Reborn multinational giant

Chapter 345

On July 15, Tencent, together with Jinshan, Ruixing, keniu and other old competitors of 360 in the field of anti-virus and Internet security, publicly released the joint statement against 360 unfair competition and strengthening industry self-discipline.

In this statement, Tencent severely condemned 360 for deliberately discrediting QQ and Tencent through intimidation, deception, spreading rumors, and inducing netizens to download and use QQ privacy protectors that will affect the normal operation of QQ.

Tencent and several companies jointly issued a statement to severely condemn 360\'s unfair competition, hoping that 360 will stop this illegal competition as soon as possible. At the same time, it also hopes that the competent authorities will investigate and resolutely stop 360\'s unfair commercial competition!

The 3Q war between Tencent and 360 is getting worse!

In previous lives, Tencent also issued similar statements in the 3Q war with 360, but there was also a heavyweight Baidu in the joint statement company at that time.

In this life, because Fang zhe pulled Baidu into the partnership in advance to form an "anti Tencent alliance", the representative of Tencent was rejected by Baidu on the grounds of inconvenient interference in the commercial competition between Tencent and 360!

As for other Alibaba, Netease and other companies, there are almost similar reasons. After a few, Tencent will not ask for other companies, but only unite with 360\'s direct competitors, Jinshan, Ruixing and other companies.

Even so, Tencent, a giant in the industry, has taken the lead. This statement has also had a great influence in the domestic Internet industry. As we all know, Tencent plans to fight 360 well!

President Zhou of 360 jumped with anger after seeing this statement. Tencent just issued a statement. Jinshan, Ruixing and other losers in the anti-virus industry who have fought with 360 for several years dare to come out and be a clown?

Therefore, 360 quickly made a counterattack. On July 17, 360 upgraded the QQ privacy protector as a QQ bodyguard. In addition to being compatible with the functions of the previous QQ privacy protector, the upgraded QQ bodyguard also added functions to prevent QQ from viewing user privacy data and files, accelerate QQ, prevent QQ pop-up and QQ News advertising!

The upgraded QQ bodyguard, under the vigorous promotion of 360 pop-up window and the continuous attention of netizens, only three days later, the cumulative number of downloads of QQ privacy protector in the whole network exceeded 50 million, and millions of new download users were added every day. When Tencent\'s Ma always knew about it, he was completely angry!

For three days in a row, Tencent public relations issued three consecutive statements and announcements, strongly requiring 360 to shut down QQ bodyguards immediately, and claiming that 360\'s QQ bodyguards belong to QQ "plug-ins". Tencent will not tolerate QQ users who install QQ bodyguards!

Unfortunately, the law is not responsible for the public. Over 50 million downloads have been made in three days, and QQ users with QQ bodyguards are unknown. How can Tencent destroy its foundation and ban so many QQ users?

So the executives of Tencent and President Ma are very angry! 360 and President Zhou don\'t take Tencent\'s public relations statement seriously. President Zhou just wants Tencent and President Ma to see how capable they are!

The installation of QQ bodyguards has seriously affected Tencent\'s normal operation and QQ related businesses. Let\'s not say anything else. Just saying that QQ bodyguards prevent QQ from popping up is enough for Mr. Ma to tear 360 hands a hundred times!

What is QQ pop-up window? That\'s the most important media channel and broadcasting channel on the computer QQ client. I don\'t know how many Tencent products are promoted through QQ pop-up window. If 360 and QQ bodyguards want to make such a fuss, will QQ still operate?

Therefore, the furious Ma and Tencent finally launched the strongest counterattack against 360 on the evening of July 20!

At 18:00 p.m. on July 20, Tencent sent an open letter to QQ users and netizens of the whole network through QQ pop-up window, Tencent News Media and other media channels.

"Dear QQ users, when you read this letter, we just made a very difficult decision. Before 360 company stops plug-in infringement and malicious slander on QQ, we decided to stop running QQ software on computers equipped with 360 software."

As soon as this news came out, the whole Chinese Internet industry and netizens all over the country were shocked and in an uproar!

What is QQ software? It is a "national" social software with more than 800 million registered users and more than 200 million daily online people in China!

What is 360 software? 360 software includes all software products of 360 company, such as 360 security guard and 360 anti-virus. 360 security guard alone has more than 100 million installed capacity in the country, not to mention the whole 360 product system covering nearly 300 million users!

Choosing QQ or 360 is a matter for nearly 300 million Internet users across the country. Therefore, Tencent\'s open letter not only triggered an earthquake in China\'s Internet industry, but also attracted the anger and curse of Internet users across the country!

"Lying in the slot, how can QQ work with 360!"

"Can you play happily? I use 360 to check up on the computer every day, but I can\'t unload QQ!"

"This is too special. I can\'t chat with 360 with QQ?"

"It\'s really a big bully. Does the state care?"

"Sympathize with 360. I don\'t know how many 360 users there will be in the country tomorrow!"


Netizens in a rage and hot discussion at the same time, have also taken their own actions, and more than 95% of them are unloading 360!

No way, without 360, there are anti-virus software such as Jinshan and Ruixing. It doesn\'t matter if you don\'t install anti-virus software, but QQ is gone? What am I doing online?

Tencent and President Ma predicted the user\'s choice, so they decisively adopted this move, the most ruthless "drastic draw" in the history of China\'s Internet!

Aren\'t you going to drag with me? All right, then stop playing!

In the past three hours, from 18:00 when Tencent released this open letter, more than 60 million users uninstalled 360 software in the whole network!

Now, 360 and Zhou Zong are out of control. They panic, completely panic, and feel that they are going to be finished in an instant!

"Alas, I really should have listened to president Fang\'s advice before, and should not have a hard fight with Tencent!" at more than 20 p.m., President Zhou\'s intestines were green with regret at the headquarters of 360 company, which was in a mess.

In the early hours of 21 p.m., 360\'s public relations team rushed to release the just prepared announcements and statements to 360 users across the country through 360 software pop-up window and official website.

In this announcement, 360 sincerely hopes that users will not be in a hurry to uninstall 360 software. 360 will reach a settlement with QQ as soon as possible to ensure that 360 software and QQ run at the same time!

While the announcement was issued, the operation team of QQ bodyguards also quickly removed QQ bodyguards from multiple download channels such as the official website, and pushed messages to users who have installed QQ bodyguards, hoping that they can uninstall QQ bodyguards as soon as possible, and 360 will recall and stop QQ bodyguards!