Reborn multinational giant

Chapter 346

Tencent\'s open letter asking users to make a choice between QQ and 360 software completely triggered the most powerful earthquake in the history of China\'s Internet industry. On the evening of July 20, China\'s Internet industry did not know how many people had insomnia, let alone the 360 week total of staying up all night.

Fang Zhe, also working in the office, got the news of Tencent\'s open letter from his secretary Li Wen. For security reasons, he did not install QQ on his computer, but used the office chat software developed by the company. Li Wen told him that the time of the news was 18:05, five minutes after Tencent issued the open letter.

When Li Wen was dismissed, Fang zhe leaned back on his chair and gently rubbed the corner of his eyebrows. Even if he had his own intervention in this life, even if Fang zhe specifically called President Ma of Tencent some time ago, the 3Q war between Tencent and 360 was still pushed to the serious level of "one out of QQ and 360" under the strong inertia of history!

Fang zhe intervened because he didn\'t want such a serious thing as "one of QQ and 360" in his previous life, because this event had a profound impact on China\'s Internet industry, not to mention Tencent and 360, both parties. Although Tencent was criticized by national netizens during the 3Q war, the public\'s trust in Tencent was in crisis, It almost made Tencent a life and death moment.

However, Tencent has also benefited from misfortune. The huge Tencent Empire has changed from closed to open in reflection, and has established an open platform across the whole Tencent product system, so that many Chinese Internet companies who hated and hostile to Tencent in the past have slowly put themselves into their arms and won the trust of Internet users all over the country. Tencent itself, It has also become the water and electricity of China\'s Internet industry, rooted deeper and more difficult to deal with!

Unfortunately, when he changes history, he is against history. What Ma and President Zhou do is not completely under Fang Zhe\'s control. Otherwise, President Zhou will not regret not listening to Fang Zhe\'s advice and having to fight with Tencent to the point of life and death.

Since we can\'t stop the wheel of history rolling, it will add fuel to the flames!

This is also Fang Zhe\'s established strategy to establish an "anti Tencent alliance" with 360 and other companies. On the positive side, steam China, 360 and other companies in the alliance that have a direct business competitive relationship with Tencent support each other to curb Tencent\'s development. At the same time, it helps the state to make it more and more arrogant and make enemies everywhere until they stand against the whole Internet industry, Tencent naturally disintegrated.

On the other hand, it is fuelling the fire. Since 360 and Tencent have reached this point, their "anti Tencent alliance" should naturally make a difference!

After 10 a.m. on July 21, the proposal letter issued by Tencent was successively released in many Internet media channels such as Huizhong, Baidu, Alibaba, Netease and Sina Sohu. With the release of the proposal letter, netizens across the country who were angry and indignant because QQ made the decision to choose one from the other, Seems to have found support and backbone all at once!

"This proposal is very good. Tencent relies on QQ to do this and that. Otherwise, it will not be arrogant and threaten QQ users all over the country!"

"Yes, it\'s time to take good care of it. QQ and 360 are not good birds. They must be severely punished!"

"Huizhong, Baidu, Alibaba and other companies still have conscience. I think in the future, our Chinese netizens can only be a group of fish and meat on the chopping board. What software you use must be agreed by these big companies!"

"Tut Tut, abuse of market dominance. This word is used well. I think QQ is basically a monopoly. Let 360 Sue QQ for monopoly. I don\'t know how to deal with QQ according to the anti-monopoly law!"

"Monopoly is not enough. After all, in addition to QQ and YY, I heard that MSN will enter China. In the future, the domestic social software industry will be lively!"

"I\'m still used to QQ. I hope it doesn\'t block QQ. I also hope QQ can be a good person and don\'t make trouble everywhere!"

"It\'s not enough to block QQ. If so many QQ users across the country block QQ, half of China\'s Internet industry will be paralyzed!"


Due to the combination of several Internet companies, the proposal covers a wide range of media and spreads very fast. In almost half an hour, Internet users across the country set off a hot discussion on the Internet. At the same time, other Internet companies in the industry who are not or not qualified to join the "anti Tencent alliance" have also issued proposals and announcements with similar contents.

Internet companies across the country can see that Huizhong Baidu, which took the lead in issuing this proposal, not only stands on the side of national netizens and justice, but also almost represents the whole domestic Internet industry.

Tencent and 360 are enemies of the national Internet users and the national Internet industry, especially Tencent, which faces far more hostility and crisis than 360, because everyone believes that although 360 is responsible, the root cause of all contradictions is Tencent bullying and bullying the weak!

One hour after the proposal was released, the phone calls and representatives of the Ministry of industry and information technology, the Ministry of public security, the Internet association and other government regulatory departments called and visited Huizhong, Baidu and other companies that took the lead in releasing the proposal, as well as Tencent and 360!