Reborn multinational giant

Chapter 401

"Invest US $3 billion?" Fang zhe thought of Apple\'s new headquarters, which was not built until 2018 in his previous life, with a total cost of more than US $5 billion and more than RMB 30 billion.

In contrast, Huizhong invested 3 billion yuan and was rated as the most expensive and entrenched Internet company headquarters news in China by the domestic news media, which is somewhat dwarfed!

It\'s just a pity that even if jobs talks about the hype, it\'s hard to hide Fang Zhe\'s regret and sadness, because although jobs designed and planned Apple\'s new headquarters, he didn\'t have the chance to see it completed with his own eyes. The happier and more hopeful he said, the more Fang Zhe felt that fate was impermanent and fate was tricky!

From the new headquarters to Huichuang\'s acquisition of more than 7000 patents around the world some time ago, to the patent war between apple and Google, the changes in the pattern of the global mobile phone industry and various emerging novel app applications, their conversation covers a wide range, but most of the content is still around the Internet and it industry.

Until lunch, when jobs tasted the authentic Sichuan Mapo Tofu specially prepared by Fang zhe for him, while praising the delicious dish, jobs also talked about the scene of their first meeting:

"When we first met at the beginning of last year, you said that you had the opportunity to hope that I could come to China to have a look and taste this delicious Mapo Tofu!"

"What do you think?" Fang zhe asked. He asked how jobs felt after he came to China.

"Not bad. Although there is still a big gap in the degree of modernization between Yanjing and New York, its historical heritage is far from comparable to that of any city in the United States.

Now I have visited your Huizhong company and heard about games, mobile Internet, wechat and the o2o concept that has recently sprung up in your country. I can feel that the seed and soul of innovation are taking root in Huizhong and sprouting in China\'s Internet industry!

Maybe ten or twenty years later, China will be able to produce companies with great influence in the world like Microsoft and IBM, and you Huizhong company is the most promising one at present! "

From jobs\' tone, Fang zhe heard his arrogance and conceit. In his opinion, although China has indeed made some progress and achievements, it still takes ten to twenty years for China\'s Internet industry to produce companies at the level of Microsoft, IBM and apple!

Indeed, if Fang Zhe is not a rebirth, if it is in a previous life, ten years later, Alibaba, China\'s most successful international Internet company, still lags behind Microsoft, IBM and other companies in terms of achievements and global influence.

The key to supporting Alibaba\'s market value of more than $500 billion is still the huge Chinese market and hundreds of millions of Chinese users of Taobao. Unlike companies such as Microsoft and IBM, its core businesses and users are all over the world and have a very strong influence in most countries and regions around the world!

Fang zhe has no intention to argue with jobs. Facts speak louder than words. Even if Huizhong or other Chinese Internet companies really achieve the level of Microsoft and IBM within ten years, jobs may not be able to see it!

In the future, the conversation between Fang Zhe and jobs was somewhat emotional. The conversation between Fang Zhe and jobs talked from religion to values, from values to life pursuit, the age gap and the approaching death, which made jobs have a deeper understanding of these things he disdained and didn\'t want to mention in the past.

"If one day the company you founded becomes the greatest company in the world, what will you do next?" before leaving, jobs asked Fang zhe a very unforgettable question.

In the past, Fang zhe seldom thought about this problem, or didn\'t think about it at all. Although Huizhong has achieved the nominal first position in the domestic Internet industry, there is still a big gap and distance from the position of giant and overlord in the world. Therefore, Fang zhe needs to continue to steadily operate Huizhong, so as to further develop and grow Huizhong and take root in the world.

But now, when Steve Jobs, founder of apple, one of the greatest companies in the global technology industry, asked Fang zhe this question, Fang zhe had to think patiently.

Obviously, making apple a great company should be jobs\' ideal and pursuit after he regained control of apple. When this ideal is realized, I\'m afraid even jobs himself doesn\'t know what his new ideal and pursuit is!

If jobs had lived in his previous life, what would apple, which he was in charge of and led, pursue? applewatch? Smart wearable device or others?

Fang zhe can\'t imagine the development track of apple and the world\'s IT industry and mobile phone industry that jobs has always existed. With jobs\'s character of not liking large screen mobile phones, maybe the iPhone will be left on the street by Android phones with larger and larger screens in design?

Fang zhe doesn\'t know what jobs and Apple will do, but Fang Zhe and Huizhong have thought about what they will do when they become a great company in the future.

Charity, education, 5g, artificial intelligence, holographic games and even the mystery of their own rebirth are waiting for Fang Zhe and more and more powerful Huizhong to explore. Therefore, Fang Zhe and Huizhong never lack ideals and goals.

"I will make Huizhong a greater company!" this is Fang Zhe\'s answer to jobs!

After the lunch reception, jobs\'s visit to Huizhong will be over. Next, jobs, cook and other apple entourage will fly to Jianghai Pudong to participate in the ribbon cutting ceremony of the newly opened Apple retail store in Lujiazui Pearl Square, and then fly to Shenzhen to visit Foxconn, the main production and assembly plant of iPhone.

For jobs\'s next visit to China, Fang zhe did not always pay close attention to jobs\'s every move like his peers in the technology media and mobile phone industry in China.

Jobs left Huizhong, and even left China after waiting, which means that this is the rebirth of himself and the fate of this life with jobs, a great man in the technology industry.

Not surprisingly, in August, more than three months later, with Steve Jobs submitting his resignation to the Apple board of directors for physical reasons and obtaining the approval of the board of directors, apple, a great technology company, will usher in the "cook era" for many years!

Compared with jobs\' arrogance and paranoia, apple under cook\'s leadership has become more kind, greedy and philistine. It is undeniable that jobs created Apple\'s great and brilliant road, while cook led apple to usher in the most brilliant and greatest decade!

The world\'s first company with a market value of more than $1 trillion. I don\'t know if Apple can still achieve its wish with the disturbance of Fang Zhe and Huizhong in this life?

On May 4, youth day, the first working day after China\'s May Day holiday, wechat in more than 50 mainstream languages around the world, such as wechat Chinese version, English version, Japanese version, Spanish, German version, French version, Arabic version and Russian version, updated the new version of wechat 3.0 globally. In this version, wechat launched two heavy functions for enterprises and we media, The official account and subscription number!

The release of these two heavyweight functions also marks that the total number of users in the world has exceeded 480 million wechat and began to officially transform from social tool applications to social platforms!