Reborn multinational giant

Chapter 399

Therefore, even with the influence of Huizhong and Fang Zhe, it took a lot of effort and effort to persuade several large mobile phone manufacturers in mainland China and treasure island, such as Huawei, ZTE, Meizu, Xiaomi and HTC, to invest in Huichuang and establish a Huichuang patent alliance with the same name based on Huichuang.

This time, many mobile phone manufacturers jointly invested in Huichuang. In addition to investing part of the funds in Huichuang, there is also a considerable part of the shares of converted technologies such as technology patents contributed by each company, in order to expand the technology patent reserve of Huichuang patent alliance.

Unfortunately, even so, the number of patents held by Huichuang patent alliance is only more than 4000, less than one tenth of the number of patents held by Huawei, let alone compared with overseas patent giants Motorola and Ericsson.

There are many reasons for this situation. One is that Huichuang has been established for a short time, and only more than 2000 patents have been developed and purchased in the past two years.

Second, even if several major mobile phone manufacturers have agreed to invest in shares and join the Huichuang patent alliance, most of the patents contributed to the alliance are insignificant patents, and there are very few important and core patents. After all, some core patents are the treasure of major mobile phone manufacturers, so they naturally have to make their own calculations.

Moreover, the major domestic mobile phone manufacturers, in addition to Huawei, ZTE and other mobile phone manufacturers starting in the communication industry, also attach importance to patent research and reserves, there are few patents held by other mobile phone manufacturers.

Even if he says he attaches importance to technology patent research and development, in fact, the investment in technology and patents is small due to various reasons such as capital cost, input and output. Therefore, Fang zhe does not expect major mobile phone manufacturers to contribute how many and how useful technology patents to Huichuang patent alliance.

Fang zhe attracted major mobile phone manufacturers to invest in Huichuang and established Huichuang patent alliance. On the surface, it is to find a good way out for Huichuang\'s future development. In fact, it is also to accumulate resource support for patented technology of domestic mobile phones going to sea.

The wave of smart phones and mobile Internet has swept the world. In the next five to ten years, the competition pattern of the mobile phone industry will greatly affect the competition pattern of the mobile Internet industry. Therefore, whether it is to maintain and maintain the growing power and position of wechat and Huizhong in the world, or to support domestic enterprises with higher feelings, For reasons such as helping the domestic mobile phone industry rise and go to sea, Fang zhe has reasons to support Huichuang to establish a patent alliance.

In previous lives, whether Xiaomi, vivo or Huawei, which holds a lot of patents, were subject to difficulties and obstacles in patent infringement litigation in many countries and regions when going to sea. Various patent wars are also common commercial competition means for overseas multinational giants.

For example, Google, the founder of Android system, is inseparable from apple because of various patent infringement problems of Android. One of the ways for rich Google to solve these problems is to acquire various patents around the world for counteraction or negotiation with apple.

According to the development track of previous lives, Apple will spend more than $4 billion to acquire more than 6000 patents of Nortel, an old telecom company, in July this year, together with Microsoft, blackberry, Ericsson, Sony and other companies.

Less than a month later, in August, Google will buy Motorola, a giant in the mobile phone industry, at a price of US $12.5 billion. One of the conditions and purposes of Fang Zhe\'s efforts to win over major mobile phone manufacturers is to intercept some patents held by established communication companies and mobile phone companies such as Nortel, Motorola and Nokia mobile phone business that will be purchased by Microsoft in two years!

From the middle of last year, Fang zhe instructed Li Zhipeng, President of Huichuang company, to send someone to contact several global communication and mobile phone giants such as Nortel, blackberry, Motorola, Nokia and Ericsson to discuss the purchase of some patents.

These old communication companies and mobile phone companies are now in the twilight because of the arrival of the era of smart phones. They can\'t keep up with the times. The helmsman of the company has been completely controlled by the board of directors after several generations of change. They have nothing but interests in their eyes.

Therefore, although these old companies have profound background and have great influence in the industry, ordinary consumers who determine the market and the trend of the times do not pay. They want to live. One is to eat their old capital, and the other is to transform to lower and more basic technical services and other businesses.

These companies are also the meat and potatoes in the eyes of companies such as Google, apple and Huizhong, which are going uphill and conforming to the trend of the times!

Let Huizhong buy Nortel, Nokia and Motorola. Huizhong has neither the financial resources nor the power. Major overseas forces and the national government of these companies do not allow these companies with a large number of core technologies to be acquired by a Chinese company such as Huizhong.

However, Huichuang, which is supported by Huizhong and several domestic mobile phone manufacturers, can buy some patents from these companies through various means and efforts!

In late April, while several companies including Huizhong, Huawei and Xiaomi signed a formal agreement to jointly invest US $5 billion in Huichuang and a number of technical patents and other resources, representatives of Huichuang also signed relevant patent purchase agreements with Nortel, Nokia, Motorola, Ericsson and other communication companies or mobile phone companies around the world.

Among the $5 billion, Huizhong contributed $2.5 billion, and the other $2.5 billion was collected by several other companies. The market price converted from the original assets of Huichuang company and the technical patents of several major mobile phone manufacturers adds up to about $1 billion.

Of course, the value of more than 2000 patents contributed by major mobile phone manufacturers is less than US $100 million, which shows how weak these patents are.

After the signing of various agreements, the total share proportion of win-win capital under Huizhong and Fang Zhe in Huichuang exceeded 56%, while several other major mobile phone manufacturers and some senior executives of Huichuang held the remaining nearly 44%!

This is also the first time that the company founded by Fang zhe has made such a major concession in terms of shares and control.

In fact, according to the results of discussions between Fang Zhe and senior executives of major mobile phone manufacturers, the shareholding ratio of Huizhong and zhongwin capital in Huichuang will continue to decrease in the next few years, and the reduced shares will fall into Huawei, Xiaomi and other companies that will make great achievements in the mobile phone industry in the future!

To put it bluntly, although Huichuang was founded by Fang Zhe, its future position in the domestic and even the world mobile phone industry is more like a third-party interest community and peacemaker.

As for the mobile phone industry and even the communication industry, the annual investment in R & D is a huge gold swallowing beast. Before Fang Zhe\'s rebirth, Huawei alone invested more than 10 billion dollars in R & D every year, not to mention major mobile phone companies and communication companies in China and even the world.

In fact, it is common for companies to build wheels repeatedly in R & D. what Huichuang will do in Fang Zhe\'s plan in the future is to find more common interests of major mobile phone manufacturers and communication companies in China and even the world, and concentrate more resources to do big things.

Now, the establishment of Huichuang patent alliance and the purchase of more than 7000 patents around the world at a cost of more than US $3 billion have not only saved a foundation for domestic mobile phone manufacturers to go to sea, but also raised Huichuang\'s R & D strength to a new level and reached the world\'s leading level.

In the future, whether it is to promote the 5g era faster or the arrival of the era of artificial intelligence and Internet of things, Fang zhe believes that Huichuang can contribute a lot.