Reborn multinational giant

Chapter 137

The operation and maintenance personnel attending the meeting seemed to have guessed about the reason why David convened the meeting, because they also monitored this anomaly.

Therefore, after David asked what had happened, all the operation and maintenance personnel spoke out what they had learned.

First of all, it is not just the abnormal growth of users mentioned by Owen, including the number of active users, user friend relationship chain, number of dynamic links and many other statistical data.

For social products with hundreds of millions of users such as Facebook, the data content, whether statistical or monitoring, is extremely huge and cumbersome. However, David, combined with his own experience and the returns of others, began to check them one by one.

First of all, as for the spam registered accounts they are most worried about, according to the monitoring and statistical data, the IP repetition rate of registered accounts in recent days is very small, which can be easily eliminated first. However, many companies that register spam accounts now have good means, and it is still very simple to change IP, so continue to track the registration information of these accounts in the future, Active dynamics after registration.

After checking them one by one, David and they finally found a common feature of these accounts. These accounts have registered a game called happy Farmville on Facebook.

Then, other operation and maintenance personnel also reported accounts with abnormal friend relationship chain and registered the game. Accounts with an increase in the number of dynamic releases and an increase in the number of dynamic links basically have this feature.

Now, the problem is very clear. The reason for these abnormal data must be related to the game or the company behind the game.

At this time, the problem is not limited to their O & M personnel. Next, they need to communicate with the operators. Their O & M is mainly responsible for the maintenance and monitoring of the Facebook platform to ensure the normal operation of the platform.

When it comes to specific operation information, such as what games are connected to the platform, what version updates are available, what activities have been done, what advertisements have been released, etc., the operation personnel are responsible for management.

David asked his men to make an investigation report. After the report came out, he took the report to the operation Department and found Shirley Sandberg, chief operating officer of Facebook.

Shirley, as one of the few female executives at Facebook, has worked in the U.S. Treasury Department. Before joining Facebook last March, she was a vice president of Google.

David admires Shirley\'s ability. Since she joined Facebook, the startup company, which has been established for more than four years and has a valuation of more than $15 billion, has finally begun to make profits and become a social giant.

When David handed the report to Shirley, Shirley could basically infer that almost all the data growth came from the game according to his simple report and report analysis.

This situation has not been absent in the past. Since Facebook established the open platform in 2007, many users have come to the platform to play games. The emergence of the platform has greatly increased the activity and viscosity of Facebook users, which also makes the war between Facebook and mysapce more and more clear.

Shirley immediately deployed personnel to conduct a detailed analysis and investigation of the game, and then held a meeting to discuss whether to take the next strategy.

Two days later, when the abnormal growth became more and more obvious, the registered users of Facebook had increased by more than 50% compared with a few days ago, and the report of the investigators came out.

After detailed analysis by operators, this social game has great user activity and stickiness, and now there are signs of viral transmission. More than 1% of users on Facebook have registered this game. In addition, this game has also been advertised on Google, Yahoo and other websites, so in addition to the spontaneous communication invitation of users, Some users are also led from the advertising links of external stations.

According to the current total number of global users of Facebook, 1% have more than 1.5 million registered users, and these users are rare active users. Therefore, in the next meeting, almost all participants believed that a certain resource preference should be given to the game.

The so-called resource tilt is to put some traffic and other resources of the website and platform into the game, because under normal circumstances, the traffic and other resources of the website are stable. More traffic to the game means less traffic investment in other places, which is the so-called resource tilt.

In addition, although some people have suggested that we should further cooperate with the developers and operators behind the game, this proposal has not been passed for the time being. The reason is that even 1% of users are not enough to make the senior management think that we should further strengthen the cooperation with developers and operators.

It\'s ok if the other party is a famous big company, but according to their background records, this company is just an ordinary game company registered in Yanjing, China. Although some of them recognize that this is the Chinese company that has been making a lot of noise in the American science and technology circle some time ago, in the eyes of the senior management, it is because of the noise, We should not cooperate with this company in the open.

Therefore, the proposal to strengthen cooperation with Huizhong was shelved. Shirley just asked for a certain resource preference for the game. Specifically, in terms of traffic performance, that is, to actively push the advertisement of the game for a small number of users. In Shirley\'s opinion, these push should have been bought by other companies, and they are willing to push the game for free, It has cost a lot.

With the involvement of Facebook officials, the international version of happy farm has become more and more popular on Facebook, and Shirley is happy to see that the previous upward curve has increased significantly after they adjusted the inclination of resources, which makes her proud of her wise decision-making.

However, if the resources are further inclined, I\'m afraid a higher-level management meeting will be held. Although she is the chief operating officer of Facebook, the resources she can mobilize are also limited, and the company must strike a balance between profitability and growth, otherwise her performance is not good-looking.

At the same time, the popularity of happy farm international on Facebook is not limited to ordinary Facebook users, including many celebrities and stars, but also gradually played the game under the influence of this atmosphere.

Taylor Swift, a new popular female singer, is one of them. Since she released her second album fearless last November, this album has occupied the top of the billboard album list in the United States.

American bulletin board is the most authoritative list in the pop music world in the United States and even Europe. It can occupy the championship on this list, and has won the title for more than 8 weeks, which is enough to show the popularity of this album and Taylor Swift\'s super popularity.