of Alibaba\'s double 11 activities really exceeded 100 billion at that time.

At that time, how dazzling and brilliant Alibaba should be! Even if you donate 100 million, what\'s the harm!