Reborn multinational giant

Chapter 133

"Why not? In the past, many industries in our country did this. Now the country\'s trillions of dollars of foreign exchange reserves are saved little by little by the ability of our" world factory. "

Professor Liu Yuxi can be said to be a scholar. He knows everything in the world without going out. He sees these things very thoroughly.

"What about the patent?" asked Mr. Lei.

Professor Liu Yuxi waved his hand and said, "Android is open source. Don\'t worry about most of the problems of the operating system first. When it comes to mobile phone parts, you find others to manufacture them. Many patents can\'t be held accountable to you. These things can only be repaired while doing. If you can get around them, you can get around them. If you can\'t get around them, you can spend money to buy them."

Lin Xiaobin also said: "there are so many mobile phone manufacturers in the south, and all kinds of fake mobile phone manufacturers are blooming everywhere. It should not be difficult to find a OEM enterprise with a complete production chain. The rare thing is to deliver a complete set of production design scheme, from the purchase and production of raw materials and parts to the final finished products. I\'m afraid I can\'t do these things without thoroughly understanding the mobile phone industry."

"More than that, it is more difficult to find our own positioning and advantages. Now, not to mention foreign countries, there are hundreds of domestic mobile phone manufacturers, large and small. The development of the market has always been big fish eating small fish. Without their own core competitiveness, they will be eliminated sooner or later," said Professor Liu Yuxi.

Fang zhe looked at the three people\'s discussion and said, "I think it\'s the best time to start a business and make a mobile phone."

Looking at the three people looking at themselves, Fang zhe continued: "Android has just come out, and there are many imperfections. One of them is localization. I think you, President Lin, should feel the most. The design of native Android is afraid that many places are not in line with our people\'s habits!"

Lin Xiaobin nodded and said: "indeed, the user experience of native Android is designed according to the aesthetics of Westerners, and many places are not in line with the habits of Chinese people. In addition, Android comes out in a hurry, and there are many design defects. If we can do secondary development for the domestic market, this alone is a very good advantage and selling point."

Fang zhe smiled, more than advantages. Xiaomi\'s MIUI operating system can be said to be the best user experience among these domestic mobile phone manufacturers. This is also a major selling point of Xiaomi\'s mobile phones in previous generations.

President Lei nodded, shook his head and said, "this depends on both team quality and luck. If you can do it, other mobile phone manufacturers can do it, and the overall advantage is not big."

Fang zhe didn\'t expect that President Lei didn\'t agree with this. It seems that there is still a big gap between his current state of mind and his previous life when making mobile phones. Therefore, Fang zhe continued to explain:

"The software industry now talks about open source and iteration. The advantage of a small team is that it can iterate quickly. The concept of upgrading the system after selling the former non intelligent machine is very weak.

Now when making smart phones, the content and user experience of one version and the next version are different. By comparison, small teams can quickly try and make mistakes, the market response is sensitive, and a little advantage is accumulated. The user experience is easy to be a big company. "

Professor Liu Yuxi agreed: "ah Zhe\'s idea is very good. How can he be perfect in making products at once? As long as he can do it well and communicate with users more, small companies may not be able to be big companies.

Large companies have a long cycle, many redundancies and too many things to consider. In fact, they are often trivial things. There is no need to delve into these things at the beginning of the rapid iteration of the product. "

Lei and Lin Xiaobin nodded thoughtfully. Fang zhe wanted to continue to talk about the development and growth strategies of Xiaomi in previous generations, such as cost-effective Internet sales. Instead, he thought he couldn\'t get rid of all the old people at once. He didn\'t know much. Later, he pretended to force him in front of Lei and established himself young and promising in his heart, It\'s better to know less before they have an excellent image and their relationship goes further.

So next, Fang zhe changed his mind.

He opened his mouth and said: "as the saying goes, the times create heroes. Now the smart phone business is breaking out all over the world, and the mobile Internet is beginning to be popularized all over the world. This is an opportunity for big companies like Samsung and apple to overtake Nokia in the corner. For many start-ups, it is also an opportunity to step into this industry.

There are Microsoft and apple in the PC era, Yahoo, Google, Tencent, Alibaba and Baidu in the era of the Internet. Social networks have sprung up a few years ago, and foreign Facebook, MySpace, domestic Kaixin and campus networks are all hot now. Each of these companies was a start-up company at that time, and no one would have expected that they would grow to this point. "

Professor Lin Xiaobin and Professor Liu Yuxi couldn\'t help looking at President Lei when Fang zhe finished talking. At this time, President Lei stood there thoughtfully.

Fang zhe didn\'t expect that his words combined with Zheng Siwen\'s "pulse of the times" and President Lei\'s "tuyere theory" would deeply touch president Lei. His friends who are familiar with him probably know that President Lei has a heart knot in the past two years, which is also one of the reasons why he chose to resign as CEO of Jinshan.

Back in college, President Lei made millions by cooperating with others to write encryption software. He graduated from university and entered Jinshan at the age of 22 and became the general manager of Jinshan at the age of 29. He is in his prime and promising young.

That year, it was 1998. At that time, Tencent Ali was just a low-income start-up company. Er Ma asked him for investment in order to keep the company alive, but he refused.

At that time, the Internet wave swept China, and President Lei was not just a spectator. In early 1999, Jinshan established the excellence network business department. When it was just established, excellence network was just a software download website. Later, President Lei found that the imagination space of the software download website was really insufficient, and Jinshan was always subsidizing and burning money, There is no reliable profit model at all.

In 2000, went out independently and Mr. Lei became the main investor. The website also began to transform into e-commerce. It started from books, audio-visual products in imitation of foreign Amazon and launched the slogan of "being China\'s Amazon".

When Alibaba\'s Taobao was just established in 2003, excellence has become the largest B2C e-commerce website in China. However, like JD, which later developed as a B2C, excellence still doesn\'t make money despite its quarterly sales of more than 100 million, and has to live by financing.

In this case, sold to Amazon for more than 70 million US dollars in 2004. At that time, Taobao\'s business starting from C2C was booming with eBay China eBay, which also did C2C business.

The sale of excellence not only allowed Mr. Lei to achieve financial freedom, but also brought his deep cultivation in the Internet industry to an abrupt end.

At the same time, President Lei has devoted his whole youth to Jinshan. In 1998, he was the leader in the domestic software industry. He planned to go public in 1999 and lasted until 2007. In eight years, Jinshan\'s once top scenery has disappeared. Tencent Alibaba Baidu, as a rising star, has now become the focus of attention in the Internet industry.

Tencent and Baidu have also been listed long before Jinshan and created a remarkable wealth myth. The second horse, which he rejected in the past, has now far surpassed him in the industry. This change and gap makes Mr. Lei feel tired.

Therefore, after the listing of Jinshan, Mr. Lei felt that he had laid down his burden for many years and finally handed in an answer sheet to shareholders and all employees. In the past two years, he has also been looking for the reasons for all this. In terms of excellence, Mr. Lei thinks he is no worse than anyone in two horses and one li. In terms of effort, Mr. Lei has the title of Internet model worker, The effort will never be less than any of them.

So, why? Why do people who have not been as good as themselves and who have not worked as hard as themselves surpass themselves in achievement? This problem has always been a knot buried in the heart of President Lei.