Reborn multinational giant

Chapter 143

Fang Zhe and Zheng Siwen are also watching with laughter. If the employees can draw out the grand prize, not only the employees at the bottom are excited, but also Fang Zhe, who is the boss, is happy to play. At most, it is millions. For Fang Zhe, who is now worth tens of millions, it is really not these.

I\'ve just started my own business. I\'m afraid the growth of my wealth in the future is an unimaginable number. Fang Zhe, who has worked hard to force employees for nearly ten years in his previous life, understands the feeling of sleeping in a slot that draws hundreds of dollars every time. Ask, hundreds of dollars, send beggars. No, hundreds of dollars is also money. Why not!

Hey, I\'m a boss today. I\'m excited.

Finally, after the IT men\'s half set of broadcast gymnastics was finished, he slowly walked to the lucky draw box and carefully touched the last ball from the inside. When he drew the ball, he closed his eyes. However, just took it out, he heard a sigh under the stage.

The sharp eyed employee has seen that the ball he draws is a 7. In this way, the maximum bonus he can get is 8755. Although there are many, it is not as exciting as 80000 or even 800000.

Although it man felt a little pity, he still happily finished his acceptance speech and jumped off the stage. More than 8000 is also good. The second prize is only a mobile phone. He is very satisfied to have so much money.

Lu Lu took the microphone from the it man who had just stepped down and began to mobilize the atmosphere again.

"Let me tell you a secret. President Fang just told me that today\'s prize box should be drawn at least eight times, and at least one ten thousand yuan prize should be drawn. I think we should discuss it. No one should draw ten thousand yuan prize. How about each employee?"

After listening to Lu Lu\'s words, the employees at the bottom were restless. Some said good and some said bad. Whether it was Pratt & Whitney or hundreds of thousands of themselves, everyone had different choices.

Then, the big screen scrolled and a male employee was drawn to draw the lottery. However, this time, his luck was very general. The first three numbers were not repeated, and the largest was 5. Finally, a 5421 was formed. Although it was not even comparable to the second prize Nokia N95, it was cash after all. The employees were also very satisfied and ran down happily.

Next, several awards were drawn every few programs. In addition to Fang Zhe\'s additional black box lottery, other second prizes and first prizes were also drawn out one after another. The second prize did not come out of the speculation of the employees. It was Fang Zhe\'s Nokia N95 mobile phone at the door, and ten first prizes were Maldives double tours, Each employee who gets the award can take a family member to travel. In addition to the employee\'s own shopping expenses, the company covers the rest of the air tickets and hotel expenses.

Now, most of the employees present here have received the award. The rest have not won the award. It is not bad luck, but the rest is the king.

Not to mention the ten thousand yuan black box award that has not been drawn out, it is said that there is only one special prize quota, which is a Passat car worth more than 200000. The employees who have drawn the award have been excluded from the award pool, which means that neither the ten thousand yuan black box award nor the Passat car have a chance with them.

However, this can not stop the excitement of the employees. They are also looking forward to who will win the 10000 yuan black box award and who will win more than 200000 Passat cars.

A new round of rolling on the big screen began again, and all the employees held their breath. Now the winner of the special prize Passat is about to be born. Every employee who has not won the prize is looking forward to the award falling on himself. Many waiters and staff who feel strange in the hotel also gathered in the hall to watch the lucky draw of the local tyrant company.

Fang Zhe and Li Yifei sat on the seats near the stage and chatted in a low voice.

"Do you guess it\'s from the mobile game department or your page game department?" Fang zhe asked quietly.

"Our department," Li Yifei said with confidence, and then he added: "the number of people in our department is now much more than that of mobile games, and there are more people who have not won awards than them."

Before Li Yifei finished, the big screen stopped rolling in Lu Lu\'s shouting. Although Lu Lu also wanted Fang Zhe to go up and stop, Fang zhe felt that it was not necessary to stop himself. In case someone like fat man was drawn, others would think there was something inside.

Indeed, until now, the hard pressed fat man has not won any awards. Among the more than ten people who came to Jianghai studio this time, he is the only one who has not won the award, which makes him feel very depressed. Because Mao others have won, he can\'t win.

Because it\'s a company occasion, the fat people are grouped and sit with the people in Jianghai studio. Fang zhe also knows that the fat people have won prizes up to now, but he can\'t help it. Who makes the big screen never stop on his name.

Now, as Lu Lu\'s shouting stopped, Fang Zhe\'s familiar name, sun Huifang, appeared on the big screen. This was indeed Li Yifei\'s people from the page tour operation Department, and the seats in the page tour operation department were also cheered. Many people congratulated sun Huifang who had just stood up.

Sun Huifang said a few words to the crowd, and then was invited to the podium by Lu Lu. She was over 30 years old and a few months older than Li Yifei. People in the operation Department generally called her sister Fang. After she came to power, she briefly chatted with Lu Lu Lu and easily responded to Lu Lu Lu\'s difficulties.

Then, after giving a speech to thank president Fang, President Zheng and President Li for the award, amid the admiration of the people, he took the car key handed to her by Lu Lu. The car could not be moved to the hotel, but it had already stopped downstairs. A picture of the car parked downstairs was projected on the big screen. Then, Lu Lu walked off the stage slowly in the envious eyes of the people.

"Not bad!" Fang zhe turned and said to Li Yifei.

Li Yifei nodded. He also understood that Fang zhe was talking about sun Huifang\'s coping ability. Each winner would be made difficult by Lu Lu and the audience to perform the show. However, under sun Huifang\'s proper response, the people did not embarrass her or feel any embarrassment. From here, we can see that she is indeed a capable person.

After the special prize was drawn, the black box was moved to the center of the stage again. At this time, there was nothing left in the program, and the annual meeting was approaching the end. However, the 10000 yuan prize in the black box still didn\'t appear, and the one who won the most was 9941.

The remaining employees who didn\'t draw the lottery can be regarded as serious. The remaining ones are the king. They can easily start at 5000 when they go up. Until the fourth employee comes on stage, this is the 14th time to draw the black box. Fang zhedding did not draw the 10000 yuan prize at least eight times.

Fang Zhe is familiar with the person who came to the stage this time. It can be said that she is one of the earliest employees following Fang Zhe. This person is the art UI of the fruit Games project team. Li Jiajia, who has been talked about as the UI sister by Fang zhe before.

She is also an "old employee" of Huizhong. However, due to her work and occupation, she has been promoted to the head of the project team of the previous fruit games, and Shen Liang, the main beauty, has become the head of the whole mobile games department. However, she has just been promoted to the head of the art team of the fruit games a few days ago because of too few UI work contacts.

With the care of Shen Liang, an old boss, she hasn\'t made any big mistakes, but in terms of ability, she really needs to exercise. The work content also needs to slowly expand from the original limited UI work to the whole project team.