Reborn multinational giant

Chapter 344

Ren Yuxin\'s words opened up new ideas for the executives present. At this time, they began to think carefully about the phone call from President Huizhong Fang reported by President Ma.

Tencent\'s withdrawal from the field of Internet security is good for everyone. Where is this good? We Tencent spend so much energy as a QQ computer housekeeper. What good can it do to us if we say we quit?

Conversely, if we don\'t quit, what\'s wrong? Especially you Huizhong, don\'t we quit, and you Huizhong plan to join 360 to have a fight with us?

"If Huizhong really intervenes, the pressure on our game business may further increase, which may have an adverse impact on our future planning and layout!" said an executive close to Ren Yuxin.

Many executives could not help nodding when they heard this. The strength of Huizhong game business is obvious to all.

Let\'s not talk about page players for the time being. Just talk about Huizhong\'s steam China platform. Since the public beta of the platform, the game data of almost all end games under Tencent has been seriously affected. The average number of active users and income of each game have decreased by more than 10%, and are still declining. Therefore, Tencent has to engage in various game activities, Tap the potential of payment and overdraft the game life cycle to ensure profits and benefits.

Now the competition between Tencent\'s game business and Huizhong\'s game business has been under great pressure. If Fang Zhe and Huizhong are annoyed this time and can\'t decide what conference Huizhong will hold, Ren Yuxin, the person in charge of the game business and the executives of the whole Tencent company, I\'m afraid there\'s no place to cry!

What\'s more, the QQ computer housekeeper launched by Tencent and its Internet security field can\'t see the profit return in a short time, and the imagination space of this industry is also limited. If this affects the game business that contributes more and more to Tencent\'s revenue, it will inevitably feel that the gains outweigh the losses.

Therefore, several executives in a row expressed similar views to Ren Yuxin. These executives have wavered in their hearts. They all believe that there is no need for an Internet security business with no return and limited imagination space, which affects the game business that has gradually become the revenue engine of Tencent.

However, other executives expressed diametrically opposite views.

"President Ren, with all due respect, do you think that even if we listen to Huizhong\'s, shake hands with 360 and withdraw from the field of Internet security, Huizhong will relax its competition with us in the game business?"

Tang Daosheng, the person in charge of QQ business, asked Ren Yuxin a sharp question.

Before Ren Yuxin answered him, he said to himself:

"I think it\'s impossible, or it\'s impossible at all!"

Tang Daosheng made a positive statement and explained: "we have gradually seen that Huizhong makes direct efforts in the field of end games. Its main goal is to curb and affect our game business and overall profits. What is the purpose behind it?

It may be that president Fang of Huizhong is also greedy for the profits of the end game industry and wants to make money. It may also be that we mentioned before, wechat, in order to develop wechat! In order to make trouble, Huanglong competes with us in the social field, our most core business! "

The words of this executive were recognized by most executives on the field.

"Yes, even if we withdraw from the security field, Huizhong can\'t reduce the competition with us in the game business. In that case, why should we listen to him!"

"It makes sense. He wants to interfere with our business layout. Can we interfere with them and let them close steam China?"

"I see, the square of Huizhong is always a weasel to pay New Year\'s greetings to the chicken. It\'s not kind!"

"Yes, Huizhong is ambitious and has been sneaking around for more than half a year. Now I hear that the total number of registered users of wechat in the world is about to exceed 100 million. It can be seen that the general ambition of Fang is so great. I\'m afraid Huizhong wants to be Microsoft in the social industry and dominate the world in the social industry, which is many times stronger than Tencent, which has almost only domestic business!"

"Hey, we said we would also send a mobile chat software overseas. How\'s it going?"


The senior executives in the conference room are divided into two groups, one is led by Ren Yuxin, who is responsible for the game business, and the other is led by Tang Daosheng, who is responsible for the QQ business. The two sides hold their own opinions and argue endlessly. Even in the minutes of Tencent\'s Executive meetings for many years, there are few clear-cut differences of opinion like today!

At this time, Liu Zhiping, the second leader sitting next to President Ma, glanced at him. After confirming his eyes with President Ma, he raised his hand and motioned for the executives to calm down. Then, he looked at Zheng Xiaodong, the current head of QQ computer housekeeper, who had been silent and didn\'t speak, and asked:

"Xiaodong, what do you think?"

Executives all looked at Zheng Xiaodong. Yes, among those present, Zheng Xiaodong, the person in charge of QQ computer housekeeper, is the one who has the most say!

Zheng Xiaodong glanced around the executives in the conference room. Now everyone is divided into two groups because of his QQ computer housekeeper, and the pressure on him is naturally not small.

Tencent withdrew from the field of Internet security, and the QQ computer housekeeper he has been responsible for has been busy in vain. As the person in charge, he has become the bare pole commander and will not quit. If this affects the game business that is now the treasure of the whole company, he is the sinner of the company. Therefore, he has been silent and did not speak just now, I just hope everyone can discuss a result, and he will obey his fate!

Zheng Xiaodong\'s eyes finally stopped on the master Ma. He said in a calm and sincere tone:

"Mr. Ma, my colleagues, the security business I am responsible for has always added a lot of trouble to you and the company. In fact, I am very sorry. No matter what decision the company finally makes, I am willing to accept it!"

Zheng Xiaodong\'s words are not much, but they are very infectious. The executives here look at each other. Everyone has seen the feelings of colleagues who have worked together for many years from each other\'s eyes. Zheng Xiaodong\'s words also directly affected President Ma who has been hesitant and listened to the debate among the executives.

"That\'s it. We can\'t lose our sense of propriety just because someone else calls. Since 360 wants to call, we\'ll fight it hard. If Huizhong wants to help, we\'ll fight him together! Let him taste the lesson of last time!"

Although President Ma\'s remarks were calm and calm, they were domineering and heroic. The executives on the field were also driven by his words and threatened to support them. Some executives spoke to comfort Zheng Xiaodong. Our colleagues have worked together for many years. Now how can we bully our brothers because of an outsider\'s phone call?

Looking at the outrage and fanaticism of some executives on the field, President Ma, who has just made a decision, is trying to suppress his heart palpitations and suspicions.

Before, he hesitated to let the executives discuss it because he always felt that Fang Zhe\'s phone had a deeper meaning.

But the executives here discussed for a long time and didn\'t come up with a result. He can only think that he is too suspicious. He must make this decision whether considering Tencent\'s huge investment in security business before, or caring for his colleagues and appeasing some resigned Zheng Xiaodong.

Tencent must continue to fight 360!