Reborn multinational giant

Chapter 138

Facebook is different from the domestic QQ space. Users can not only add friends, but also pay attention to their favorite public accounts, celebrities and stars.

Taylor currently has more than 3 million fans on Facebook, which is enough to rank in the top 50 among all celebrities registered on Facebook. For a new star like her who has only been on the road for more than two years, it is a very good achievement to have such popularity.

As a female star, Taylor\'s words and deeds on Facebook have attracted the attention of a large number of fans. Sometimes even if she just sends three simple "...", she can receive more than 10000 or 20000 like. Although Taylor doesn\'t know what they like, this is enough to show Fan Si\'s true love for her.

Now, Taylor is also concerned about the farm wind blowing on Facebook. Since her debut, she has always focused on country music. Now this farm management game called happy Farmville is popular, which can be said to be in line with her personal positioning.

A few days ago, she played this game on the recommendation of her agent, and then she fell in love with this game. Maybe she played this game to cater to the public and suck powder before. Now, she really likes this game.

Although she has less than a hundred Facebook friends, most of them are her friends and other stars, the number of people applying to add her friends has exceeded 100000, which she has saved since she registered her Facebook account.

She is now very impulsive to pass these applications so as to steal their dishes, but reason still dissuades her. If she really wants to do so, I\'m afraid her Facebook account won\'t be used in the future, otherwise she will be annoyed by the news of all kinds of fans every day.

However, the conscientious developer of happy Farmville seems to have helped her think about all this for a long time. Although she can\'t steal the dishes of fans, fans can visit her farm as tourists. At the same time, they can also give her some hearts like, leave messages, give dog food, give gifts and so on.

Today, Taylor finally decided to release a message about her own farm in the Facebook dynamic circle. Who knows, in the past few days, she had several impulses to click and share directly, but she didn\'t do so under the dissuasion of her agent.

Stars, naturally, can\'t be as vulgar as ordinary people. If they release a "I harvested 10 carrots on the farm, come and have a look!" like them, I\'m afraid Taylor will become the front page joke of major entertainment news tomorrow.

Therefore, after careful preparation, Taylor sent such a dynamic:

"Warn those friends who want to steal my food, our cocoa, but there are 50000 high-grade dog food. Even if you wait until the end of time, don\'t try to steal a carrot from me!"

The dynamic picture below is a cartoon dog picture on the farm and a picture of high-grade dog food marked with quantity.

There are many game gods among her fans. They immediately analyzed that Taylor\'s dog is a rare Alaskan sled dog on the farm. It is not sold in the store at all. The official setting of the game is that it can only be purchased through a special store if it reaches level 50 or the farm heart exceeds 200000.

Now, the player with the highest level on the whole game list is only level 21. Obviously, Taylor meets the second condition, and the number of advanced dog food behind, 58754, makes fans exclaim when they see this dynamic.

When they were too poor to afford a dog, the Taylor family had too much cocoa and dog food, and it was still high-grade dog food. If ordinary dog food was used to solve the problem of food and clothing, high-grade dog food was used to give preferential treatment to dogs.

Advanced dog food can not only make dogs grow and upgrade faster, but also make it easier for dogs to catch thieves who steal vegetables. Look at the little red heart in the lower right corner of the dog food icon. Without exception, these dog food are sent by others. Needless to say, they are naturally Taylor\'s fans.

This dynamic like soon exceeded 30000, and the number of comments below is also increasing. In addition, many fans or farm players have forwarded this dynamic. It is the so-called that as long as you know 6 people in the world, you can know people all over the world.

Soon, this news spread in the dynamic circles of Facebook users, and Taylor sent this news, the number of like exceeded 500000, the number of forwarding exceeded 60000, and the number of comments reached 110000.

Even Taylor herself never thought that her message could reach such a high number of likes and comments. This is the first time since she signed up for Facebook that her number of dynamic likes exceeded 500000, which has to be said to be a new peak of her popularity.

With the spread of this dynamic, Taylor\'s Facebook fans have also increased significantly. In just one day, the number of new fans has exceeded 30000, compared with only one or two thousand in the past ordinary day.

Not only ordinary people, including her friends, other celebrities and stars, have paid attention to her news. After seeing such a huge powder absorption effect, many of them have thought about it. Some stars have also learned from Taylor to release some news about their farm.

However, they are not as popular as Taylor\'s fans, and there are not so many hearts and gifts on the farm. Therefore, although their dynamics are various, they have not caused the same sensation and powder absorption effect as Taylor\'s dynamics.

However, another super upstart star, Katie Perry, did it. Katie, like Taylor, is a pop singer. She made her debut a year later than Taylor. She became famous in the United States with her song "ursogay" in 2007. Last year, she also released her first album "one of the boys". This album ranks among the top in the music charts of more than 30 countries around the world, Katie also won the rookie of the year award at last year\'s European music awards.

She has more than 2.6 million fans on Facebook. Although she is a little less than Taylor, it can\'t be said that her popularity is worse than Taylor. In her opinion, Taylor just made her debut a year earlier than her. If they make their debut at the same time, I\'m afraid she has dumped Taylor half a street now.

After seeing Taylor\'s widely spread news, she did not admit defeat and also released a news about her farm:

"Is this the bug of happy Farmville? Why did my friend give me a piece of dog food, but the number of dog food did not increase?"

There is a picture of high-grade dog food marked with 9999 + quantity at the bottom.

The fans who have been paying attention to Katie completely fried the pot after seeing this dynamic. Sure enough, our idol is still powerful. What Taylor\'s 50000 dog food can be compared with this? That\'s enough to lead to game bugs.

Excited fans are crazy to click on this dynamic like. After only one hour, the number of dynamic like has exceeded 100000, and the number of dynamic forwarding and comments has exceeded 10000 and 50000 successively. In the comments, there are also many game gods who say that it\'s just that the performance of the game is different. 9999 + represents more than 9999, but because there are too many, So it is displayed as 9999 +.

Of course, most fans do not care about this problem at all. Whether it is game BUG or display problems, this shows that their idol family\'s high popularity and fans\' solidarity are powerful. What Taylor, cocoa, and awesome Street are good!

One day later, the number of dynamic like reached 620000, the number of forwards exceeded 80000, and the number of comments exceeded 150000. Katie\'s fans also increased by more than 50000, breaking through 2.7 million.

This achievement not only delighted Katie and her operation team, but also annoyed Taylor, who was the first to release the number of dog food and caused this upsurge. These sisters are stepping on my mother! How can you stand it?