Reborn multinational giant

Chapter 134

If a few years later, everyone who has heard of Mr. Lei\'s "tuyere theory" will probably understand the answer.

Fang Zhe is no exception. The answer is, the direction or the situation makes heroes, and heroes should also be born according to the situation. In peacetime, there can be no war heroes. In the pig factory, it is impossible to come out nuclear weapons experts. If you go in the negative direction of the coordinate axis, you can never find a positive number.

Similarly, the past decade has been the most magnificent decade for China\'s Internet industry. In this decade, there are three areas with ceilings that far exceed other areas, namely e-commerce, social networking and search.

Since resigning for more than a year, Mr. Lei finally figured out one thing. The height of towering trees depends on the height of the sky. Since he chose the software industry with unlimited scenery at that time, it has been doomed that he stepped on the branch rather than the trunk of the Internet industry.

The most glorious era of the software industry is not now, but when Microsoft, IBM and apple competed in the global PC market before the Internet industry entered China.

At present, the wave of mobile Internet has swept the world, and the knot buried in Mr. Lei\'s heart also shows signs of loosening.

After listening to Fang Zhe\'s words, President Lei meditated for a moment and said, "you don\'t have to look at me. Times make heroes. Every hero\'s way is his own choice, whether he becomes a hero or a bear in the end."

Fang zhe didn\'t quite understand what President Lei meant. However, Professor Liu Yuxi, who was very familiar with President Lei, sighed: "you are also a man of Ben Si. Why? Now the Internet industry has long been the world of young people."

Professor Liu Yuxi said the young man and took a special look at Fang Zhe. In his opinion, Fang Zhe\'s achievements have been enough to prove the correctness of his words.

"What\'s the matter with Ben Si? Ah zhe just said that men have 41 flowers. Trees live on a skin and people fight for breath. I hope that in the future, I can retire in a beautiful way, instead of making others think I\'m running away. I gave Jinshan my youth, but there are still 20 years to go by the age of 60?

In the past 20 years, I\'ve been teasing cats and dogs all day, or asking a group of your friends to come out for tea, skiing and mountaineering every day? "In general Lei\'s tone, there is a rare spirit.

Fang zhe felt that in the blink of an eye, President Lei seemed to have changed a person. Maybe before, Fang zhe could feel a trace of decadence and loneliness from him, but now, it\'s like a waking giant lion awakened his pride in his heart.

Lin Xiaobin punched president Lei and said, "you can really toss around. Our friends, if you can use it, just say hello!"

After listening to them, Fang zhe also understood that his goal today seems to have achieved a lot. At least from the tone and attitude of President Lei, he seems to have been tossing and turning again to prove his ideas to the outside world.

Fang zhe said, "Dean Lin, flag can\'t be set up casually, otherwise president Lei will have to pull you as a coolie in the future!"

The three smiled and Mr. Lei said, "OK, we\'re here to ski today. As a result, we\'re standing here as cold as a few pieces of wood. We need to talk. When it\'s warm in spring, we\'ll find a sunny place to talk!"

As he said this, he stepped his ski shoes into the ski again, and slowly rowed to the track not far away with the strength of the ski poles on both sides. Professor Liu Yuxi greeted Fang Zhe and Lin Xiaobin, and they rowed together. The four began the skiing competition again.

Perhaps it was because of the first mover advantage that President Lei was the first to reach the bottom of the mountain. However, then they came up in the cable car and played the last game. They began to slide down almost at the same time. Fang zhe didn\'t mean to let them down. Finally, President Lei was the first to reach the end. Fang zhe thought, sure enough, the model worker recognized that it was a terrible existence.

Several people packed up their equipment and were ready to call back to the house. At this time, President Lei and the three of them saw Fang Zhe\'s car for the first time. When they came, Fang zhe just contacted them by telephone, so they came early and waited for them to come. Now when they saw Fang zhe driving Land Rover, the three of them believed more and more that Fang zhe said "five or six million dollars a month".

The three of them drove two cars. President Lin drove an ordinary Passat in front of them. President Lei drove a Mercedes Benz behind him. Professor Liu Yuxi sat in his co driver, and Fang zhe followed closely behind the two cars. The three cars returned to Yanjing from Zhangjiakou. It was desolate all the way because it was winter. There was nothing to see except the afterglow of the sunset and the slowly rotating wind turbine.

Three cars got off the expressway in Changping, Yanjing. Several people found a mutton soup shop in Changping, drank a few bowls of mutton soup and ate a few cakes. The chill accumulated in the body by skiing in the morning also completely disappeared.

It\'s still good to have a car. I\'m still skiing in Zhangjiakou hundreds of kilometers away in the morning and drinking mutton soup in the Yangtang store in Yanjing in the evening.

After dinner, Fang zhe said goodbye to them and went to the city. They were not on their way. Before leaving, Lei always called Fang Zhe and said that he hoped to go to Fang Zhe\'s company for learning and learning for some time. Fang zhe was extremely welcome.

At this time, it was more than 7 p.m. and it was dark. Fang Zhe, who was worried about the public beta of the international version of happy farm, drove directly to the company.


When Fang zhe arrived at the company, it was already more than 20 p.m., but at this time, the lights in Huizhong\'s office were still bright.

Many R & D personnel in the mobile game department are still working overtime, and many operators in the page game platform department are also busy at the station. Li Yifei, who had been waiting in the company for a long time, followed him into Fang Zhe\'s office at the first time he appeared.

Although Li Yifei was only responsible for the related business of the page tour platform and domestic page tour before, later, after the page tour platform made achievements, Li Yifei volunteered to participate in the operation of the company\'s overseas page tour project.

Fang zhe understands his mood and may have a little mind to claim power. More importantly, he still hopes to prove to Fang Zhe that he has the ability to do well in overseas business. At the beginning, Fang zhe said, "you don\'t have to worry about this", but it has always been a bitter hatred in his heart.

Considering that Jianghai studio is directly responsible for the R & D and operation of the international version of happy farm, after all, there are distance constraints. It is also troublesome for jiangche to communicate with Fang Zhe. Moreover, as a management employee who joined the company later, it is obviously inappropriate to put him on the same level with Li Yifei and Shen Liang.

Before, Jiang Che always reported to Zheng Siwen, but Zheng Siwen didn\'t know enough about the specific business. Even if he reported to him, Zheng Siwen still couldn\'t decide a lot of things and still had to find Fang Zhe to communicate.

Fortunately, when Li Yifei volunteered, Fang zhe made a decision and asked Jiang Che to report to Li Yifei. Since Li Yifei was responsible for the business related to the company\'s page tour platform, his achievements were obvious to all, and his ability was naturally no problem.

"How\'s it going? Has there been any news from jiangche?" Fang zhe asked directly as soon as he entered the office.

According to the plan, the public beta time of the international version of happy farm is 12 noon today and 0:00 a.m. U.S. time.