Reborn multinational giant

Chapter 142

"The story of time" is a classic old song. It became popular all over China in the 1980s. This song has been rated as "one of the 100 classic old songs to listen to" by netizens.

In his previous life, because the film "China partner", starring Huang Xiaoming, Deng Chao and Tong Dawei, which has been popular for many years, radiated its second spring and became popular again for a while. Now, Fang zhe has forgotten when the film "China partner" will be released, but it will take several years.

I chose to sing this song because they all like the melody of this song, and it is also very suitable to sing this song at the annual meeting.

Fang zhe looked at the audience and stared into his eyes. Yes, more than 200 employees and more than 90% of them were looking at him. I said you should also look at them. What\'s it like to look at me alone? Although I am young and promising, charming and handsome, I am really nervous!

Compared with Fang zhe who went on stage to make a summary report before, the beating speed of his heart is comparable to talking about a love. Although Fang zhe doesn\'t know what love is like.

While boss Fang was reading, the accompaniment music sounded. The accompaniment team was also invited from the outside. They had only one job to keep up with the boss\'s rhythm. The so-called first-class singing and accompaniment, third-rate singing and accompaniment. The only request they received before going on stage was to make the three singers feel that they didn\'t deviate from the tune, No wrong beat.

Leaders, it\'s embarrassing to be heard out of tune by employees.

Fang zhe silently counted the beat of the music in his heart until the fifth "Dong", he puffed up and opened his voice.

"The flowers in spring, the wind in autumn, the setting sun in winter, the melancholy youth, the young me, once thought so ignorant"

After singing the word "Xiang", after a beat, Zheng Siwen kept up with the rhythm and began to sing, "the windmill is in the four seasons..."

Then, the two began to sing from "the story of running water taking time away..." until "the youth waiting for the first time" was sung, and there was a fairly long accompaniment in the middle. After this accompaniment, Li Yifei, who had a change of voice due to a cold, began to sing from "yellow photos". Then, several people sang the whole song in turn or chorus.

In terms of the overall arrangement, Fang zhe imitated the singing method of the song sung by Huang Xiaoming, a Chinese partner in his previous life. Anyway, Fang zhe doesn\'t know anything, professional or unprofessional, just when he means it.

When the last sentence "youth recalled for the first time" was sung, warm applause broke out in the whole venue. Fang zhe wondered whether the three of them really sang well or because they were leaders. Anyway, judging from the expressions of the employees and the clapping applause, Fang zhe felt that they might really sing well, especially his song bully, Fang zhe!

"Mr. Fang, I love you!" I don\'t know which female employee shouted in a slender voice, and the whole audience screamed.

When Fang zhe was a little confused, many employees shouted "president Fang, I love you!"

"Hey, I\'m scared, I thought someone really liked me!" Fang\'s heart broke up, tasked with being able to make complaints about love. Is he a fake protagonist?

Then, there were some voices like "Zheng Zong I love you" and "Li Zong I love you", but listening to the size of the voice, it was obvious that they loved themselves more.

After the three of them performed, the host was not in a hurry to let them go. Lu Lu first encouraged the employees under the stage to shout "another one". Many employees were bewitched by her and shouted blindly under the stage. However, such a small trick can hardly live the intelligence of boss Fang.

Fang zhe picked up the microphone and said, "I heard someone under the stage say they want me to perform another one. Then you say, I originally planned to draw a few awards first. Do you want to smoke?"

"Yes" "of course"

The staff under the stage were very excited. After the performance began, two rounds of lucky draw had been held in the middle, but later, the prizes were getting bigger and bigger. Now everyone was looking forward to hearing the word "grand prize" from president Fang\'s mouth.

The previous sunshine award has been a bonus of 2000 yuan, and the third prize has a bonus of 4000 yuan, the second prize. If you don\'t run, it should be the "Nokia N95" wall stacked at the door. I just don\'t know. What are the first prize, the special prize and several awards in president Fang\'s mouth?

Fang zhe also temporarily planned to add a few extra awards. The so-called spending money to eliminate the disaster, Fang zhe felt that it was very worthwhile to use a few awards to block their demand for performances.

Lu Lu obviously didn\'t expect Fang Zhe to come out suddenly, but she didn\'t feel surprised with her rich on-the-spot experience. The boss was happy that anything could happen. She continued to confuse and activate the atmosphere at the scene according to Fang Zhe\'s words. At the same time, Fang zhe also went to the stage and explained to the staff for a few minutes, The big screen of the venue began to scroll the lottery.

Each employee\'s seat has a number, and these seats are arranged in advance, so there will be no wrong sitting. The big screen first stops at "046", and an it man wearing glasses directly stands up happily and yells "I, I, I, I..!!!". The colleagues sitting around him are also noisy and envious.

Lu Lu arranged the award-winning employees to speak on the stage. At this time, everyone understood what boss Fang called several awards?

The staff took up a transparent plastic box with a pile of red balls marked with numbers. Then, Lu Lu covered a piece of black cloth on the plastic box and asked the it man who had just come on stage to go and smoke four times.

What is the maximum number composed of the four balls, and how much bonus he can get? Lu Lu also said that if the maximum number drawn out is 4, the first number will automatically start with 5. If more than 3 digits of the four numbers are the same, then a zero will be automatically added in the back. If the four digits are exactly the same, then a zero will be added in the back!

Such an interesting and unknown lottery full of gambling and gambling makes the employees under the stage blush one by one. If the four digits are exactly the same, it is hundreds of thousands of bonuses. If you draw four nines, it is 999900! Sleeping trough, 990000!

Nima, president Fang, do you want to be so inhuman!

In the excited and excited eyes of the people, the it man with glasses shook his hands and began to draw the ball from the plastic box covered with black cloth.

First, 8.

There was a lot of cheers and the sound of sleeping trough. NIMA recognized 8000 at the beginning. What hand? I\'m so lucky!

The it man was excited when he saw that the number was 8. Then, after the host said a few words, he began to draw again. The second number was 5.

The cheers under the stage were a little less. When this number came out, at least there were no hundreds of thousands of awards that everyone expected.

Further down, the third ball is 5.

The atmosphere under the stepping down is a little warm again. Although the probability is small, if the it man pulls out another 5, it is 85550, more than 80000 bonus. Grass mud horse, Lao Tze\'s one-year salary is lost.

The it man was also very excited. In order to ensure his next luck, the man also jokingly blew his palm and did several radio gymnastics movements. His behavior made the staff laugh.