Reborn multinational giant

Chapter 130

Fang zhe saw Mr. Lei\'s interested eyes and knew he was on the point.

The purpose of Fang Zhe\'s coming to Lei is not to invest like other entrepreneurs, but simply to get to know him. In addition, if the conditions are appropriate, guide him to start Xiaomi as soon as possible.

Even if Huizhong now has a monthly revenue of more than 100 million, Fang zhe will soon become a rich man worth more than 100 million. Fang zhe never thought that he would open a company to make mobile phones. At most, if he had the opportunity, he would participate in individual shares.

The reason is also very simple and difficult. This difficulty not only refers to the difficulty of making mobile phones, but also refers to the effort to make mobile phones. President Lei is known as a model worker in the Internet industry and is often the last one to leave the company. This situation is even more serious after he founded Xiaomi. Many times, Xiaomi employees disclosed on the Internet that they can meet President Lei in the company at 3 or 4 a.m, It is conceivable that Mr. Lei has paid much energy to do a good job of Xiaomi company.

Although Fang zhe has the advantage of being a reborn person, it does not mean that he can do a good job in mobile phones. Perhaps he may have this idea a few years earlier. However, now the global smartphone war has slowly begun. It is impossible for start-up mobile phone companies to catch up without paying 200% of their energy.

And now as a mobile phone, although Fang Zhe\'s identity as a reborn person has certain advantages, it is not a key advantage of the mobile phone industry. Whether it is technology or patent, it requires huge investment and energy to polish it slowly.

Fang zhe has planned to do a good job in mobile Internet. Now he has made a good start. In the spirit of not having both fish and bear\'s paw, the meat of mobile phone can only be left to others.

However, if this person has a better relationship with himself, and if the company has a little relationship with himself, it will be of great benefit whether it is profit return or helping him do a good job of mobile mutual benefit network, which is also the reason why Fang zhe took the initiative to get to know general Lei.

His ability is indeed the only one in the industry. In those years, there were many people and companies making mobile phones in China, but the final achievement was ok, just Xiaomi founded by President Lei. Other hammers plus 360 are not climate!

"Part of our company\'s business is mobile game development, mainly operating games on Apple\'s app store. In addition, I will also consider making some mobile applications in the next few years." Fang Zhe\'s answer interested all three.

Lin Xiaobin first asked, "your company has started Apple development? I\'m afraid not many people in China know about iPhones, let alone Apple development."

Liu Yuxi also interrupted: "I also know a little about the Appstore you said. I only know that it is a third-party developer app store on Apple\'s iPhone. I just don\'t know what the benefits of the above games are?"

"OK, the top game can still make some money." Fang zhe replied modestly.

When President Lei heard this, he smiled and said, "I can consider investing in your company. It\'s rare that there are apple developers in China now. Both games and applications are interlinked in technology."

Mr. Lei just thought that Fang zhe came with them today to find his own investment. After getting along with them, he also felt that Fang zhe was good. Now I heard that he still worked as a "mobile Internet", so he planned to sell his old friend Liu Yuxi and senior student Yan Xiao for face.

Young people should always give them a chance to try. One or two million pairs of themselves who have long realized financial freedom are nothing. For young people like Fang Zhe and start-up companies, they are different.

Fang zhe smiled. It seemed that Lei always misunderstood his meaning. He opened his mouth and explained:

"Mr. Lei, the era of mobile Internet has just come. I think other start-ups may need your investment more than we do. To tell you the truth, our company has made some money from several games operating on the Appstore. In addition, our company has other businesses, so there is no pressure on capital for the time being."

When Liu Yuxi heard this, he thought that Fang zhe was so unintelligible. President Lei was willing to invest in him and gave him a lot of face. Listening to his tone, he seemed to want more money. He didn\'t believe how much profit Yan Xiao could make from the company he had just opened for a few months.

According to the general situation of startups in the Internet industry, more than 90% of Internet startups are not profitable in the first year. A year later, almost all those who can\'t finance are dead.

After listening to Fang Zhe\'s words, President Lei smiled and didn\'t say anything. A person of his identity just mentioned a few words, and he didn\'t want to ask anything. He turned his head and chatted with Liu Yuxi. Lin Xiaobin, standing next to him, was interested. He asked:

"Oh? I\'m curious. How much money did your company make on the app store? I don\'t know. It\'s inconvenient for you to disclose it, Mr. Fang?

Our Google Android Market has been tested online for several months, and there have been only a few hundred free applications. I heard from President Li that it may be allowed to upload paid applications in February this year, but I don\'t know how the benefits will be? "

Lin Xiaobin\'s words reminded Fang Zhe that the Android camp is the largest app store in foreign countries, Google play. Now it is also called Android Market, which is also the Android Market in Chinese translation. However, in recent months, this app store is still in the test period, and there are only a few hundred free applications on it.

Fang zhe forgot when it was allowed to upload paid applications in his previous life, so he just let the company\'s people stare. In addition, the technology side stepped up its research on how to release Android programs. He didn\'t want to get the news from Lin Xiaobin now. It seems that he has to pay close attention to the time deployment when he goes back.

At present, Fang zhe didn\'t want to think about it carefully. He looked at Lin Xiaobin and said, "of course, it\'s convenient. These data are not a secret. Our company currently operates two games on the app store, one free and the other paid. The monthly flow of these two games adds up to about $56 million!"

"Oh, five or six million, that\'s OK!" Lin Xiaobin subconsciously replied, suddenly opened his eyes and asked loudly, "wait, you said five or six million dollars?"

Lei Zong and Liu Yuxi, who were originally chatting, looked at each other in surprise. The three stared at Fang zhe tightly. Lei Zong asked unconfirmed, "what\'s five or six million? Is it the total revenue of ah Zhe\'s company?"

At this time, Lei always thought that if Fang Zhe\'s company has a revenue of $56 million up to now, it is indeed a company with great potential. According to Liu Yuxi, Fang Zhe\'s company has only been established for a few months, and it is very valuable for investment to achieve this revenue in such a short time.

When Lei Jun asked this, he remembered the word "US dollar" just shouted by Lin Xiaobin, and then remembered Fang Zhe\'s saying that their company operates games on the Appstore. Has their company had a revenue of US $56 million in overseas business alone since its establishment? That\'s thirty or forty million yuan! How many startups can achieve this revenue in a few months?

"No, what total revenue! What he just said is monthly flow, that is, monthly revenue!" Lin Xiaobin refuted president Lei.

"The monthly revenue is US $56 million? Good guy, that\'s US $30 million or US $40 million!" Professor Liu Yuxi is not calm at the moment. Darling, didn\'t Lao Yan say that he is a student who has just started a business? I\'m afraid it\'s the reverse of what I said to help my old classmate!