Reborn multinational giant

Chapter 135

"Well, there\'s already news. Just before you came, I just talked to him on the phone. As of 20 o\'clock tonight, the game has more than 300000 registered users in eight hours.

However, in terms of user payment, it is still very few at present, and the total payment of all payment channels is less than $10000. "Li Yifei heard Fang Zhe\'s question and reported what he had just learned.

Fang zhe nodded. This situation was also expected. When he decided to make the overseas version of happy farm, he decided to redevelop the game.

This is also the reason why the game bought overseas copyright in November and has not been put into public beta until now. If it is only translated on the basis of the original, it will be online at the end of November and early December if it is later.

However, Fang zhe finally decided to carry out in-depth secondary development on the original basis. As a rebirth and game producer, Fang zhe has played countless types of games, and there are not a few farm management simulation games.

In Fang Zhe\'s eyes, this version of happy farm made in five minutes can only be regarded as a relatively low-level business cultivation game. The reason why it can catch fire is that it accounts for the rise of sns social games, and many ordinary users really play such games for the first time.

However, after more than a year, few people still play this game. One of the reasons is that many players are tired of this game. The second reason is that there is no interesting freshness in the playing method in the later stage of the game. In the later stage of the game, it is nothing more than constantly upgrading the land and changing more advanced seed planting land.

In the eyes of Fang Zhe, who has played many simulation business games, there is still a lot of room for enrichment and improvement. Let\'s say that compared with Farmville produced by overseas Zynga in previous generations.

It is also a farm operator. Farmville is far better than happy farm in terms of developing playing methods and depth. For example, in Farmville, in addition to seeds, vegetables, houses, dogs and other things in happy farm, there are all kinds of flowers, trees, fountains, fences, grass and other decorative props. In addition, There are harvesters, planters and other modern farm tools.

Compared with the generally uniform farm style of happy farm in China, "Farmville" has a higher degree of freedom. With a large number of props and costumes and free placement, each player\'s farm is unique.

Of course, this is also because the previous life Zynga only launched Farmville in June 2009. At that time, happy farm had been in public beta for more than half a year. Naturally, there is still much room for improvement on the basis of "learning".

Therefore, in Fang Zhe\'s place, it is naturally impossible to simply change the skin of the translation of happy farm and throw it abroad to take a chance. The current international version of happy farm is very different from the five minute domestic version in terms of picture and playing method.

In the initial novice stage, the international version of happy farm is more friendly and easier to retain users. In terms of later playing methods and cultivation depth, the domestic version of happy farm is not the same order of magnitude as the international version.

Of course, even if the international version of happy farm is translated into Chinese for export and domestic sales, Fang zhe still can\'t guarantee that it can beat the domestic version of happy farm, which is much simpler than it.

The reason is that this kind of game is basically enough to play one. According to the survey data published in the industry in the previous life, the vast majority of users of happy farm are Xiaobai users who have not contacted the game before.

Such users basically have preconceived psychology. Even if the international version of happy farm is done well, it has no great novelty since they have played the same type of games. Just like many people miss playing FC Board games when they were young, honey bee, super Mary and soul Douluo represent the youth and memories of a generation, Even if it is repeated many times and the picture is exquisite several times, what many people like is still the one in their memory.

"President Fang, such data?" Jiang Che also began to report to Li Yifei some time ago. Because he did not participate in the process of making plans with them at the beginning, he is very nervous about the data of this game.

This data can\'t be described as poor when it is put on their page game platform. It can only be said to be very poor. 300000 users pay less than $10000. What kind of garbage Arup value and payment rate can be easily exceeded by any game on their platform. He doesn\'t understand how Fang Zhe is optimistic about such a game.

Fang zhe understood what Li Yifei wanted to ask. He smiled and said, "the data is very good!"

"The data is very good?" Li Yifei was a little confused. What\'s good about the data for such a poor payment? Oh, it\'s good to count one user, 300000 users in 8 hours. But what\'s the use of having users without making money? Li Yifei was in a daze. Fang zhe stood up, walked over, patted him on the shoulder and said:

"Well, it\'s late today. You should go back from work early. The annual meeting will be held in two days. I heard you\'re going to sing a song at the annual meeting. How\'s your preparation?"

Li Yifei didn\'t expect Fang Zhe to worry about these at this time. However, it seems that Fang zhe knows the data of the game very well. Fang Zhe\'s calm state of mind also makes him feel uneasy and confused. He opened his mouth and replied:

"How can I have time to practice? I\'ve been busy worrying about the overseas launch of happy farm these two days. I talked to fun about customized game production the other day. Tomorrow I have to fly to Yangcheng to sign a contract with partners. Alas, I feel that I can\'t be busy with eight legs now."

"Do you want to unload your burden?" Fang zhe asked casually after listening to his complaint.

Li Yifei was slow for a second and said, "no, I don\'t worry about giving it to others. I think there is still a squeeze in time."

Fang zhe smiled. He also saw that Li Yifei didn\'t want to decentralize power, but at least he was also a vice president. Why worry about everything? He did everything himself. When the congregation became bigger and bigger in the future, he had to be tired to death.

Fang zhe enlightened: "you don\'t have to do everything by yourself. Why do you need so many employees? Like going to Yangcheng to sign a contract tomorrow, isn\'t it just an ordinary R & D provider? Why do you have to go by yourself."

Li Yifei explained, "their boss used to have something to do with me. It\'s not good for me not to go. In a few years, I\'m going to bring up our son Li Jie and sun Huifang. Then I can relax."

Fang zhe nodded and said, "you can decide who to mention. Just bring up the case at the personnel meeting in years. All right, come back early. I went to Zhangjiakou for a walk today. Now I\'m very sleepy."

Fang zhe himself is based on the principle of no doubt in the employment of people and no doubt in the use of people. When Li Yifei said these two people, he only had a little impression of Li Jie. His ability is really good. Since Li Yifei said these two people can, basically, their ability has not run away.

"How about President Lei?" Li Yifei asked curiously before going out. He also knew the reason why Fang zhe went to Zhangjiakou today. If possible, he also wanted to get to know president Lei.

"Very good," Fang zhe commented on two words, and then added, "you have energy."

Li Yifei heard it inexplicably. It\'s just good. What\'s the matter with enthusiasm? Can you still see a person\'s energy when skiing in a snow?