Reborn multinational giant

Chapter 145

Although Fang zhe paid a high price to hire a full-time private English teacher after he came back from the United States and made up an hour\'s English class for himself every day, he has only made up for one week so far. His simple and basic oral English has improved a lot than in the past.

However, when it comes to formal occasions such as negotiation, the listening and vocabulary are still not enough. Fortunately, both Zheng Siwen on his own side and the women of two men and one woman on the other side are barrier free in bilingual communication. It seems that MySpace people are very sincere and brought a full-time interpreter.

Fang zhe knew the purpose of the MySpace staff\'s visit as early as he received the appointment call. They even wanted to buy out the exclusive operation right of their company\'s happy farm International Edition overseas. They hoped that their company\'s game could be settled in Myspace and abandon its operation on Facebook, which would be a loss for stopping its operation on Facebook, They are willing to bear a loss.

Such a condition sounds sincere. Fang zhe didn\'t expect that MySpace people would be willing to pay such a high price. However, Fang Zhe, who knows the historical trend, knows that the battle between Myspace and Facebook has basically been decided since the end of last year. Later, according to the principle of winner take all in the Internet industry, MySpace has been dumped further and further by Facebook.

When Fang zhe came back, Facebook had more than 2 billion users worldwide and its market value was as high as more than $500 billion. MySpace shut down the server in 2011. It can be said that it lost. There was no residue left. How can Fang zhe let his products and company go to the funeral with it.

Although the three representatives of MySpace are trying to express how strong their company is. They were founded two years earlier than Facebook and were more famous than Facebook before. In 2005, they were acquired by the American news media giant News Corporation. How powerful their parent company news corporation is.

However, these are not farts to Fang Zhe. Later generations conclude that the decline of MySpace is due in part to its selling to News Corporation and making a traditional media giant an Internet company.

In addition, the mentality of the two operation teams is also different. On Facebook led by Mark Zuckerberg, the whole company tries its best to do social networking, while MySpace is sold to News Corp. in the general direction, it still cooperates with the strategy of the parent company. The employees of MySpace are not as hardworking as those of Facebook employees.

Fang zhe doesn\'t believe that relying on a happy farm can make MySpace counter attack. Moreover, it\'s really possible for MySpace to counter attack, which represents chaos in the world. After all, hundreds of millions of social products such as Facebook are widely involved, and there may be a butterfly effect that Fang zhe didn\'t expect, which will affect the whole body, Great changes have taken place in the whole future, which Fang zhe doesn\'t want to see at all.

Therefore, although Fang zhe ostensibly quarreled and chatted with the representatives of Myspace and Zheng Siwen translated, he actually had the idea of refusing to see off guests at the bottom of his heart. After all, MySpace is a much larger company than Huizhong. Their influence in the United States is different from Huizhong. The News Corporation behind them is also a giant in the American media industry, so, Fang zhe can\'t just talk a few words and refuse others. He can\'t afford to offend others. It\'s not easy for others to come here hard!

The three representatives of MySpace, seeing Fang Zhe\'s calm face, just thought that their conditions were not enough, but they never thought that Fang zhe had fundamentally planned to refuse them. In their view, as long as there were enough interests, there was nothing wrong in the world.

When the two sides talked for more than half an hour, Li Wen knocked on the door of the conference room.

Fang zhe understood that Li Wen should have a very important thing, otherwise he wouldn\'t knock at the door on such an occasion, so he let Li Wen in.

The meeting room was quiet. Although the representatives of MySpace were unhappy that their conversation was interrupted, after all, they took the initiative to come to the door this time, so there was no unhappy look on the three faces.

After Li Wen came in, he said sorry to the three representatives of MySpace in English, and then attached it to Fang Zhe\'s ear and whispered a few words.

Fang Zhe, who was impatient with the representative of MySpace, got up at once. Just now he was wondering what excuse to refuse the representative of MySpace in order not to offend others. There was no way. With MySpace\'s current influence in the United States, he could easily make the congregation unable to stay in the United States. Moreover, the more he negotiated, the more he listened to the voice of the representative of MySpace, It\'s a bit of a compulsive buying and selling.

Now, Li Wen told himself that Facebook also contacted Huizhong. I didn\'t expect that Huizhong has become a hot pastry in the eyes of the two major social giants in the United States with a happy farm. At present, Fang Zhe is not waiting for a price. Fang Zhe is a fool.

Fang zhe was going to explain this to the representative of MySpace. He didn\'t want to sit among the three of them. His cell phone rang.

The three representatives of MySpace looked at Fang zhe awkwardly. Then, the blonde man said sorry to Fang Zhe and Zheng Siwen and went out to answer the phone. His phone has different prompt effects according to different callers. Now on this occasion, only his leader can make his mobile phone ring!

A few minutes later, the blonde man walked into the conference room again. When he first came in, his face was still a little dignified, but in the twinkling of an eye, his face showed his previous professional smile.

After sitting down, the blonde man even raised the bottom line conditions they just said. If Huizhong agrees to exclusively enter their MySpace platform, they will not charge any operating fees and bear the losses of not operating on Facebook. Moreover, if happy farm can bring a certain number of users to MySpace, They are willing to pay $3 for each growing user, in other words, they are spending money on users.

Although Fang zhe had guessed about the blonde man\'s sudden release, he still said that Facebook also intended to further cooperate with them. Of course, Fang zhe didn\'t say the conditions of Facebook. According to Li Wen\'s original words, Facebook people said that they would never be lower than MySpace.

Myspace and Facebook don\'t need money. If you don\'t kill them, who will you kill!

The blonde man heard Fang zhe say that Facebook also intended to cooperate with them. When he thought of the man who came in just now, he had understood what was going on in his heart. Damn, it was almost!

In the blonde man\'s opinion, under the condition of strengthening their inducement, as long as they grind again, Fang Zhe and Huizhong will certainly agree to the conditions of their company.

First of all, the price offered by their company is not low. There is no reason for the young boss not to be excited. Secondly, according to the survey before they came, in addition to page games, some mobile games businesses of this Chinese company are in the United States. If Fang Zhe and Huizhong don\'t agree with them, with their influence of Myspace and News Corporation behind them, This company will never have to mix in the United States.