Reborn multinational giant

Chapter 454

Fang Zhe\'s 100 million bet with President Ma has become an interesting story left by Fang Zhe\'s visit to Alibaba. Later, I don\'t know who leaked the news. The news was burst on the Internet, causing heated discussion among the media and melon eaters all over the Internet.

"It\'s rare that Fang Shoufu is more optimistic about double eleven than President Ma!"

Netizens are amazed at the winning conditions of both sides. In their opinion, the winning conditions of both sides should be the reverse!

Fang zhe has no time to take into account the online discussion and noise. Originally, in Fang Zhe\'s plan, this visit to Alibaba was to promote the cooperative relationship between the two companies, because in Fang Zhe\'s view, the main businesses of Huizhong and Alibaba are very different. The interests of the two cooperation are greater than those of competition, and the key and common goal of the two cooperation lies in internationalization!

Although Alibaba has become a big Mac in the domestic e-commerce field, it can be said that Alibaba has no reputation and little influence in the international market. When he last went to the United States to talk about PayPal cooperation with eBay executives, Fang zhe thought that if he really wanted to add a secondary entrance in the "shopping" column in wechat in the future, he would rather do things rigidly, It is better to cooperate with Alibaba than eBay, which has no progress and has different values.

Even the direct e-commerce enterprises such as Jingdong and Miya invested by Huizhong are not considered by Fang Zhe, because Fang zhe knows that these companies have a big gap with Alibaba in terms of scale, strength, layout, or management structure.

If we follow the development route of the previous life, in the next few years, with Alibaba\'s overall listing in the United States, alibaba will completely take the pace of internationalization. Whether in terms of overseas layout, business scale and influence, or pure company market value, alibaba will get rid of Jingdong and other companies for several blocks.

In previous life, Tencent held zero sum thinking, invested and supported JD to compete with Alibaba, and added a shopping entrance directly to JD mall in wechat. However, in this life, Huizhong wechat is very different from Tencent wechat, that is, Huizhong wechat users come from all over the world!

This means that if Fang Zhe is willing, he can give any e-commerce company the wings of globalization!

However, a tiger with wings is like a tiger with wings. A cat with wings is waste wood or waste wood!

Even today\'s Alibaba still has some "waste wood" in Fang Zhe\'s eyes, because Alibaba has not completed the transformation of mobile Internet, has no stable growth business model, and has not been listed overseas as a whole. It has not been recognized by overseas markets and investors, and has not much popularity and influence overseas.

So in the end, Fang zhe gave up his intention to cooperate with Alibaba now. If President Ma is smart enough, he should have learned a little about Fang Zhe\'s intention from their conversation, and should also be vigilant and make efforts to speed up the completion of the strategic task at this stage and meet the qualification of cooperation with Huizhong as soon as possible.

Sure enough, at the end of November after Fang zhe returned to Yanjing, President Ma replied in a media interview on how to view the current development environment and competitive relationship of the domestic e-commerce industry: "we Alibaba are not afraid of any competitors. Alibaba\'s future goals and competitors are overseas!"

Both domestic media and netizens were not surprised by Mr. Ma\'s answer, because in the past, Mr. Ma boasted too many bullies, and we have long been used to it!

The time entered December at the end of 2011. On this morning, Fang zhe entertained a special guest at home, Zuo Ruichao, her sister Fang Ying\'s ex boyfriend.

Although more than two years ago, under the artificial intervention of Fang Zhe, her sister Fang Ying was admitted to Huaqing University for postgraduate study as she wished, avoiding the "tragedy" of her breaking up with her ex boyfriend because of long-distance love in her previous life, the reality slapped Fang Zhe in the face. They broke up more than a year ago. It can be seen that they have no choice even if they are reborn!

Now, her sister Fang Ying has joined a research institute affiliated to the Chinese Academy of Sciences for internship, while Zuo Ruichao traveled thousands of miles to study for a doctor at the Federal Institute of technology in Zurich, Switzerland, more than a year ago. Today, Fang zhe also heard that he returned home on vacation, so he specially took the time to entertain him at home.

Zurich Federal Institute of technology, one of the world\'s top universities, is known as "the first school in the European continent". The college is famous for engineering, mathematics, natural science, biology and other science and engineering disciplines.

Over the past century, the university has trained dozens of Nobel laureates, including historical celebrities such as von Neumann, the father of computer, Einstein, the father of relativity, and so on. Zuo Ruichao\'s subject is biological science.

Bioscience is an important discipline within the scope of basic disciplines. This discipline has a development history of more than 100 years worldwide. Generally speaking, it is closely related to this discipline, including evolution theory, microscope, antibiotics, brain nerve research and so on. In other words, this discipline has made great contributions to human development.

However, the current situation in this field in China is that major colleges in China have not only started late in setting up majors in related disciplines, but also lack of teaching resources and scientific research conditions, including Huaqing University, which Zuo Ruichao studied before, but also because the famous Professor Shi Yigong returned to China to teach three years ago, the biology department was upgraded to the College of life sciences.

However, the conditions are worse than this, because like other basic disciplines, bioscience belongs to a field where the value of academic knowledge is greater than the value of application, and it is likely that research will not produce any results in a lifetime, which has wasted countless talents. The employment prospects of related disciplines in China are even bleak. Therefore, most students majoring in related majors, After graduation, they basically choose to change careers, or, like Zuo Ruichao, go abroad for further study.

However, whether it is the time and energy cost of further study from undergraduate to graduate to doctoral, the high cost of studying abroad, or the bleak reality that studying and researching in this field for decades has only scratched the surface, most Chinese people are deterred when facing basic disciplines such as Bioscience, and the top talents in relevant fields in China, Very few, extremely withered!

Not to mention anything else, Zuo Ruichao, who just walked into Fang Zhe\'s house and looked curiously at the luxurious decoration around him, would have given up his dream of further study abroad more than a year ago and faced a more realistic life if it were not for Fang Zhe\'s support.

For Zuo Ruichao, who has average family conditions, neither the high tuition fees nor the higher living standards in Switzerland can afford it. Even his classmates who get scholarships to go abroad are forced to live and have to do some part-time jobs.

Therefore, Zuo Ruichao is not only grateful for his ex girlfriend\'s brother, but also has a lot of inferiority complex.

"Would you like to sit down first, tea or drink? Or coffee?" Fang zhe asked Zuo Ruichao as he greeted him to sit down and walked to the bar next to him.

"Coffee bar, I\'m used to staying up late for experiments!" Zuo Ruichao said, half sitting on the sofa carefully.