Reborn multinational giant

Chapter 146

But now, because of Facebook\'s interference, the conditions for them to continue to talk with the congregation have become much more complicated than before.

Judging from the attitude of the young boss, it seems to confirm his idea.

Just when the blonde man hated, five people headed by Facebook chief operating officer Shirley Sandberg had just boarded the plane to China.

If it hadn\'t been for the fact that MySpace representatives flew to China to negotiate with the developers of happy farm, maybe Facebook and Shirley wouldn\'t pay so much attention to it, but now, seeing that MySpace has no room to turn around, whether CEO Zuckerberg, Shirley or other Facebook executives, they don\'t want any accidents in the middle.

In particular, when executives saw that happy farm brought more than 600000 new users to Facebook within a week, MySpace\'s action directly stimulated the nerves of Facebook executives.

At present, Facebook has about 150 million users worldwide, and the whole company is valued at more than $15 billion. Roughly speaking, the value of each use is about $10, while the number of users of competitor MySpace is tens of millions less than that of Facebook, and the growth of various data is weaker than that of Facebook.

However, if MySpace steals happy farm at this time, with the popularity of the game and the development trend of snowball posture, it is guaranteed that the number of users of mysapce will catch up with or even exceed Facebook in two or three months.

Therefore, after the Facebook executives held a meeting, Shirley immediately decided to go to Asia and win the long-term cooperation contract between happy farm R & D company and Facebook. The worst thing is to stop the plan of competitor MySpace.

After the decision was made, Shirley ordered her assistant to contact Huizhong, the R & D company of happy farm. It happened that this phone call blocked the negotiation between Fang Zhe and MySpace representatives.

Now, the situation is clear. If two tigers fight, one will lose. In order to ensure that they win, Myspace and Facebook are willing to pay a high price, which just gives Fang zhe a chance to speak.

"Mr. Bruce, you also know that our game has been running on Facebook for less than half a month. From the current development situation, it is inevitable that this game will continue to be popular. As far as I know, in the first week of our game landing on Facebook, it has brought more than 500000 new users to Facebook, and now the growth of users is more rolling Snowball trend, almost every day, our games will bring more than 200000 new users to Facebook.

This is just what we can count. According to the current user growth trend, our game may bring four or five million growing users to Facebook every day in two weeks. I\'m afraid this data is more than Facebook\'s own natural growth. I believe Mr. Bruce, you should have known these data before you came. "

Fang zhe thought about opening his mouth and said to the blonde man. During this period, he had to pause for the female representative of MySpace to translate.

Bruce is the person in charge of the three representatives of mysapce. Sitting in the middle is the blonde man who just went out to answer the phone. He is over 40. Facing Fang Zhe, a boss many years younger than him, he doesn\'t have any intention of looking down on him.

After nearly an hour of negotiation, the young man just kept laughing with them and never responded positively to their questions. Zheng Siwen, who is said to be the second in charge of their company, now seems to be purely acting as a translator. He doesn\'t interrupt and say too much except translating his words to the young boss in front of him.

Zheng Siwen had held a meeting with Fang Zhe to discuss today\'s coping strategies long before the representative of mysapce came. He originally thought that if the conditions of MySpace were appropriate, it would be good for them to promise MySpace. After all, the competition between the two major social giants in the United States has little to do with them. What they can do is to strive for the best interests.

However, Fang zhe firmly opposed his idea. Zheng Siwen didn\'t know that MySpace was not far from being destroyed. As a reborn Fang Zhe, how could he not know that at present Fang zhe would rather offend MySpace than Facebook, because from the perspective of history and "fate" arrangement, Facebook seems doomed to win in this social war.

In the future, Facebook is bound to grow into a towering giant. If such a big company hates it, Fang zhe feels that he can\'t sleep well. Even if Huizhong may develop into a giant on an equal footing with Facebook and be regarded as an enemy by a company of the same level in the future, it\'s not a good thing.

The negotiations between the two sides fell into a stalemate. No matter how high the price of mysapce was raised, Fang zhe just kept on biting, and Bruce saw it. Now they can\'t talk easily because of the intervention of Facebook. However, according to the information provided by their boss just now, Facebook talents have just boarded the plane. If they are fast, they can\'t go to China until tomorrow, and wait to gather people for negotiations, I\'m afraid it\'s the day after tomorrow as soon as possible. These two days are their opportunities.

After a while, there was still no progress in the negotiation between the two sides. Bruce also had the idea of going back to the hotel to rest and reorganize the negotiation ideas. Fang Zhe and Zheng Siwen got up and sent the representative of mysapce to the elevator to leave, and gave a deep breath.

If the representative of mysapce had not insisted on the exclusive entry, maybe Fang zhe would have let go. However, it is obvious that MySpace regards happy farm as the key to the turnaround. Therefore, even if the price is a little higher, Fang Zhe is reluctant to let go. However, Fang zhe believes that after contacting the representatives of Facebook, they can\'t help but accept it, Compared with "happy farm" settled on Myspace and Facebook at the same time, they may be more reluctant to settle on Facebook exclusively. Therefore, if Fang zhe wants to come to the next negotiation, the representative of MySpace should relax on this point.

Sure enough, when the representative of mysapce came back the next day, it was revealed that he hoped that happy farm would settle in myspace for the first time and would not sign an exclusive agreement with Facebook. Fang zhe did not refuse his request, but he did not agree. It was absolutely impossible for him to let go before Facebook did not offer conditions.

Another day later, the representative of Facebook also appeared in the conference room of Huizhong, and the representative of MySpace was also amused that the hotel and other news did not come to make trouble for Fang Zhe. This is the first time that Huizhong has received such a high-level person since its establishment. Shirley, the chief operating officer of Facebook, does not mention her current position as the number two of Facebook and her resume as the former vice president of Google, She is also a heavyweight. She can personally lead the negotiation with Huizhong, and she can see that Facebook attaches importance to strengthening cooperation with Huizhong.

On the previous day, the representative of MySpace still failed. Shirley, who learned the news, immediately understood that the Chinese company was waiting for their Facebook offer. Although two large American companies competed with a small Chinese company and said it was a little disgraceful, with the current popularity and achievements of happy farm International Edition in the United States, They can\'t help but talk to Fang zhe patiently.