Reborn multinational giant

Chapter 147

Similarly, Facebook also hopes to sign an exclusive cooperation agreement with Huizhong on happy farm. Fang zhe listened to the conditions offered by the strong woman and wanted to make a fortune with the amiable Americans because Mao Americans are so strong?

However, obviously, as competitors of both sides, the enemy is strong and I am weak. Therefore, both sides regard the exclusive exclusive agreement as the first clause of cooperation.

Fang zhe doesn\'t want to offend Facebook because of mysapce, but he also doesn\'t want to offend MySpace because of Facebook. Both sides are the ones he can\'t provoke. If he signs an exclusive agreement with one company, it must mean that he wants to offend the other party.

In addition, if an exclusive agreement is signed with Facebook, it will certainly expand the advantages of Facebook\'s social war with MySpace. Although this is in line with the general trend of history, it is not in line with the long-term development interests of Huizhong.

Fang Zhe and Huizhong have the idea of making global mobile IM in the future. Although they are different from the social network made by Facebook, they also belong to the sub category of social networking. In the previous life, Facebook acquired WhatsApp and developed Facebook messenger. The "lessons from the past" of history have shown that Huizhong will inevitably have a huge competitive relationship with Facebook in the future.

In this context, accelerating Facebook\'s growth into a giant is neither in the immediate interests of Huizhong nor in the long-term interests of Huizhong. Therefore, Fang zhe refused to accept Shirley\'s strong request, just like the representatives of MySpace before!

However, the reason for refusing is naturally strange. Fang zhe only said that he did not want to offend mysapce and the News Corporation behind him. It is also a lesson from the public opinion crisis that Huizhong encountered in the United States last time.

God knows, if Facebook is willing to take some shares to Fang Zhe, maybe Fang zhe will have the idea of fully supporting Facebook, but obviously, Facebook, which is valued at more than $15 billion, is already a small giant. How can it agree to Fang Zhe\'s request? Therefore, such an idea just turns around in Fang Zhe\'s mind and disappears. If you really want to say it, I\'m afraid the second in command of Facebook will look at him with dreamy eyes.

In Fang Zhe\'s opinion, today\'s Facebook has passed its initial growth period. It\'s not bad for money. At most, it\'s almost ready. In 2007, Microsoft spent $240 million to get 1.6% of the shares of Facebook. It is said that at that time, Li Chaoren in Hong Kong also spent $120 million to buy 0.8% of the shares of Facebook. It can be seen that now he wants to become a shareholder of Facebook again, People or funds that must invest in shares have great influence or power.

Facebook\'s ability to defeat MySpace may have something to do with these shareholders. However, at present, if it can delay the death of MySpace, it will be a good thing for Fang Zhe and Huizhong.

Fortunately, Fang zhe can easily touch the bottom line of both sides, that is, never let competitors act as sole agents. The worst thing is that both sides cooperate with Huizhong at the same time and return to the same starting point.

Therefore, after a day of wrangling with Shirley, both sides took a step back with tacit understanding. Fang zhe successively signed long-term cooperation agreements with representatives of Facebook and MySpace. Because both sides did not get the exclusive right to settle in, the conditions were much lower than before.

Facebook agreed to give a little more in the revenue share, from the previous 3:7 share between Facebook and Huizhong to 2:8 share. Other conditions are nothing more than some painless cooperation such as strengthening advertising promotion, while mysapce also has no previous preferential treatment. Needless to say, there are no new users of $3, The income originally raised was all owned by Huizhong, which, like Facebook, became 2:8.

On the surface, the cooperation between Huizhong and the two sides has not won the greatest interests, but in the long run, the interests may be much greater. One is that happy farm is expanded to MySpace platform. If there is one more platform, there will naturally be many more new users and running water. The other is that it prolongs the death time of MySpace, which will delay Facebook\'s growth into a giant.

Even Fang zhe thought, do you want to help MySpace in private to make their war more lasting, so that he, a fisherman, can get more benefits. Of course, Fang zhe will not be foolish to help in the open. If MySpace mud can\'t help the wall, will Huizhong offend Facebook to death.

If Shirley and Bruce know that Fang Zhe and Huizhong have the idea of usurping the throne in the future, I wonder if they will happily sign a contract and shake hands with Fang zhe like today.

On the afternoon of January 23, Fang Zhe and Zheng Siwen personally went to the airport to see off Shirley and her party. When they got home, they packed up their things, took all kinds of new year goods they had bought before, and rushed back to their hometown for the new year. Today is the 28th day of the twelfth lunar month. If Fang zhe doesn\'t go back, I\'m afraid my mother will have to fly to Yanjing to find herself.

I have been wandering in Yanjing for nearly ten years in my previous life, and I can only go home a few times a year. Now I am reborn without the restriction of legal working days. I am free in action, but I am even busier as a boss.

On the way back, Fang zhe thought about whether to take his parents to Yanjing. Now that he has passed the busiest months of entrepreneurship, the company is on track. At least in the next few years, he should settle down.


Fang zhe stayed at home for 6 days. When he was on the fifth day of junior high school, he set off again to return to Yanjing. Because this year\'s Spring Festival is the first spring festival for Fang Zhe\'s rebirth, he can still experience many things different from his impression.

For example, many familiar relatives and friends are much younger than they think. When relatives visit, a deceased elder suddenly pops out and shakes Fang zhe twice. Even if Fang zhe has a thick nerve, he is still frightened.

In addition, after seeing the Land Rover they own, mom and dad also believe that their company has been slowly on the right track. However, they still refuse their request to receive them to Yanjing. Compared with some indifferent cities they have never stayed in, they are more used to the warm rural life of their neighbors.

After Fang zhe quietly made millions during the summer vacation, Fang Jinsong and Yang Xiuying felt more and more confused about their son. Even if he went to Yanjing to start a business, Yang Xiuying often called him to ask about things, but they still expressed great, very incredible that Fang zhe could become a multimillionaire in a few months, The son\'s ability now has exceeded their impression.

Fang zhe can\'t explain this better. She can only classify it as "talent" and luck. Although her parents can\'t fully believe this reason, there seems to be no other explanation except the two reasons given by Fang Zhe. Fortunately, Fang zhe has made millions during the summer vacation. Yang Xiuying has also tracked Fang zhe remotely in the past two months, Therefore, I know more or less about his every step of growth.

In Yang Xiuying\'s opinion, if she doesn\'t contact Fang zhe for a few months, it\'s possible that Fang zhe will go to heaven. However, although she has doubts about the occurrence of such a "miracle" on her son, she is more happy and happy. As long as her son doesn\'t do anything illegal and disorderly outside, it\'s OK. A multimillionaire, a dream that she and her husband have never realized, In his son.

Fang Ying, her sister, is very calm about this. No matter whether Fang Zhe is a millionaire or a multimillionaire, her brother or her brother, it is also because of her brother Fang Zhe. Zuo Ruichao, her boyfriend with a wooden head, finally opened his mind and went to Jianghan to find himself. He also found an excuse to stay in Jianghan for a few days in order to make up his English.

In February this year, the results of the postgraduate entrance examination should come out. For the results, she was still very confident. No accident, she could finally enter Huaqing University and end her long-distance love life with her boyfriend.

The new year, a new beginning, Fang Zhe, who returned to Yanjing on the fifth day of the ninth day, also made new plans for himself and Huizhong\'s new year.