Reborn multinational giant

Chapter 141

On the evening of January 19, the first annual meeting of Huizhong since its establishment was officially held at Pangu seven star hotel in Yanjing.

Pangu seven star hotel is located on the west side of the Olympic Park where the bird\'s nest water cube is located. When tourists visit the bird\'s nest and water cube in the Olympic Park, they can turn around and see a building with inverted "m" on the top and a row of buildings. This building group is called Pangu grand view. It is not only the location of IBM China headquarters, but also the location of Pangu seven star hotel.

At the top of the Pangu seven star hotel complex are 12 Chinese style air quadrangles. These quadrangles have gathered the efforts of many top masters. Fang zhe doesn\'t know who the owners of these quadrangles are. Fang zhe doesn\'t know. The only thing Fang zhe knows is that during the 2008 Olympic Games, it is rumored on the Internet that Bill Gates spent 100 million here to rent a quadrangle, Just to watch the Olympic Games, whether this news is true or false, Fang Zhe is not interested in caring.

Anyway, he knows it\'s very expensive, very expensive, very expensive! And he really wants to buy one!

After the Yanjing Olympic Games, the Olympic Park has become a sightseeing place. Pangu seven star hotel also opened in December last year.

As a place of national attention just after the Olympic Games, the rent here is also very expensive. The rent of the venue alone costs more than 100000 a night. Even so, there are many people and companies scheduled. Fortunately, Fang zhe has a foresight and is well-known. Long before the opening here, the administration department of Huizhong began to plan and organize the annual meeting, Fang zhe asked them to book here in advance.

In, the venue was Pangu banquet hall. This hall is a medium-sized one in Pangu seven star hotel. The smaller 200 square meter longevity hall can only accommodate dozens of people. The larger 888 square meter lotus hall is too large for Fang Zhe. The medium-sized Pangu banquet hall is just right, plus more than a dozen people from Jianghai studio who came to Yanjing to attend the annual meeting, A total of more than 220 people from Huizhong company attended the annual meeting.

For the company\'s new year\'s meeting in such a venue, all Huizhong employees have joy and pride on their faces. Listen to the name. Pangu seven star hotel, although the "seven stars" are a little wet, there are at least five stars. Look at this location. It\'s very proud to have the new year\'s meeting next to the bird\'s nest just after the Olympic Games, not to mention how proud the employees of the company are.

Of course, some employees said that it would be good if the new year\'s meeting could be held at the bird\'s nest one day. However, according to the internal rumors of the company, boss Fang also put down his words. If the number of people gathered at the annual meeting next year exceeds 1000, the venue of the meeting will be set at the bird\'s nest that year. Now the number of people gathered is still too small. More than 200 people are thrown into the bird\'s nest that can accommodate tens of thousands of people, which is a waste of space!

Several buses contracted by the company stopped downstairs of Pangu seven star hotel. Huizhong\'s employees stepped down one by one and went to the Pangu banquet hall where the annual meeting was held under the guidance of the staff.

The luxurious interior decoration of Pangu seven star hotel has amazed the employees who rarely come to this place. However, when entering the venue of the annual meeting, all the people who just came in were amazed.

"Wow! The boss is so local!" instead of marveling at the luxurious decorations and colorful banquets in the hall, the employees just entered the door and a "wall" piled up with mobile phones.

Many employees stopped by to take photos with their mobile phones. Roughly speaking, there are at least 50 or 60 mobile phones stacked here. Each mobile phone is a brand-new unopened package. From the side, it should be the domestic King model "Nokia N95" this year. On the market, the price of this mobile phone is as high as 5999 yuan.

In fact, when Fang zhe asked the administration department to order the mobile phone model, he still tangled. In two years, Nokia will decline. The N95, which is still worshipped, will be swept into the garbage of history in two years. In contrast, Fang zhe prefers to send iPhones. In a few years, those big companies will send mobile phones every year, Which one is not a free iPhone or the latest iPhone, you are embarrassed to show it to employees.

