Reborn multinational giant

Chapter 144

After she came to power, a group of people from the fruit Games project team cheered her on the stage. As the first backbone project team of Huizhong company, although the limelight of "don\'t step on white blocks", page tour Platform Department and even Jianghai studio has overshadowed them, this does not change their status as the "first royal family" of Huizhong.

Don\'t step on the white block needless to say, the person in charge of their group is the original main program of the fruit games, and Li Mengwei, the person in charge of fruit Xiaole, is also the original main policy of their group. In addition, although the fruit Games has been a little to the ceiling because of the limited users of apple, Shen Liang, the boss of the mobile game department, is the old leader of their group, Now they are also planning new projects and intend to hand them over to their team.

Therefore, the "first royal family" naturally has the pride of the first royal family. As soon as Li Jiajia came to power, the people in his group directly shouted, "990000" and "990000". The people in other groups in the venue also became restless. It\'s not a drop. Although the lucky draw is not their own, it\'s enough to see the birth of 990000 grand prize.

Fang Zhe, sitting in the front row, heard the voice of the employees behind him and smiled. These guys are very united when they kill their boss!

After Li Jiajia came to the stage, he was molested by Lu Lu for a while. Then he went to the black box and quickly pulled out a red ball. The number shown on it was 3.

Just now, the employees who were still shouting "990000" suddenly became dumb.

"This..." is it because they shouted, or is this girl so unlucky.

The employees of other groups did not dare to shout. Only the members of the fruit Games project team of the "first royal family" directly changed their words and shouted: "330000!" "330000!"

Many employees looked at the people shouting in their group and thought, "don\'t shout. If you shout again, I\'m afraid you can only get more than 5000.

Li Jiajia ignored the audience. She quickly took out a ball from the black box. It was still the number 3

"Shit, it really made them shout." many employees thought of another 3 when they saw it.

Li Jiajia didn\'t stop. After Lu Lu finished speaking and continued, she quickly pulled out a red ball. The red ball in her hand had just been taken out. The sharp eyed employee had seen and shouted, "it\'s another 3, it\'s another 3!"

The atmosphere of the venue became hot. It can be said that she finally won a grand prize of 10000 yuan. My sister then randomly drew a number. No matter how much, the bonus was at least 30000. If it was 9, it was 93330, which directly killed the annual salary of most new employees.

If you smoke another 3? I dare not think, I dare not think!

Looking at the cheering and even whistling people under the stage, Lu Lu stopped Li Jiajia from going on. Why should she miss such a good opportunity to mobilize the atmosphere!

"Jiajia, wait a minute!" Lu Lu grabbed Li Jiajia and asked:

"Jiajia, well, let\'s discuss with president Fang. We won\'t draw the ball behind us. It\'s directly counted as 9, so you can directly get the 93330 bonus. If you continue to draw, how much will come out. How about president Fang? Do you think it\'s ok?"

Lu Lu said, looking at Fang zhe under the stage.

Fang zhe nodded gently, indicating that he recognized Lu luti\'s opinions.

He also saw that this was Lu Lu\'s little cleverness. The probability of drawing 3 or 9 is one in nine. If it is directly counted as 9, the probability is not 100%.

When Fang zhe nodded, many employees had seen it. With their cheers, the atmosphere at the meeting was even more enthusiastic. The boss gave money without blinking. Tens of thousands of people said to give it away. Although Li Jiajia took another 3, Fang zhe made money by doing so, but the boss didn\'t care about this money. He still wanted to give employees a welfare.

At this time, Li Jiajia on the stage is also very embarrassed. She wants to give up. The probability of drawing another 3 is so small that rational people will choose to directly count the last number as 9.

Just then, the voice of the project team of the fruit games, which had just fallen silent, rose again: "Jiajia, continue smoking!"

"Sister Jia, continue!"

"330000!" the slogan "330000" sounded again.

Li Jiajia looked at the cheering crowd in the group and made a choice. She walked slowly to the black box. She went to the black box and Lu asked her again:

"Jiajia, are you sure you want to continue smoking?"

Li Jiajia nodded. Lu Lu said that she respected her choice. What she could do for her colleagues was to dig out more benefits from her boss. Since Li Jiajia chose to continue smoking, she had no choice.

This time, Li Jiajia\'s action is very slow. She closed her eyes, slowly took out the ball, and held it tightly in her palm. In this way, even those with sharp eyes may not be able to see it!

The moment she took out the ball, there was a more violent cheering than ever before.

Although she clenched the ball in her hand, the side marked with numbers was just facing the audience. Everyone saw the place where her small palm could not hold, a white number 3, quietly facing the crowd.

"330000", "330000"

The cry of the whole audience turned into a surprisingly consistent 330000. Everyone knows that the biggest prize suspense tonight has been announced, 330000, a huge sum of money!

This money is almost equal to the three-year salary of ordinary employees. In 2008, those with a salary of more than 10000 are at the level of Master Cheng and master Mei. Now, such a huge sum of money is quietly held in the hands of the girl named Li Jiajia on the stage.

Lu Lu and another male host are also very excited. This is the first time they have witnessed the birth of this kind of award at the company\'s annual meeting since they joined the work. Although Lu Lu has drawn BMW and other awards several times in a listed company before, those awards are basically drawn for the company\'s executives, and even many have been determined internally.

Now a huge sum of more than 300000 yuan has fallen on an ordinary employee of Huizhong. Although Li Jiajia said that she is now in charge of the art of the project team, it is also a "management", but this kind of management is no different from ordinary employees in any company.

Huizhong\'s annual meeting ended. However, this annual meeting always falls in the heart of every Huizhong people. Most of them never thought that they could join such a local tyrant company and a company with such a good atmosphere one day.

This annual meeting not only rewarded all Huizhong employees and affirmed Huizhong\'s past achievements, but also made every employee have a happy New Year!

January 26 is the Spring Festival. Although there are still a few days to work after the annual meeting, Fang zhe doesn\'t intend to let the employees stay until the day before New Year\'s Eve according to the legal holiday. Most employees have a holiday on the third day after the annual meeting. Of course, the commencement date must follow the legal date, but at that time, employees who can come on time can receive the commencement red envelope!

Most employees are on holiday. A small number of employees who live in Yanjing or Jianghai are paid overtime at the rate of three times their salary. Even during the Spring Festival, some operations and operation and maintenance need to stay behind. This is also a matter of no way. Huizhong now has several game operations, and they are all large profit-making players. There are a lot of players and a lot of problems fed back by players. Therefore, A small number of employees still work hard to stay on duty during the Spring Festival.

Fang zhe had planned to buy some new year goods and drive back a few days in advance. However, a group of guests from the United States interrupted Fang Zhe\'s plan to go home in advance. The most important Christmas for Americans has passed, and they are now on normal business trips.

Fang Zhe and Zheng Siwen received three people from afar in the conference room who claimed to be representatives of MySpace, two men and one woman. Li Wen had received their appointment and confirmed the identity of several people.