Reborn multinational giant

Chapter 452

In fact, Huizhong has developed to this day. Whether it is investing in e-commerce enterprises such as and Miya, or doing a third-party payment business, Alipay, Huizhong has a very strong competitive relationship with Alibaba, but President Ma still doesn\'t want to have a more fierce collision and competition with Huizhong.

Because the comprehensive listing plan of the whole Alibaba Group has been launched, the major business modules within the whole group have accelerated the commercialization process.

If at this time, Huizhong, whose size and strength are no less than Alibaba, joins hands with eBay to kill back to the Chinese market, whether Alibaba slows down the pace of commercialization in order to consolidate its position in the e-commerce industry, or Alibaba\'s listing plan, the market and major investment banks\' optimism about Alibaba will be greatly reduced.

Therefore, President Ma had to take advantage of this double 11 opportunity to lay down his body and act as the host and hospitality to Fang Zhe.

Fang zhe has long guessed about President Ma\'s intention. Although he intends to solve President Ma\'s misunderstanding of Huizhong, business is business. The more President Ma misunderstands, the more benefits Fang Zhe and Huizhong can get from it!

Therefore, when Zhang Yong, President of Taobao Mall sitting next to President Ma, inadvertently asked Fang Zhe\'s views on the current situation of Alibaba and domestic e-commerce industry under the hint of President Ma, Fang zhe said modestly:

"President Zhang, don\'t you let me play a big knife in front of Guan Gong? With you two pioneers and guides in the e-commerce industry here, I won\'t pretend to be a big tail wolf!"

To tell the truth, Fang zhe thinks his modesty is three false and seven true. Even if Fang Zhe, as a reborn, knows a lot about Alibaba and the development of the e-commerce industry in the next few years, Fang zhe still doesn\'t dare to show off too much here.

After all, their understanding and prediction of this industry basically come from Alibaba, JD and other industry companies, as well as the clues left by industry leaders such as President Ma and President Liu on the Internet in the next few years.

In front of Mr. Ma, Mr. Zhang and others, people are serious players and masters. They must have a deeper understanding and understanding of this industry. If they show off too much, they and the people who claim to be famous will lose face.

When Fang Zhe\'s preventive injection went on, Zhang and President Ma looked at each other. Obviously, they all thought Fang zhe was shirking and false modesty!

President Ma showed a warm smile on his face and said frankly: "just say it. The ancients said that they didn\'t know the true face of Lushan. Only because we were in this mountain, Zhang Yong and I have always stayed in the Lushan Mountain of e-commerce industry. On the contrary, only those who stay outside Lushan like president Fang can see many things.

Although Huizhong and Alibaba have a lot of competition in payment and other fields, our two companies have great differences in their main business. I believe that we will benefit a lot from our general manager\'s many views and views on Alibaba! "

According to President Ma, Fang zhe doesn\'t intend to make fun of President Ma and others. In Fang Zhe\'s opinion, as President Ma said, the main businesses of Huizhong and Alibaba are very different, and the benefits of cooperation between the two are greater than those of hostility. Therefore, Fang zhe said frankly:

"Mr. Ma, do you remember? Last summer, I said at the" Penguin diagnosis meeting "invited by Tencent that domestic Internet companies, at our level, have only two future development directions, one is to look overseas and the other is to look to the future. I think you and Alibaba should be the same.

In my opinion, the general pattern of the domestic e-commerce industry has basically taken shape, that is, taking your Alibaba\'s Taobao C2C, Taobao Mall B2C and other full category e-commerce platforms as the main body of the industry, and Jingdong, Dangdang, Miya, Jumei superior products and other vertical e-commerce platforms as the vice body of the industry, growing rapidly and consuming the existing Internet demographic dividend.

In addition, with the rapid development and popularization of the mobile Internet era, the new mobile Internet demographic dividend is much larger and more important than the previous pc internet demographic dividend. During this period, if President Ma and Alibaba fail to accelerate the transformation of the mobile Internet as soon as possible, many dividends will be robbed by other e-commerce platforms.

After all, the ceiling of the vertical e-commerce industry is limited. After any of them becomes bigger, they will seek to cover more commodity categories and have a greater competitive relationship with ALI! "

After Fang Zhe\'s words, Ma and Zhang Yong were stunned. They thought Fang zhe would be vague or evasive, but they didn\'t expect Fang Zhe to be so sincere and open.

After hearing Fang Zhe\'s first sentence, "there are only two directions for enterprises to achieve this level, going overseas and looking to the future", President Ma understood that he was afraid that he had misunderstood Fang Zhe. Even if Fang zhe went to the United States to contact the top management of eBay, a big reason may be to expand the overseas market.

Of course, the bottom of Mr. Ma\'s heart does not rule out that Fang Zhe\'s words are just a pretext to deceive him, but if so, Fang Zhe\'s impression and character in his heart may have to change 180 degrees.

"Transforming to the mobile Internet is what Fang zhe said about looking to the future and overseas, which just coincides with Alibaba\'s overall listing in Hong Kong or the United States and comprehensively speed up the pace of internationalization!" President Ma couldn\'t help glancing at each other\'s Zhe.

In fact, Taobao didn\'t launch the mobile version of Taobao until 2013. It can be seen that the action and pace of Alibaba\'s transformation to the mobile Internet at that time was not slow.

In this life, because of Huizhong\'s great achievements in the field of mobile Internet, Alibaba has long begun to transform to mobile Internet. However, in the face of the two core strategies of group listing and accelerating the commercialization process, both President Ma and Alibaba executives such as Zhang Yong do not pay enough attention to Alibaba\'s transformation to mobile Internet.

Now, it\'s the end of 2011, and the mobile version of Taobao is still under development. President Ma recalls Fang Zhe\'s words that the demographic dividend of mobile Internet is greater than that of PC Internet, which means that all competitors of Taobao and Alibaba may overtake at this time. Thinking of here, President Ma was surprised in a cold sweat.

You know, apart from others, Fang Zhe, the big boss of Huizhong, has invested in several vertical e-commerce companies alone. If Fang Zhe\'s strategic thinking has long been in line with those companies he invested in, it doesn\'t mean that Alibaba has lagged behind them in the transformation to mobile Internet, and Alibaba\'s future is in ambush, Worrying?

Somehow, there was an unprecedented anxiety in President Ma\'s heart, but soon, President Ma suppressed this anxiety and regained his composure and composure in the past. Since Fang zhe said these words face to face now, it doesn\'t mean he was worried too much. If Fang zhe really wants to patiently support those vertical e-commerce companies invested by Huizhong, He doesn\'t have to accept his invitation to visit the double 11, let alone tell himself such a heartfelt idea at the current dinner.

Mr. Ma\'s state of mind was just stable. The next sentence of clinker Fang zhe made Mr. Ma\'s state of mind fluctuate violently again.

"Mr. Ma, I think it\'s time for you to consider delisting Alibaba\'s B2B business company in Hong Kong and seeking the listing of the whole Alibaba Group in Hong Kong or overseas!"