However, the trouble is that iPhones have not yet entered China. These iPhones in China are parallel goods. Even if they send mobile phones to employees, it is very inconvenient for them to use them. If they want to use Unicom Mobile\'s card, they have to "burn the card" and escape from prison to swipe the system. These complex operations are even if they are fooled by those who like playing with computers or professional mobile phone lovers, Giving it to ordinary employees makes them feel that the company is not considerate.

The Nokia N95 is different. From its listing at the end of 2007 to now, this mobile phone has always been the king model in the domestic mobile phone market, with a price of 5999. Let alone, today, when Nokia still dominates the global mobile phone market, the three words Nokia represent a "good mobile phone". Nokia\'s best mobile phone is the best mobile phone on the market.

This is the view of most Chinese and even most people around the world on mobile phones at this time. Although Apple\'s iPhone has become a "new emperor" beyond Nokia in the United States, it will have to wait for some days in a slow market like China.

However, it\'s coming soon. If nothing happens, Apple should enter China in October this year. If there is such a trend in China at that time, the mobile phone prize at Huizhong\'s annual meeting will naturally be replaced with an iPhone.

After the employees were seated for a while, the annual meeting officially began. The male host was Li Yifei, a handsome young man from the operation Department, and the female host was Lu Lu from the administration department. Although she didn\'t dare to say that she was the first beauty of Huizhong, she was definitely in the top row. Moreover, her hosting ability and on-the-spot performance ability were really good. They didn\'t go on stage for a few minutes, The atmosphere of the whole banquet hall became lively.

After the opening dance of the hot field, the host began to introduce Fang Zhe, Zheng Siwen, Li Yifei and other senior executives to the stage to make a year-end summary. The summary content is nothing more than what Huizhong has done in the past year and what goals in the future.

Fang Zhe, who was most tired of this set of things in his previous life, will not be so wordy when he starts his own company. He, who was an employee in his previous life, naturally understands what employees want to see. Therefore, the opening report and year-end summary are very short. Basically, everyone goes up and says a few words and steps down.

Later, the annual meeting enters the stage of program performance. The employees on the stage watch the program while eating melon seeds.

At this time, Fang Zhe is practicing with Li Yifei and Zheng Siwen. The cat is singing on the stage. Keng dad\'s Li Yifei is singing. He is about to perform in a few days. He even told himself and the administration department that he has a cold and his voice is a little changed. I Bah, you simply don\'t dare to perform on the stage alone, Don\'t cover the quilt well at night, let yourself catch a cold!

Of course, this is Fang Zhe\'s analysis. Who called Li Yifei so coincidentally ill? When Li Yifei didn\'t come on stage, Fang zhe planned to ask the administration department to cross out his programs. Anyway, there will be many programs throughout the year. In addition to the programs contributed by various departments, the administration also specially spent money to invite some resident singer art troupes to participate. However, the Administration felt that the first annual meeting of the company, None of their three senior executives is suitable for performing on the stage and is not close to the people.

Under the bewitchment of Li Yifei and the administration department, the song originally sung by Li Yifei alone has become a song sung by him, Fang Zhe and Zheng Siwen. They don\'t want any of them to sing alone. Li Yifei needless to say, he has a cold and changes his voice. Zheng Siwen says that it\'s inappropriate for him to be old. Keng father, he\'s just over 30, It\'s embarrassing for you to let some company leaders in their 40s and 50s sing "nothing".

Of course, Fang zhe was even more reluctant to let him go alone. He didn\'t prepare to say it in advance. Moreover, Fang zhe really had stage fright. He would rather chat with Americans in English than sing a song to his more than 200 employees on the stage alone.

So, finally, the program originally performed by Li Yifei alone turned into three of them. The reason why Li Yifei changed his voice came on stage was purely to fill up the count. Don\'t think you can escape a disaster if you catch a cold. Fang Zhe and Zheng Siwen said that it\'s impossible!

"Some people say that time is a constant story. Years and months are like songs. Many people who have accompanied us have become beautiful memories in our memory. Similarly, many people have entered our lives and told new stories with us!

Next, let\'s applaud. The three founders of our company, president Fang, President Zheng and President Li, perform the song "the story of time". Please applaud! "

With an unprecedented round of applause, Fang Zhe, Zheng Siwen and Li Yifei stepped onto the stage one after another!