Reborn multinational giant

Chapter 136

The international version of happy farm is called happy Farmville overseas. In literal translation, it is called happy farm town in Chinese. The name sounds so tongue twister, but overseas, the name has gradually become hot on Facebook.

As Fang Zhe\'s huge advertising expenses began to take effect, many Facebook users entered the game through advertising, and these users also became the first seed users of happy farm.

James, a junior high school student in New York, is one of them. As a "city man" who lived in the city since childhood, James has always yearned for one day to experience the farm life in the countryside. Until today, he saw the game advertisement called happy Farmville on Facebook. Listening to the name, James felt that it was a game about the farm.

Therefore, he subconsciously entered the game advertisement, and the page jumped to the common game loading interface of Facebook.

Right above the center of the interface is the golden font of the game name happyfarmville. Below is a golden wheat field, surrounded by green grass and several piles of dotted straw stacks. James hasn\'t looked a few times. The green loading bar at the bottom has been loaded, and the screen switches to the game interface.

The first thing that appeared in front of us was a golden wheat field. Around the wheat field was a green grassland. Not far away, there was a simple wooden house and two piles of straw stacks. Next to it, there was a simple dog house. However, there was no dog in it.

Following the guidance of the game, James clicked the sickle shaped harvesting icon on the interface and began to slide. Pieces of wheat fell to the ground, slowly disappeared into the farmland, turned into a light and gathered in the warehouse in the lower right corner.

After the wheat is cut, six yellow bare squares are exposed on the ground. There is a character level information with the same avatar as Facebook in the upper left corner, which has also changed from 010 to 610.

The game guides James to open the warehouse. The 60 pieces of wheat he just harvested appear in the warehouse. Click the wheat and you can choose to sell or process. However, the processing button at this time is still gray.

James sold the wheat, and the gold coin in his upper right corner became 60.

Then, according to the guidance, James went to the store to buy six wheat seeds, and then sowed, watered and fertilized them on the empty ground, because during the guidance period, the wheat matured very quickly. It took only 10 minutes from germination to green leaves, and then to grow into mature wheat.

James, too, stared at the wheat on the screen and changed little by little until the wheat matured. James clicked on the toolbox below, found the sickle from inside and began to harvest the wheat.

At the moment when the wheat harvest was completed, James was filled with a sense of satisfaction and achievement. He felt that these wheat were cultivated by himself. Like a farmer, he cultivated this farmland by himself.

James is completely interested in this game. He feels that he has found the feeling of being a farmer in this game.

Many people like this feeling. As one of the most developed countries in the world, the United States is also one of the countries with the highest degree of urbanization in the world. Therefore, many people live in cities from small to large. Although rich summer camps and various after-school activities can also let many people get in touch with nature and go into rural areas during their school years, such an experience, It has always been rare and short-lived.

Therefore, many Facebook users, like James, who lived in the city since childhood, regardless of age, liked the game after they first came into contact with the game. From junior high school students to senior high school students, college students to all kinds of white-collar and gold-collar workers in the office building, they loved the game after they had a preliminary experience of the game.

Compared with the urban life they can see every day, it is really an unimaginable pleasure for them to experience the rural life like farmers. Everything is so fresh and interesting, from farming and planting vegetables to watering, fertilizing, weeding and weeding, and then stealing vegetables from friends\' homes.

Many of them, in order to complete various tasks in the game and obtain various props such as chemical fertilizer, dog food, rare seeds, gold coins, fences, fountains and houses, or simply to allow several more people in the friends list to steal vegetables, have invited their friends to open a farm, Or share information about the game in Facebook\'s circle of friends.

Eric, a high school student, is one of them. In order to get fertilizer in the game these two days, he has invited all Facebook friends in his class who have not opened a farm. Because his popularity is fairly good, many students have opened a farm at his invitation. Therefore, he has won dozens of bags of fertilizer rewarded in the game. It is precisely because of these fertilizers, He has now become the highest ranking person on the farm in his class.

That day, Eric, who had just come home from school to collect vegetables, received a Facebook friend application from banselina next door. The reason why he recognized her at a glance was that he had applied to add her friends several times before, but she refused. She didn\'t want to add her good friends now.

