Reborn multinational giant

Chapter 400

The establishment of Huichuang patent alliance and the news that Huichuang spent more than US $3 billion worldwide to buy more than 7000 patents in the mobile phone and communication industry shocked the domestic mobile phone industry and even the world mobile phone industry and communication industry!

The patent war in the global mobile phone industry is in full swing. The Huichuang patent alliance, represented by Chinese mobile phone manufacturers, has made such a great effort at this time, which not only makes peers in the global mobile phone industry see that Chinese mobile phone manufacturers want to fly, but also makes the prices of patents related to the global mobile phone and communication industry rise sharply, In the future, the patent battle between apple and Google will have to pay more for it!

Of course, for rich apple and Google, what\'s the difference between spending hundreds of millions of dollars and a few dollars?

Even at the end of April, when Apple founder Steve Jobs visited China and visited Huizhong\'s new headquarters building under construction in Zhongguancun Science and Technology Park, accompanied by Fang Zhe and Huizhong executives, he specially praised:

"Fang Zhe, your action is very neat. You can simply spend more than $3 billion to buy those patents. If you delay for a few more months, I\'m afraid you\'ll have to spend more money!"


Apple\'s founder Steve Jobs, as promised, came to China at the end of April. As one of the top leaders in the global IT industry and the founder and helmsman of the booming Apple company, Steve Jobs\'s every move was deeply concerned by his peers and major technology media around the world. All kinds of speculation and reports also occupied the front page headlines at the end of April.

"Apple founder Steve jobs will arrive in China on April 28 and start a three-day visit to China!"

"What did jobs do in China? Didn\'t he like China?"

"Mr. Guo Taiming, chairman of Foxconn, said that he would welcome Steve Jobs\'s visit in Shenzhen Foxconn!"

"It is said that one of jobs\'s stops in China was Huizhong company, which deeply picked up the private friendship between Fang Zhe, the richest man in China and founder of Huizhong, and jobs!"

"Steve Jobs has never set foot in China in his life. Why is he suddenly visiting China now!"

"It is said that Steve Jobs\'s physical condition has deteriorated sharply. He may visit China or seek the ancient magic of traditional Chinese medicine!"

In the heat and noise of the outside world, jobs arrived in China as promised. His first stop was Yanjing where Huizhong was located.

However, according to the itinerary of Steve Jobs\'s visit to China, after arriving in China, Steve Jobs first met with the top leaders and leaders, followed by the ordinary work arrangement and itinerary plan, which is also the practice of leaders of international giants to visit a country or region.

Therefore, it was actually the morning of April 29 that jobs visited Huizhong and met Fang Zhe.

Goodbye to jobs. His figure has been much thinner than last time. Fang zhe knows that jobs\' health has indeed become more and more serious, as rumored by the outside world. It is only half a year since his death from his previous life!

At such a time point, jobs visited China and met Fang zhe again, which made Fang Zhe, who has become more and more calm, have a lot of fluctuations in his heart!

Maybe this is the last time I met him!

As a rebirth, death has a very special meaning for Fang Zhe, because Fang Zhe\'s last death represented a new beginning. He doesn\'t know whether jobs will be the same as him.

In the twilight of a great man, jobs\'s arrogance, prejudice, conceit, madness and other personal images will become more and more irrelevant over time. What is remembered by the whole Internet industry and history will only be what he did, founding apple, inventing iPod and iPhone, redefining smartphone and opening the prosperous era of mobile Internet!

Just like those people and things worth recording in the vast history of civilization, Cangjie created characters, Bi Sheng invented movable type printing and Edison invented electric light. Who cares what kind of people they are?

"Welcome, Mr. jobs!" Fang zhe stretched out his right hand and said the first sentence to jobs in English.

Jobs showed a very happy smile on his face and also extended his right hand to shake hands with Fang Zhe.

Goodbye, Fang Zhe. Seeing this young Chinese face, jobs was also in a mixed mood. If he hadn\'t been lying in the hospital bed more than a month ago, he suddenly remembered that the young man had met and talked with him twice, and that he invited himself to China, the only four ancient civilizations inherited, to see how he would have been on a whim, Want to visit China?

Therefore, jobs thought that his impulse to come to China this time was mainly to meet the young man named Fang Zhe and want to chat with him, because he felt that this young man was really special!

After shaking hands, Fang Zhe and jobs looked at the smiles on each other\'s faces. They felt that they were not just business partners or ordinary friends who had only seen two sides, but more like friends who had forgotten their years and had known each other for many years!

Jobs\'s arrogant, conceited, paranoid character and failed personality doomed him to have few real friends.

Therefore, when Fang Zhe, a young man with such great achievements, walks into his life and lets him know that there are more drag people in the world than when he was young, and he also appreciates him very much and recognizes his talent, he is willing to open his heart and talk about life and values with Fang Zhe, which he rarely mentions to others!

In the outside world, in the view of Apple employees, jobs just founded apple, invented the iPhone and so on, a person with great achievements and poor personal morality, but in Fang Zhe\'s view, jobs is just a person trying to be himself, whether this person is good or bad in the eyes of the world!

Nowadays, the scale of Huizhong company is so large that Huizhong has rented only one-third of the five floors of the office building when it was founded. Now it has bought the whole office building and changed its name to "Huizhong building". In addition, there are several office buildings nearby, with offices of different sizes and sizes, which are the office places of different departments of Huizhong.

In addition, in the Zhongguancun Software Park, which is about 10 minutes away from here, as the new headquarters of Huizhong in the future, Huizhong new headquarters building, with an investment of 3 billion yuan and an estimated office area of more than 150000 square meters, is also in full swing!

Therefore, even if the itinerary of Steve jobs arranged by Li Wen was extremely simple, it took Fang zhe more than two hours a morning to accompany Steve Jobs, cook and other Apple executives to visit the gathering.

Originally, Fang zhe thought that jobs\' physical quality was unbearable, but who thought he seemed willing to listen to his introduction to the business and development planning of Huizhong\'s various departments, which was boring to others.

In addition, even the new Huizhong headquarters building under construction, which was not arranged during the trip, Fang zhe casually mentioned that he was strongly requested by the rising jobs to take him to visit.

In fact, during the whole visit, jobs was most interested in the new headquarters under construction by Huizhong, and it was also the place where he talked most with Fang Zhe.

During his talk, jobs also revealed his idea of planning Apple\'s new headquarters. Speaking of his planned "spaceship" of Apple\'s new headquarters, he became very talkative. From why he wanted to build a new headquarters to what kind of planning and design ideas he had, Fang zhe could feel that this matter was probably the most important thing for jobs except the iPhone!

"I plan to invest $3 billion to build Apple\'s new headquarters. I think it will be very cool when it is officially completed. It will become one of the most dazzling buildings in Cupertino city and even the whole silicon valley and San Francisco. At that time, I will personally invite you to visit it!" talking about the new headquarters, jobs smiled with longing and expectation.