Reborn multinational giant

Chapter 129

Zhangjiakou, Wanlong ski resort, intermediate track peak, Fang Zhe, general manager Lei who has resigned as CEO of Jinshan, Lin Xiaobin, vice president of Google China Engineering Research Institute, and Liu Yuxi, Professor of Yanjing University of technology, four people gathered together to have a rest and chat.

Fang zhe didn\'t expect to meet Lin Xiaobin, one of the future co founders of Xiaomi here. It seems that President Lei had close contacts with him long before he founded Xiaomi. Liu Yuxi, a professor at Yanjing University of technology, is a classmate of teacher Yan Xiao and an introducer for Fang Zhe to meet Lei Jun this time. Compared with Yan Xiao and President Lei, they only know each other, The relationship between Liu Yuxi and general manager Lei is much more familiar.

"Ah Zhe, I didn\'t expect you to ski very well. You haven\'t wrestled once. It seems that you\'ve practiced before?" Liu Yuxi was entrusted by his friends and knew that Fang zhe had opened a company in Yanjing. However, he thought Fang Zhe always wanted to know Lei and invest. Now Lei resigned as CEO of Jinshan and became a full-time angel investor, Therefore, every time yoray always comes out to play, he can always meet one or two young people.

"Well, I\'ve played several times before, otherwise I wouldn\'t dare to compete with you!" although Fang Zhe\'s first skiing came back from his rebirth, he has played several times in his previous life, so skiing technology can be regarded as entering the house.

"I\'ll tell you, I can\'t catch up with Xiaobin after driving for a long time. I\'m afraid of falling and don\'t dare to catch up too fast. It\'s better to be young. I\'m going to fall twice and I\'m going to lie in the hospital tomorrow." at this time, President Lei with a Xiantao accent interrupted.

Fang zhe smiled and said, "Mr. Lei, as the saying goes, men have 41 flowers. You and President Lin, now is the most masculine time!"

"I\'ll forget it. I spend my head in the research institute all day. Thank God I can keep these hair on my head!" Lin Xiaobin, who is on the side, is technical, but speaks with great humor.

At this time, Fang zhe was no longer excited to see President Lei, a legendary figure at that time. Although the three of them were a round older than themselves, Fang Zhe\'s psychological age was not young after all, and he had the same technical background, so he could find a lot of common questions.

Fang zhe heard that Lin Xiaobin mentioned the Research Institute, so he followed it: "President Lin, in fact, I\'m very curious. What projects do you Google China Research Institute and Microsoft China Research Institute usually study? I just heard that many technology giants came from your two places."

"More than just coming out, these two places are the Huangpu Military Academy in our domestic software industry." before Lin Xiaobin spoke, Liu Yuxi put in a mouth first.

"Whampoa Military Academy is not. After all, Google and Microsoft are well-known multinational companies in the world, so whether they come in or go out, they have some foundation.

To say that our work is not much different from that of ordinary Internet companies, but it may look more awesome with the reputation of a research institute! "

Lin Xiaobin\'s answer is very straightforward. The R & D Department of large domestic companies always likes to build a reputation of a research institute to attract talents. In fact, at Google headquarters in the United States, few people say the title of Google China Research Institute. On the contrary, it is Google\'s x laboratory, which is the most mysterious and admired department in the hearts of their Google internal employees.

"Do your domestic teams participate in the development of Android?" the person asking this question was not Fang Zhe, but President Lei standing aside.

Fang zhe glanced at him. It seems that before he founded Xiaomi, he had done a lot of research on the smartphone industry, but it\'s not surprising that Lei always dared to make mobile phones in the domestic environment at that time. How could he not do enough homework.

"Android development in China only accounts for a small part of our work, which is mainly to do things such as localization and compatibility. The real foundation is still in the US headquarters!" after Lin Xiaobin said this answer, Fang zhe seemed to hear Lei sigh. He said:

"In China, we did everything late. The operating system didn\'t catch up, and the Internet was connected later than others. Later, I followed Lao Qiu to make computer software, which was also behind Microsoft.

Two days ago, the three major operators only got the 3G operation license, but in fact, when I went to the United States some time ago, 3G was almost popularized in other people\'s side. Sometimes I think, do you say that we Chinese don\'t have the ability to innovate, or do you say that we can only copy others behind others? "

After hearing this, Liu Yuxi felt the same: "our foundation is still poor. In 1998, our hospital will help a state-owned unit design a batch of equipment. It is hoped that we can make our own products.

But after research and demonstration, many of our spare parts can\'t be made at all. The gap between our industrial quality and foreign countries is too large. Finally, most of the key parts have to be imported from abroad. You say we haven\'t understood it yet. How can we study new things? Step by step, step by step, so we fall into a dead cycle. "

Lin Xiaobin smiled and said: "It can\'t be said that we are trapped in a dead circle. In the past, there was something abroad that may appear in China in a few years. Now there is something abroad that can be found in China in a few months. Let\'s not say that we are more than abroad, at least we don\'t fall behind. Just like now, several major companies in the United States are engaged in smart phones, and ZTE Huawei cool Lenovo in China are also doing the first a Ndroid mobile phone, or our treasure island HTC! "

After listening to them for a long time, Fang zhe finally had a chance to speak: "I personally feel that now is the best time to start a business and make a smart phone!"

The eyes of the three gathered on Fang Zhe, and their thoughts were different. Liu Yuxi heard Fang zhe say this and guessed that his classmate\'s student didn\'t want to start a business and make a mobile phone? I\'m afraid it\'s difficult to pull down investment from President Lei. After all, mobile phones are not something anyone can do casually. Therefore, he asked, "ah Zhe, I heard Lao Yan say, what do you do when you open a company in Yanjing?"

Fang zhe looked at the three people with interested eyes and said, "play games."

Finally, Fang zhe added: "also do mobile Internet."

"Making mobile Internet?" the one who asked this was president Lei standing among several people. Originally, he had no interest in listening to Fang Zhe\'s first half of playing games. They also played games in Jinshan, just to make money. However, when he heard Fang zhe say doing mobile Internet in the second half of the sentence, his mind became active.

He also guessed from the bottom of his heart that they came out to play today. Liu Yuxi also specially took such a young man. It is likely that he was looking for his own investment. Such a situation has often happened since it was reported that he became an angel investor. Which friend asked him to eat, go out to climb the mountain and swim. Nine times out of ten, he may be looking for his own investment.

This is not to say that all the friends he makes are powerful, but he is very happy to come out and have one or two young people. In this way, he can see if there are any good projects. He can expand his thinking. He often stays with young people, and he feels a lot younger.

At present, Fang zhe just mentioned the words "mobile Internet", which made him interested in investment, but he never thought whether Fang zhe needed his investment or not.