Although I don\'t know what Serena\'s purpose of adding her friends is, Eric passed her friend application.

Serena added her friends, but she didn\'t have the news she imagined. Her Facebook account just lay quietly in her friend list.

Eric, who didn\'t understand the reason, opened the game on Facebook to collect vegetables. At this time, he found that Serena had also opened the farm. Eric, who had a hunch in his heart, quickly opened his farm. Sure enough, in the news dynamic, Eric found Serena\'s news. Just a few seconds ago, she had just stolen 20 apples.

Erikton felt angry and cheated. When he opened the friends list, Serena\'s level was level 3, which was not worth mentioning compared with her level 10. Even if he stole it from her farm, he would still pay for it. Her crops were not worth his own money at all. The angry Erik directly sent a message back to Serena: "Serena, you added my friend just to steal my food. No way!"

After sending this message, Eric directly deleted Serena\'s friend, and the little fantasy he had about her in his mind completely disappeared.

Unlike Eric\'s "tragic" experience, Brandon, an it otaku in Silicon Valley, made an appointment with his long-time female colleague because of this game. The reason is that Brandon often visited her farm after seeing that her female colleague\'s Facebook account also opened the farm. However, it is different from the usual "thieves" who come to play in the autumn wind , every time he came, he weeded, Insecticided, fertilized and sent dog food.

He has ranked first in the friendliness list of female colleagues and friends, which has also made great progress in his relationship with the female colleague.

The appearance of happy farm has enabled many friends on Facebook who haven\'t been in touch for a long time to interact again, and the number of friends of many users has begun to grow. The design of this game is that the more friends, the more vegetables you can steal. Of course, the greater the rate of being stolen.

However, because the game has a revenue protection mechanism, no matter how friends steal it, they are sure to gain the most. In this case, all Facebook started crazy action of adding friends. From classmates to colleagues, neighbors to relatives, many people who didn\'t register with Facebook also joined Facebook because they played the game or were invited by others 。

The abnormal growth of Facebook user relations and registrations was soon noticed by Facebook\'s official operation and maintenance personnel. As an operation and maintenance personnel of Facebook, Owen\'s main work is to manage and analyze the daily statistics of Facebook\'s active users, registrations, user friends and so on.

These data are very important. Many times, from the changes of users\' activity curve and the number of users registered, we can find out whether there are any problems on Facebook in time.

Now, Owen found that the user growth curve of Facebook has changed significantly since a few days ago. As a social product with hundreds of millions of users, with the popularity and promotion of Facebook in the world, Facebook has hundreds of thousands of new registered users every day. However, even so, this curve still begins to rise, which shows that Facebook\'s user registration The number of people has increased significantly.

This situation has occurred many times since the establishment of Facebook. Every time the company makes big moves, such as Facebook entering a country or carrying out a new round of online promotion, the user curve will increase significantly. However, as far as he knows, the company has not prepared any new actions recently. If the company has any actions, it must be in advance Inform him of the meeting and let him make arrangements and responses.

According to his experience, the significant growth of users is not always a good thing. One of the reasons is that these growing users are not necessarily real users. They are likely to be a pile of spam accounts maliciously registered by some companies or competitors with robots.

There are many purposes for these companies to register these accounts. Some are to promote all kinds of advertisements, and some are to take a walk in garbage, rumors and even reactionary information. Every time these unknown accounts appear, the company needs to take great efforts to investigate and deal with them one by one at a high cost.

Although Facebook has gained more and more experience in preventing and dealing with these spam accounts in recent years, it is the so-called one foot higher and one foot higher. The means adopted by companies that register spam accounts are also becoming more and more sophisticated. Many times, simple analysis methods such as email IP can not determine whether this is a normal registered user or a spam account 。

Therefore, after discovering the abnormal growth of users, Owen quickly made a report with David, the superior operation and Maintenance Director, who also attached great importance to the matter and immediately convened all relevant personnel of the Department for investigation.

In the conference room of Facebook\'s operation and maintenance department, there are seven people. In addition to Owen and David, the other five people are also Facebook\'s operation and maintenance personnel.